I'm just a shepherd

"I'm just a shepherd who has lost his flock" says writer Jón Kalman Stefánsson. Although he has released two major novels in recent years – Himnaríki og Helvíti / Heaven and Hell and Harmur englanna / Sorrow of Angels – he remains adamantly silent on his current work-in-progress.

  • Jón Kalman - video

"I'm just a shepherd who has lost his flock" says writer Jón Kalman Stefánsson. Although he has released two major novels in recent years – Himnaríki og Helvíti / Heaven and Hell and Harmur englanna / Sorrow of Angels – he remains adamantly silent on his current work-in-progress. Instead, this interview sees Stefánsson elaborate on the role of nature in his work, Iceland´s financial meltdown and the taboo on discussing unfinished work.

Information about Jón Kalman.

Interview, Editing: Þorsteinn J.

Cinematography: Bjarni Felix Bjarnason

Sound: Hjörtur Svavarsson

Music: Oliver Messiaen, Oraison

Translation: Anna Yates

Translation of excerpt from Harmur Englanna / Sorrow of Angels: Philip Roughton