Translators from Icelandic

A list of active translators from Icelandic into several languages, some information about them and their translations.


Silvia Cosimini - Italian Ítalska


Silvia Cosimini, Tuscan born, graduated in Germanic Philology at the University of Florence with a thesis on Old Icelandic. She resided in Iceland from 1992 to 1996 and graduated in Icelandic for Foreigners at the University of Iceland. She attended a Master in translation of English Literature at Venice University and the specialization course Translating Literature in Misano Adriatico.

For the last twenty years she's been working as a translator of Icelandic contemporary and medieval literature and translated works by all the most prominent contemporary Icelandic authors; she has also curated collections of poetry, Icelandic folklore and medieval Icelandic literature.

In 2011 she won the National Prize for Translation by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Affairs and in 2019 was awarded Orðstír, a recognition from the President of Iceland.

She has translated many novels from all the most prominent Icelandic authors, including Halldór Laxness, Arnaldur Indriðason, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Bergsveinn Birgisson, Andri Snær Magnason, Svava Jakobsdóttir, Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir, Fríða Ísberg among others.

Selected Translations


  • Arnaldur Indriðason, La voce, TEA ,2023
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson, La tua assenza è tenebra, Iperborea, Milano 2022
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Crepitio di stelle, Iperborea, Milano 2020
  • Andri Snær Magnason, Il tempo e l‘acqua, Iperborea, Milano 2020
  • Tyrfingur Tyrfingsson, I mangiatori di patate, PAV, Fabulamundi Playwriting Europe, 2020
  • Ófeigur Sigurðsson, Jón, Safarà Edizioni, Pordenone 2020
  • Bergsveinn Birgisson, Il vichingo nero, Iperborea, Milano 2019
  • Sjón, Mánasteinn. Il ragazzo che non è mai stato, Federico Tozzi Editore, Saluzzo 2019
  • Svava Jakobsdóttir, L'affittuario, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2019
  • Halldóra Thoroddsen, Doppio vetro, Iperborea, Milan 2019
  • Bergsveinn Birgisson, Risposta a una lettera da Helga, Bompiani, Milano 2018
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Storia di Ásta, Iperborea, Milano 2018
  • Andri Snær Magnason, Lo scrigno del tempo, Giunti, Firenze 2018
  • Jón R. Hjálmarsson, Altante leggendario delle strade islandesi, Milano, Iperborea 2017
  • Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir, Terreni, Safarà Edizioni, Pordenone 2016
  • Fiabe islandesi, Iperborea, Milano 2016 (ed.)
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Grande come l'universo, Iperborea, Milano 2016
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson, I pesci non hanno gambe, Iperborea, Milano 2015
  • Laxdæla saga, Iperborea, Milano 2015 (ed.)
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Il cuore dell'uomo, Iperborea, Milano 2014
  • Hallgrímur Helgason, La donna a mille gradi, Mondadori, Milano 2014
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Tutto si desta con un bacio, Scritturapura, Asti 2013
  • Arnaldur Indriðason, Sfida cruciale, Guanda, Milano 2013
  • Sigurður Pálsson, È accogliente, la mia casa, MobyDick, Faenza 2013 (ed.)
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Luce estiva, poi scende la notte, Iperborea, Milano 2013
  • Bragi Ólafsson, Gli animali domestici, La Linea, Bologna 2013
  • Arnaldur Indriðason, Le abitudini delle volpi, Guanda, Milano 2013


.... and more. See complete list of translations



Tapio Koivukari - Finnish Finnska

Tapio Koivukari was born in Rauma, Finland, at 1959. He is a Finnish writer and translator. He graduated from Helsinki University in 1987 and holds a Master´s degree in Theology.

At that time he started his literary career and immigrated to Iceland, worked as a craftsman and finally as a woodcraft teacher in the Elementary School of Ísafjörður. He has learned Icelandic language mostly by self-education and experience – not least with his Icelandic spouse.

Tapio moved to his hometown at 1993 with his Icelandic family and has lived there ever since, but visits Iceland regularly. He has written novels, short stories, poetry and drama – mostly historical novels from the Finnish West coast, and a couple of novels from Iceland from the 17th century. He has translated Icelandic literature into Finnish and in 2020 his translation on Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur by Jón Kalman Stefánsson was nominated for Agricola-award, the most respected translation award in Finland.

His poetry collection Innfirðir, originally composed in Icelandic, was published in Iceland in 2020. 

Selected Translations

  • Fríða Ísberg: Merkintä Merking (2023)
  • Andri Snær Magnason: Ajasta ja vedestä Um tímann og vatnið (2020)
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Jäämies Myrkrið veit (2020)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Nimeni on Isbjörg: olen leijona Ég heiti Ísbjörg (Like, 1992)
  • Guðmundur Andri Thorsson: Veriveljet Íslenski draumurinn (Like, 1993)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Metsän tyttö Stúlkan í skóginum (Like, 1994)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Kannastie 7 Grandavegur 7 (Like, 1995)
  • Friðrik Erlingsson: Ritari Benjamin Kyyhkynen Benjamin Dúfa (Otava, 1996)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Z: rakkaustarina Z- ástarsaga (Like, 1997)
  • Thórarinn Eldjárn: Sininen torni Brotahöfuð (Like, 1999)
  • Einar Kárason: Revontulet Norðurljós (Like, 2000)
  • Guðbergur Bergsson: Joutsen Svanurinn (Like, 2001)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Hiljaisuus Þögnin (Like, 2002)
  • Einar Kárason: Miekkakäräjät Óvinafagnaður (Johnny Kniga, 2003)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Valosta valoon Frá ljósi til ljóss (Johnny Kniga, 2004)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Sydän, kuu ja sinilinnut Hjarta, tungl og bláir fuglar(Johnny Kniga, 2006)
  • Vigdís Grímsdóttir: Kun tähti putoaa Þegar stjarna hrapar (WSOY, 2007)
  • Andri Snær Magnason: Aika-arkku Tímakistan (Aula 2017)
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Petsamo (Blue Moon 2018)
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Kaloilla ei ole jalkoja Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur (Aviador 2019)


  • Gerður Kristný: Verikavio. Blóðhófnir Runoteos. (Savukeidas, 2013)
  • Thóra Jónsdóttir: Yhden hengen teltta. Eins manns tjald Runokokoelma. (Palladium Kirjat, 2014)
  • Gerður Kristný: Surmavirsi Drápa (Væntanleg hjá Enostone fyrir haustið 2019)


  • Hávar Sigurjónsson: Olen jäätä. Olen leijona. Eftir Ísbjörgu Vigdísar Grímsdóttur, bæjarleikhúsið í Kokkola 1995.
  • Karl Águst Úlfsson: Kultapoika. Ættlarlaukur, Útvarpsleikhúsið 13.4.2003.
  • Bjarni Jónsson: Unipyörä. Svefnhjólið, Útvarpsleikhúsið 2005.
  • Árni Ibsen: Haavi auki. Fiskar á þurru landi. Leikhúsið í Uusikaupunki 13.9.2008


Victoria Cribb - English Enska

Victoria Cribb (MA, Scandinavian Studies, UCL; BPhil, Icelandic as a Foreign Language, University of Iceland) spent a number of years travelling and working in Iceland before becoming a full-time translator in 2002.

Selected Translations

She has translated more than 30 books by Icelandic authors including Sjón, Arnaldur Indriðason, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Ragnar Jónasson, Gyrðir Elíasson and Andri Snær Magnússon, and poetry by Gerður Kristný. A number of these works have been nominated for prizes. Recent nominations include CoDex 1962 by Sjón, long-listed for the 2019 Best Translated Book Award (Fiction), and the PEN America Translation Prize, and The Darkness by Ragnar Jónasson, short-listed for the UK's 2019 Petrona Award for the Best Scandinavian Crime Novel of the Year. Another of her Sjón translations, In the Mouth of the Whale, was short-listed for the UK's 2012 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the 2013 International Dublin Literary Award, and her translation of Yrsa Sigurðardóttir's The Silence of the Sea won the UK's 2015 Petrona Award for Best Scandinavian Crime Novel of the Year. In 2017 she received the Orðstír honorary translation award in recognition of her contribution to the translation of Icelandic literature. She now lives in Vienna, Austria.


Júlían Meldon D´Arcy - English Enska

Julian Meldon D'Arcy has postgraduate degrees from the universities of Lancaster and Aberdeen in the United Kingdom and has lived and worked as an academic in Iceland for more than forty years, eventually becoming Professor of English Literature at the University of Iceland. Apart from teaching modern British, American, and Scottish literature (on which he has published two books), he has also translated into English a variety of Icelandic publications, including novels, short stories, poetry, folklore, local histories and nature books, as well as children's fiction, song lyrics and television and feature film subtitles/screenplays. 

Selected Translations

  • 2024: Icelandic Nobility [Íslenskur aðall] by Thórbergur Thórdarson. Reykjavík: ForlagiðUniversity of Iceland Press.
  • 2022: Ólgublóð / Restless Blood (with Ástráður Eysteinsson). Dual- language edition of a selection of poems by Hannes Hafstein) Reykjavík: Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute &
  • 2018: Fairy Tales and Legends – A Journey: ICELAND, by Helmut Hinrichsen (collator) and Max Schmid (photographer). Salenstein (Switzerland): Benteli Publishing. [Folklore]

  • 2018: “A Day in the Life of a Child,” by Rúnar Helgi Vignisson, in The Radiance of the Short Story: Fiction from around the Globe, ed. Maurice A. Lee and Aaron Penn. Lee and Penn Publishing, pp. 482-87. [Fiction]
  • 2017: “Travelling Companion,” by Rúnar Helgi Vignisson, in Out of the Blue: New Short Fiction from Iceland, ed. Helen Mitsios. Minneapolis & London: University of Minneapolis Press, pp. 116-25. [Fiction]
  • 2017: Lífæðin / Lifeline, by Pepe Brix & Arnþór Gunnarsson. Reykjavík: Vaka       Helgafell. [History of fishing industry in S.E. Iceland]
  • 2016: The Glaciers of Iceland: A Historical, Cultural and Scientific Overview, by Helgi Björnsson. Amsterdam: Atlantis Press. [Geology]
  • 2014: Of Icelandic Nobles and Idiot Savants, by Þórbergur Þórðarson. With Introduction & Notes. (With Hallberg Hallmundsson). Reykjavík: Brú. [Autofiction]
  • 2014: Egil's Saga: An Icelandic Classic, by Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir & Halldór     Baldursson (with Philip Roughton). Illustrated. London: Real Reads. [Children's book].
  • 2012: The Story of the Blue Planet, by Andri Snær Magnason. Illustrated. New    York: Seven Stories Press; London: Pushkin Press.  [Winner of the UK      Literacy Association Prize for Best Children's Book of the Year, 7-11 Year-  olds, 2013]
  • 2012: The Stones Speak, by Þórbergur Þórðarson. With Introduction & Notes. Reykjavík: Mál og Menning. [Autofiction]
  • 2011: Hlíðargötur / Sideroads, by Jónas Þorbjarnason. Dual language edition      (with Ástráður Eysteinsson). Reykjavík: Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute for    Foreign Languages & University of Iceland Press. [Poetry]
  • 2000: The Lodger and Other Stories, by Svava Jakobsdóttir. Reykjavík:     University of Iceland Press. [Fiction]


Tatjana Latinović - Croatian Króatíska Serbian Serbneska

Tatjana Latinović has lived in Iceland since 1994. She holds degrees in English and German languages and literature from Croatia and Icelandic and literature at the University of Iceland. She is a VP of Intellectual Property at Embla Medical, international medical device company headquartered in Iceland. Over the years, she has served on various boards and committees related to science and innovation.

Tatjana has been a human rights activist, focusing on feminist and immigrant issues, ever since she moved to Iceland. She is the current President of Icelandic Women‘s Rights Association, the first immigrant to be elected chair of IWRA since its founding in 1907.

Selected Translations

Translator of Icelandic literature from Icelandic to Croatian and Serbian.


Published works in Serbian:

  • Skugga-Baldur, Sjón (Ptičje mleko). Geopoetika, Belgrade 2005.
  • Mýrin, Arnaldur Indriðason (Močvara). Booka, Belgrade 2013.
  • Grafarþögn, Arnaldur Indriðason (Grobna tišina). Booka, Belgrade 2014.
  • Jarðnæði, Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir (Prostori). Heliks, Smederevo 2017.
  • Skáldsaga um Jón, Ófeigur Sigurðsson (Priča o Jonu). Heliks, Smederevo 2017.
  • Röddin, Arnaldur Indriðason (Glas anđela). Booka, Belgrade 2017.
  • Tvöfalt gler, Halldóra Thoroddsen (Dvostruko staklo). Heliks, Smederevo 2019.
  • Milli trjánna, Gyrðir Elíasson (Među drvećem). Heliks, Smederevo 2020.
  • · Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur, Jón Kalman Stefánsson (Ribe nemaju noge). Heliks, Smederevo 2021.
  • · Ör, Auður Ava Ólafsdótir (Hotel Tišina). Odiseja, Belgrade, 2022.
  • · Ungfrú Ísland, Auður Ava Ólafsdótir (Mis Islanda). Heliks, Smederevo 2022.

Published works in Croatian

  • Heimsskautasirkus, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir (Polarni cirkus). Versopolis for Goranovo Proljeće Festival, Croatia, 2015.
  • Skugga-Baldur, Sjón (Plava lisica). v/b/z Zagreb, 2016.
  • Englar alheimsins, Einar Már Guðmundsson (Svemirski anđeli). Hena, Zagreb, 2019.
  • Ör, Auður Ava Ólafsdótir (Hotel Tišina). Sandorf, Zagreb, 2020.
  • Mánasteinn: drengurinn sem aldrei var til, Sjón (Kameni dječak). v/b/z Zagreb, 2023

Unpublished works (but presented in literary and poetry gatherings in Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina) of works of Icelandic authors Andri Snær Magnason, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Bjarni Bjarnason og Huldar Breiðfjörð. 


Bence Patat - Hungarian Ungverska

MA in Scandinavian Studies, ELTE University, Budapest (1994–2000).

MA in Finnish language and culture, ELTE University, Budapest (1994–2000).

University of Tromsø, Norway (1997), NTNU University, Trondheim, Norway (1998–1999, Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands (1999), University of Tartu, Estonia (2003).

Language skills: Norwegian (advanced), Finnish (advanced), Icelandic (advanced), Estonian (advanced), English (advanced), German (advanced), French (advanced), Italian (advanced), Luxemburgish (intermediate).

Selected Translations

  • Björnsdóttir, Sigríður Hagalín: Tüzek (Eldarnir). Cser Kiadó, Budapest, 2023.
  • Björnsdóttir, Sigríður Hagalín: A szent szó (Hið heilaga orð). Cser Kiadó, Budapest (to be published in 2021).
  • Björnsdóttir, Sigríður Hagalín: A sziget (Eyland). Cser Kiadó, Budapest, 2019.
  • Dagbjartsdóttir, Vilborg: Versek (Poems). In: Észak, 8/2020.
  • Eldjárn, Sigrún: Elveszett szemek (Týndu augun). Pongrác Kiadó, Budapest, 2013.
  • Elíasson, Gyrðir: A fák között (Milli trjánna). Polar Könyvek, Budapest, 2022.
  • Elíasson, Gyrðir: A levélíró (Bréfritarinn). In: Észak, 7/2019.
  • Elíasson, Gyrðir: Kilenc izlandi novella (Nine Icelandic short stories). In: Nagyvilág, 6-7/2004.
  • Elíasson, Gyrðir: Kilenc izlandi novella. In: Szöllősi, Adrienne (ed.): Huszadik századi skandináv novellák – Modern dekameron, Noran, Budapest, 2007.
  • Gísladóttir, Þórdís: Randalín és Mundi (Randalín og Mundi). Pongrác Kiadó, Budapest, 2015.
  • Ibsen, Árni: Mennyország – skizofrén komédia (Himnaríki – geðklofinn gamanleikur). For the Theatre Csiky Gergely in Kaposvár, first night on 3 May 2001.
  • Jónasson, Ragnar: Sötétség (Dimma). Animus, Budapest (to be published in 2021).
  • Jónasson, Ragnar: Köd (Mistur). Animus, Budapest, 2023.
  • Jónasson, Ragnar: Ború (Drungi). Animus, Budapest, 2022.
  • Jónsdóttir, Auður: Nagyroham (Stóri skjálfti). Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 2018.
  • Kárason, Einar: Viharmadarak (Stormfuglar). Magvető, Budapest, 2020.
  • Magnason, Andi Snær: Időláda (Tímakistan). Gondolat, Budapest, 2015.
  • Magnason, Andi Snær: Időről és vízről (Um tímann og vatnið). Gondolat, Budapest (to be published in 2021).
  • Sjón: Az Argó suttogása (Argóarflísinn). Gondolat, Budapest, 2023.
  • Sjón: Codex 1962 (Codex 1962). Gondolat, Budapest, 2020.
  • Stefánsson, Jón Kalman: Gondolatok a mamutfenyőkről és az időről (Ýmislegt um risafurur og tímann). Typotex, Budapest, 2023.
  • Stefánsson, Jón Kalman: Csillagok sercegése (Snarkið í stjörnunum). Typotex, Budapest, 2022.
  • Stefánsson, Jón Kalman: Nyári fény, aztán leszáll az éj (Sumarljós og svo kemur nóttin). Typotex, Budapest, 2021.
  • Stefánsson, Jón Kalman: Versek (Úrval ljóða). In: Észak, 10/2020.
  • Stefánsson, Jón Kalman: A halaknak nincsen lábuk (Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur). Typotex, Budapest, 2018.
  • Stefánsson, Jón Kalman: Ami a mindenséghez fogható (Eitthvað á stærð við alheiminn). Typotex, Budapest (to be published in 2020).
  • Þorsteinsson, Þorvaldur: Hívj csak nyugodtan Bobónak! (Ég heiti Blíðfinnur). Korona Kiadó, Budapest, 2002.
  • Ævarsdóttir, Oddný Eir: Jarðnæði. Typotex, Budapest (to be published in 2020/21).


Wolfgang Schiffer - German Þýska

Wolfgang Schiffer, born in 1946, studied German literature, philosophy and dramatics at the university of the city Cologne where he is still living. He graduated in 1972 as M.A. and became a freelanced writer until 1976. Afterwards he started to work for radio WDR being in charge of radio-drama and literature. As writer he published radio- and theatreplays, novels and poetry and edited several books on Icelandic literature; as translater from Icelandic literature he focusses on poetry, preverably in collaboration with native-speaking friends. In 1991, for his merits in connection with the dissemination of Icelandic culture in Germany he was made a knight of the Falconorder of Iceland.

Selected Translations

  • „Geahnter Flügelschlag“, selected poems by Stefán Hörður Grímsson, (in collaboration (i.c.) with Franz Gíslason and Jón Thor Gíslason), Verlag Kleinheinrich, 2013
  • „Þorpið – Das Dorf“ by Jón úr Vör, (i.c. with Sigrún Valbergsdóttir and Jón Thor Gíslason), Queich Verlag, 2014
  • „Denen zum Trost, die sich in ihrer Gegenwart nicht finden können“ by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2017
  • „Freiheit“ by Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2018
  • „Gedichte erinnern eine Stimme“ by Sigurður Pálsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2019
  • „Handbuch des Erinnerns und Vergessens“ by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2020
  • „Lederjackenwetter“ by Fríða Ísberg,
    (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2021
  • „das kleingedruckte“ by Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2021

  • „Der sechste Wintermonat“ by Björg Björnsdóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), Corvinus Presse, 2021
  • „Schnee über den Buchstaben“ by Dagur Hjartarson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2022
  • „Það sem hverfur / Was verschwindet“ by Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson with pictures by Nökkvi Elíasson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), DIMMA, 2022
  • „Ewigzeit“ by Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2022
  • „Lose Blätter“ by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2023
  • „nachtarbeit“ by Sjón, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2024


Rafael Garcia Perez - Spanish Spænska

Professor in Linguistics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. As a linguist he has taken a special interest in studying Nordic Languages and, among them, Icelandic. He lived in Iceland and taught Spanish at University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands).

Selected Translations

  • Andri Snær Magnason, Del tiempo y el agua, Barcelona,l Salamandra, 2021. 
  •  Pedro Gunnlaugur García, Pulmones, Madrid, Anaya, in press.
  • Guðbergur Bergsson, Caminos (Stígar). Traducción e introducción de Rafael García Pérez, Hin kindin, Reykjavík, 2021.
  • Gerður Kristný, Cascos sangrientos (Blóðhófnir), Madrid, Torremozas, 2020.
  • Anónimo, Saga de Hávarðr, saga de Þórðr el Pendenciero, Madrid, Miraguano, 2020.
  • Nína Björk Árnadóttir, Caballo negro en la oscuridad, Madrid, Torremozas, 2018.
  • Anónimo, Sagas caballerescas islandesas. Saga de Mírmann, Saga de Sansón el Hermoso, Saga de Sigurðr el Mudo, Madrid, Miraguano, 2017.
  • Anónimo, Saga del Valle de los Salmones (Laxdæla saga), Madrid, Miraguano, 2016.
  • Anónimo, Völuspá. La profecía de la vidente, Madrid, Miraguano, 2014.
  • Andri Snær Magnason, Del tiempo y el agua, editorial Salamandra, in press.


Anika Wolff - German Þýska

Abitur 2004, afterwards au pair and farmwork in Hörgárdalur, Iceland.

2005-2007: Bachelor of Arts „Literary, Cultural and Media Studies“ in Siegen (Germany) and Reykjavík 2007-2009: Master of Arts „Angewandte Literaturwissenschaft“ (Applied Literary Studies) at Freie Universität Berlin 2009-2010: traineeship at children's book publishers Kindermann Verlag Berlin

since 2010: freelance translator of Icelandic literature initiation and organization of German–Icelandic translator's workshops with my colleague Tina Flecken.

Selected Translations

  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Gildran (German title: Das Netz), DuMont 2020.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: 
 Stúlkan hjá brúnni (German title: Das Mädchen an der Brücke), Lübbe 2020, Myrkrið veit (German title: Verborgen im Gletscher), Lübbe 2019, Petsamo (German title: Graue Nächte), Lübbe 2018, Þýska húsið (German title: Der Reisende), Lübbe 2018.

  • Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: R.I.P., btb 2019 & DNA, btb 2016.
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir: Englaryk (German title: Unter Engeln), btb 2020 & Allt með kossi vekur (German title: Alles beginnt mit einem Kuss), btb 2014 .
  • Kristín Steinsdóttir: Vonarlandið (German title: Hoffnungsland), C.H.Beck 2017 & Ljósa (German title: Im Schatten des Vogels), C.H.Beck 2011.
  • Birgitta Elín Hassell & Marta Hlín Magnadóttir: Rökkurhæðir I-IV(German title: Dämmerhöhe I-IV), Arena 2016.
  • Guðrún Helgadóttir: Bara gaman (German title: Blaubeeren und Vanilleeis), Dressler 2013.
  • Bjarni Haukur Thorsson: Pabbinn (German title: Hi Dad!), Heyne 2013.
  • Guðmundur Óskarsson: Bankster, Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt 2011.


Olga Alexandrovna Markelova - Russian Rússneska

Olga Alexandrovna Markelova is born 1980, Moscow; graduated from the Philological Faculty of the Moscow State University (MGU) (2001); speciality: Danish language and European literatures. She has also graduated from the University of Iceland (Háskóla Íslands) tye Faculty of Humanities (Hugvísindadeild), B.Ph. Isl. (2004). In 2005 she has defended the doctor thesis "The Development of Literature in the Faroe Islands and the Emerging of the Faroese national Conscience" (in Russian) at the Moscow State University.

Main occupations: researches in the Icelandoic and the Faroese literatures of the 20th – 21th centuries and writing literary texts (poems and prose in Russian and Icelandic).

Olga has been doing literary translations since 2000; languages translated from into Russian are: Icelandic, Faroese, Danish, Norwegian.

Selected Translations

  • Steinar Bragi: Kata - Стейнар Брайи. Ката. М, «ЭКСМО», 2021.

  • Andri Snær Magnason: Tímakistan - Андри Снайр Магнасон. Ящик времени. М., ИД «Городец», 2021
  • Ævar Þór Benediktsson: Þitt eigið ævintýri - Айвар Тоур Бенедиктссон. У тебя будет собственная сказка. «ИД Мещерякова», 2021
  • Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir: Eldarnir. - Сигридур Хагалин Бьёрнсдоттир. Вулканы, любовь и другие бедствия. Поляндрия NoAge, Спб, 2022
  • Jónas Hallgrímsson: Ferðalok - Йоунас Хатльгримссон. Конец пути. (Ferðalok)// Северная слава. Дата публикации 18 ноября 2022
  • Jónas Hallgrímsson: Grasaferð - Йоунас Хатльгримссон. За мхом (Grasaferð)// Северная слава. (Дата публикации: 1 января 2023)
  • Sigurður Pálsson: Ljóðnámusafn - Сигюрд Паульссон. ВСЁВЗЯЛСТИХ. М., 2022 (Электронная публикация на сайте (opinber rafræn útgáfa)
  • Hallgrímur Helgason: 60 kíló af sólskini - Хатльгрим Хельгасон. 60 кг солнечного света. М. «ИД Городец», 2023
  • Þorvaldur Þorsteinnson: Blíðfinnur (allar sögurnar) - Торвальд Торстейнссон. Блидфинн. Спб, «Поляндрия», 2023
  • Arnaldur Ingriðason: Myrkrið veit - Арнальд Индридасон. Тьма знает. М., Эксмо, 2023
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson: Íosíf Borodskíj á Íslandi: Brot úr skáldsögunni „Listamannalaun“ - Оулав ГЮННАРССОН. Иосиф Бродский в Исландии. Из книги «Грант для художников». С исландского. Перевод О.Маркеловой // Дружба народов № 7/2023, с. 233-238
  • Eva Björg Ægisdóttir: Marrið í stiganum (í prentun) - Эва Бьёрг Айисдоттир: Ступеньки скрипят…
  • Hallgrímur Helgason: Höfundur Íslands - Хатльгрим Хельгасон „Автор Исландии. М, „Городец“, 2023
  • Hallgrímur Helgason, 101 Reykjavík, „Azbuka“, S.-Peterbourg, 2008]. Хатльгримур Хельгасон. 101 Рейкьявик. СПб, издательский дом, 2008

Translations from Russian into Icelandic:

Égor Letov: Að venjast. Eilífðarvorið. Í upphafi var orðið. Olga Markelova þýddi. // Jón á Bægisá. Tímarit þýðenda. 15/2016, bls. 148-150

Furthermore, there have been published in various magazines translations of single short stories and poems by the Icelandic authors such as: Sigurður Pálsson, Einar Már Guðmundsson, Ingibjörg Haraldsdóttir, Sigurlín Bjarney Gísladóttir, Þórarinn Eldjárn, Ólafur Gunnarsson, Birgir Svan Simonarson, Kári Tulinius, Gerður Kristný, Hallgrímur Helgason, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Anton Helgi Jónsson, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Einar Ólafsson, Guðbergur Bergsson, Ingibjörg Haraldsdóttir, Sjón, Andri Snær Magnason, Birgir Sigurðsson and other contemporary Icelandic authors, and also translations of the Icelandic folk tales



Keneva Kunz - English Enska

University of Manitoba, Canada, BA (Hons) 1975, MA 1977, Icelandic and linguistics

Københavns universitet (University of Copenhagen), PhD 1991, English and Applied Linguistics

Managing director/translator, Scriptorium ehf. since 1996, with interruptions

Editor, translator and director of language services, Landsbanki Íslands hf., 2004-2008

Editor, Nordregio, Nordic centre for spatial planning and regional development, Stockholm, 1998-2000

Translator and editor, Leifur Eiríksson Publishers, Reykjavík, for Sagas of Icelanders

Director, Institute of Foreign Languages, University of Iceland, 1993-1995

Adjudicator for the Ministry of Justice in awarding certification to translators in 1996, 1997, 2002, 2006

Editor for the World Health Organisation WHO, European Office, in Copenhagen, 1992-1997

Special revisor of Icelandic translations of EU legislation in Brussels, for the Agreement on a European Economic Area

Selected Translations

  • Childhood, Youth and Upbringing in the Age of Absolutism: an exercise in socio-historic analysis by Loftur Guttormsson, University of Iceland 2017.
  • Where the Winds Dwell by Böðvar Guðmundsson (Turnstone Press: Winnipeg, October 2000), nominated for the Canadian John Glasscoe Translation Prize
  • Travelling Passions. The Hidden Life of Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, by Gísli Pálsson. (2005)
  • Laxdæla saga, Heiðarvíga saga, the Vinland Sagas in the Complete Sagas of Icelanders (Leifur Eiríksson: Reykjavík 1997)
  • Laxdæla Saga, Grænlendinga Saga, Eiríks saga Rauða, in Sagas of Icelanders (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 2000)
  • Essay on the Eruptions (book-length 18th-century work on catastrophic eruptions in Iceland), pub. by Assoc. of Icelandic Geologists (University of Iceland Press: Reykjavík 1998).


Páll Isholm - Faroese Færeyska

Master in Nordic Languages and literature and media studies, principal at Miðnámi á Kambsdali / Kambsdal College, Faroe Islands.

Selected Translations


  • Skrímslið litla systir mín, Helga Arnaldsdóttir, Björk Bjarkardóttir, Eivor Pálsdóttir, EIVOR, 2012áll-isholm-8548745/


Betty Wahl - German Þýska

 Selected Translations

  • Sjón: Schattenfuchs (Skugga-Baldur). S. Fischer, Frankfurt, 2007.
  • Sjón: Das Gleißen der Nacht (Rökkurbýsnir). S. Fischer, Frankfurt, 2011.
  • Indriði G. Þorsteinsson: Taxi 79 ab Station. Transit Verlag, Berlin 2011.
  • Die Isländersagas (Nýþýðing yfir á þýsku; í fimm bindum). Fischer, Frankfurt 2011.
  • Gyrðir Elíasson: Am Sandfluss (Sandárbókin); Walde und Graf, Zürich 2011.
  • Gyrðir Elíasson: Zwischen den Bäumen (Milli trjánna). Smásögur. In: Neue Rundschau 2/2012; S. Fischer, Frankfurt, 2012 (brot).
  • Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl: Böse (Illska). Tropen, Stuttgart 2014 (ásamt T. Flecken)
  • Jón Gnarr: Indianer und Pirat. Kindheit eines begabten Störenfrieds. (Indjáninn/Sjóræninginn) Tropen, Stuttgart 2015 (ásamt Tina Flecken).
  • Sjón: Der Junge, den es nicht gab (Mánasteinn. Drengurinn sem aldrei var til), Fischer, Frankfurt, 2015.
  • Einar Már Guðmundsson: Isländische Könige (Íslenskir kóngar). btb Verlag, München 2016.
  • Sjón: Bewegliche Berge. (Gráspörvar og ígulker) ljóðasafn; þýðing: Tina Flecken með nokkrum þýðingum eftir Betty Wahl. Edition Rugerup, Berlin, 2018.
  • Sjón: CoDex1962 (Þríleikur: Augu þín sáu mig; Með titrandi tár; Ég er sofandi hurð); Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt, 2020.
  • Jón R. Hjálmarsson: 25 Isländische Volkssagen (Þjóðsögur við þjóðveginn). Forlagið, Reykjavík, væntanleg sumar 2024.

  • Gesamtausgabe der Isländersagas auf deutsch (samvinna); Saga forlag, Reykjavík. væntanleg 2025.


Jean-Christophe Salaün - Franska French

After having completed a B.A. in English studies in Caen, Normandy, Jean-Christophe Salaün moved to Iceland where he entered the program of Icelandic as a second language at the University of Iceland. He later joined the masters-level program in translation studies there and graduated in 2012. Having lived in Reykjavík for six years, he moved back to France and signed his first translation contract for the novel The Woman at 1000° by Hallgrímur Helgason, which earned him the Pierre-François Caillé Prize for Translation in 2014. He has since translated over fifteen books for a variety of publishing companies in France and other French-speaking countries. In addition to his translation works, Jean-Christophe Salaün has been participating in an online dictionary project lead by the University of Iceland, as well as teaching Icelandic and literature at the University of Caen in Normandy.

Selected Translations

  • Hallgrímur Helgason, La Femme à 1000° (ísl. Konan við 1000°), Presses de la Cité, 2013

  • Auður Jónsdóttir, Tourner la page (ísl. Ósjálfrátt), Presses de la Cité, 2015
  • Soffía Bjarnadóttir, J'ai toujours ton coeur avec moi (ísl. Segulskekkja), Zulma, 2016
  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir, Piégée (ísl. Gildran), Métailié, 2017
  • Dagur Hjartarson, La Dernière déclaration d'amour (ísl. Síðasta ástarjátningin), La Peuplade, 2019



Joakim Lilljegren - Swedish Sænska

Librarian at the Humanities Library, Gothenburg University Library.

M.A. Scandinavian Languages, University of Gothenburg, 2011.

B.A. Swedish Language, University of Gothenburg, 2009.

B.S. Library and Information Science, University of Borås, 2011.

Nordplus, two semesters at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 2007.

Selected Translations

  • Erik den rödes saga (Eiríks saga rauða), Litteraturbanken (2018):
  • Nine short stories in Islänningasagorna, eds. Kristinn Jóhannesson, Gunnar D. Hansson & Karl G. Johansson (Reykjavík: Saga, 2014):
  • Den senare tåten om Halldór Snorrason (Halldórs þáttur Snorrasonar hinn síðari)
  • Tåten om Ívar Ingimundarson (Ívars þáttur Ingimundarsonar)
  • Tåten om Odd Ófeigsson (Odds þáttur Ófeigssonar)
  • Tåten om Óttar den svarte (Óttars þáttur svarta)
  • Tåten om Þiðrandi och Þórhall (Þiðranda þáttur og Þórhalls)
  • Tåten om Þórhall Knapp (Þórhalls þáttur knapps)
  • Tåten om Þorstein Skräck (Þorsteins þáttur skelks)
  • Tåten om Þorstein Tältresare (Þorsteins þáttur tjaldstæðings)
  • Tåten om Þorstein Östfjording (Þorsteins þáttur Austfirðings)
  • Västfjordsmassakern 1615, translation and introduction, Jón lærði Guðmundsson's Sönn frásaga af spanskra manna skipbrotum og slagi (Göteborg: Anthropos, 2024).

Translations from Icelandic to Esperanto:

La rakonto de Þórhallur Knappur (Þórhalls þáttur knapps), La Tradukisto (2013):


Web page:


Stefano Rosatti - Italian Ítalska

Italian-born Stefano Rosatti studied Italian literature at the University of Genoa, Didactics of Italian as a second language at the University Ca' Foscari in Venice and Icelandic at the University of Iceland. He is the coordinator of the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Iceland, where he teaches Italian language and literature. His field of studies is Italian contemporary literature. He has published essays on Galileo Galilei, Italo Calvino, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Clemente Rebora and Italian emigration literature.

Selected Translations

  • Afleggjarinn (Rosa candida), by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Einaudi 2012).
  • Rigning í nóvember (La donna è un'isola), by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Einaudi 2013).
  • Undantekningin (L'eccezione), by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Einaudi 2014).
  • Upphækkuð jörð (Il rosso vivo del rabarbaro), by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Einaudi 2016).
  • Ör (Hotel Silence), by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Einaudi 2018).
  • Ungfrú Íslands (Miss Islanda), by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Einaudi 2019).
  • Stormfuglar, by Einar Kárason (Einaudi. To be published in 2020). 



Tina Flecken - German Þýska

Born 1968 in Cologne, 1987-88 exchange year in Iceland, 1991-93 Icelandic for foreign students at University of Iceland, 1997 Magistra Artium in Scandinavian studies, English and German at University of Cologne, 1997-2003 managing editor for Scandinavian languages at Könemann Publishers (non-fiction), project coordinator at House of Literature Cologne (Literaturhaus Köln), freelance editor and translator since 2004, member of VdÜ (German Literary Translators' Association), organisation of translation workshops, translation of over 40 novels, short stories, essays, poetry from Icelandic to German. Tina was awarded Orðstír in 2021, the honorary award for translations of Icelandic literature to a foreign language.


Selected Translations

By: Andri Snær Magnason, Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Árni Þórarinsson, Bjarni Bjarnason, Björg Magnúsdóttir, Bragi Ólafsson, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Gerður Kristný, Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Fríða Ísberg, Ingibjörg Hjartardóttir, Jón Gnarr, Jónína Leósdóttir, Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir, Kristín Steinsdóttir, Lilja Sigurðardóttir, Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, Mikael Torfason, Pedro Gunnlaugur García, Ragnar Jónasson, Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, Sjón, Stefán Máni, Steinar Bragi, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Unnur Jökulsdóttir, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Þráinn Bertelsson and more...

See here complete list of translations


Eleonore Gudmundsson - German Þýska

Studied Scandinavian literature and linguistics as well as Journalism and communication science in Vienna and Icelandic at the University of Iceland.

Tour Guide of Iceland from Leiðsöguskóli Íslands. International Sales Manager for Frey-Wille, International PR-Manager for Swarovski and the Austrian National Tourism Office.

Lecturer of Icelandic at the University of Vienna (since 2009) - language courses, culture & area studies, translation. Owner of agency for Corporate Language and excellence in copy writing ( 

Selected Translations


  • Landslag er aldrei asnalegt, Die Landschaft hat immer recht. (Bergsveinn Birgisson; Residenz Verlag Salzburg, 2018)
  • Lifandilífslækur (Bergsveinn Birgisson) - in progress (Residenz Verlag Salzburg, 2020)
  •  (online dictionary) - in progress 
  • Various translations for Art Events, such as Morðsaga (Ragnar Kjartansson at BAWAG Foundation, Vienna (2011); schneeblind. Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck
  • Three folktales by Jón Árnason in Harald Krassnitzer (Herausgeber): Rauhnächte. Wunderbares für eine besondere Zeit. Residenz Verlag, 2019.


Rasa Ruseckiene - Litháíska Lithuanian

Rasa Ruseckienė has been working as a translator from Icelandic into Lithuanian since 1996. She studied English language and literature at Vilnius University. Holds a PhD in Germanic Studies from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (1991). In 1991–93 she studied Icelandic for Foreign Students at the University of Iceland. From 1993 to 2003 she was a lecturer at the Scandinavian Department, Vilnius University. Currently lives in Scotland, UK, works as a Modern Languages teacher at an independent school in St Andrews. Translates Modern Icelandic prose and poetry, as well as Old Icelandic texts. She has written an Icelandic grammar for Lithuanian students, compiled an anthology of Old Icelandic texts and a collection of Icelandic folktales (in Lithuanian), publishes translations of Icelandic authors in Lithuanian literary magazines.

Selected Translations

  • Merking (žymejimas) Fríða Ísberg: Sofoklis 2023
  • Ör (Randai), Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2019.
  • Edda, Snorri Sturluson, Akademinė leidyba, 2017.
  • Strendur hugans, Jóhann Hjálmarsson, Homo liber, 2013.
  • Leikur á borði, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir, Gimtasis žodis, 2007.
  • Benjamín dúfa, Friðrik Erlingsson, Gimtasis žodis, 2006.
  • Meðan nóttin líður, Fríða Á. Sigurðardóttir, Vaga, 2006.
  • Grámosinn glóir, Thor Vilhjálmsson, Lietuvos Rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2005.
  • Svanurinn, Guðbergur Bergsson, Vaga, 2001.
  • Gunnlaðar saga, Svava Jakobsdóttir, Tyto alba, 1998.
  • Englar alheimsins, Einar Már Guðmundsson, Tyto alba, 1996.



Kristof Magnusson - German Þýska

Writer and translator from Icelandic to German. His latest novels are "Arztroman" and "Das war ich nicht" (Verlag Antje Kunstmann), the latter was published in Iceland as well: "Það var ekki ég", translated by Bjarni Jónsson. His comedy "Männerhort" (Verlag der Autoren) has seen more than 100 productions all across Europe and was produced in Iceland by national public radio RÚV as a radioplay ("Karlagæslan") with Arnar Jónsson, Árni Pétur Guðjónsson, Benedikt Erlingsson og Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, directed by Lárus Ýmir Óskarsson. Translation and adaptation: Bjarni Jónsson.

Selected Translations

  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Tregasteinn (German title: Tiefe Schluchten), Lübbe 2023; Þagnarmúr (German title: Wand des Schweigens), Lübbe 2022
  • Einar Kárason: "Sturlungabækurnar": Skáld/Skálmöld/Óvinafagnaður/Ofsi. btb Verlag 2017
  • Auður Jónsdóttir: Ósjáfrátt. btb Verlag 2016
  • Auður Jónsdóttir: Vetrarsól. btb Verlag 2011
  • Hallgrímur Helgason, 10 ráð til að hætta að drepa fólk og byrja að vaska upp. Tropen Verlag 2011
  • Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir: blysfarir. Blumenbar Verlag 2011
  • Grettis Saga, S. Fischer Verlag 2011
  • Þórbergur Þórðarson: Íslenzkur Aðall. S. Fischer Verlag 2011
  • Hannes Sigfússon: dymbilvaka/imbrudagar. "die horen" 2011
  • Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson: Skilaboðaskjóðan. S. Fischer Verlag 2008


Nanna Kalkar - Danish Danska

Bachelor of Arts, Icelandic for Foreign Students, Háskóli Íslands, 1999.
Master of Arts (cand.mag.), Nordic Languages and Literature, Aarhus Universitet, 2004.
Nanna Kalkar has worked as a literary translator since 2011 and has translated contemporary novels, crime fiction, short stories, poetry, biographies, children's books and books for young adults as well as several Icelandic plays. She also gives lectures on the art of translation as well as on different Icelandic subjects including contemporary literature, old norse poetry and the Icelandic sagas.

Selected Translations

  • Halldór Laxness: Frie folk (Sjálfstætt fólk), new translation, Turbine Forlaget 2024 
  • Elísabet Jökulsdóttir: Aprilsolskinskulde (Aprílsólarkuldi), Turbine Forlaget 2022, nominated for The Nordic Council's Literature Prize 2022
  • Andri Snær Magnason: Tiden og vandet (Um tímann og vatnið), Forlaget Klim, 2020, nominated for The Nordic Council's Literature Prize 2021
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir: Veje til at overleve (Aðferðir til að lifa af), Silkefyret 2021, nominated for The Nordic Council's Literature Prize 2021
  • Guðrún Brjánsdóttir: Autopilot (Sjálfstýring), Lindbak + Lindbak, 2021
  • Thóra Hjörleifsdóttir: Magma (Kvika), Forlaget Silkefyret, 2019
  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir: The Reykjavik noir trilogy, consisting of Fælden, Snaren, Buret (Gildran, Netið, Búrið), People'sPress, 2018-20
  • Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl: Ondskab (Illska), nominated for The Nordic Council's Literature Prize 2014, Ordenes By, 2014
  • Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl: Oratormonologer – om små og store samfundsspørgsmål (Óratorrek. Ljóð um samfélagsleg málefni), Torgard, 2018
  • Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir: Kantate (Kantata), Gyldendal, 2014
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir: YOSOY – skrækteatret ved verdens ende (YOSOY. Af líkamslistum og hugarvíli í hryllingsleikhúsinu við Álafoss), People'sPress, 2012
  • Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: Kulde (Kuldi), DNA (DNA), Hævn (Sogið), Tilgivelse (Aflausn), Vold (Gatið), Dukken (Brúðan), Under sneen (Bráðin), Sort is (Lok lok og læs), Ildhav (Gættu þinna handa), Lindhardt & Ringhof, 2015–2024
  • Gunnar Helgason: Skøre mor! (Mamma klikk!), nominated for The West Nordic Council's Children and Youth Literature Prize 2016, Turbine Forlaget, 2017
  • Ragnheiður Eyjólfsdóttir: Rotterne (Rotturnar), nominated for The Nordic Council's Children and Young People's Literature Prize 2019
  • Jónína Leósdóttir: Jóhanna og jeg (Við Jóhanna), Turbine Forlaget, 2014
  • Jón Atli Jónasson: Børnene i Dimmuvík (Börnin í Dimmuvík), Løvens Forlag, 2017


Gisa Marehn - German Þýska

Gisa Marehn studied at Humboldt University in Berlin and at the University of Iceland with focus on Iceland and Icelandic language, linguistics and ethnology. She holds a M.A. degree in Scandinavian studies, cultural sciences and geography.
Among other positions, she worked at the German embassy in Iceland, the Icelandic embassy in Berlin, at Humboldt University, at the University of Iceland and as the foreign language assistant at a research institute in Flensburg, Northern Germany.

Since 1996 Gisa Marehn has lived for several years in Iceland and since 2009 she is a freelance translator of Icelandic literature. She is in addition working as editor and corrector of German and of translated novels and is member of the VdÜ (association of German translators of literary and scientific publications).

Selected Translations

  • Góðir Íslendingar - "Liebe Isländer" by Huldar Breiðfjörð, Aufbau Verlag 2011
  • Færeyskur dansur - "Schafe im Schnee" by Huldar Breiðfjörð, Aufbau Verlag 2013
  • Hrafninn - "Die Winterfrau" by Vilborg Davíðsdóttir, btb Verlag 2011 (together with Anika Wolff)
  • Leikarinn - "Eiskaltes Gift" by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, Aufbau Verlag 2014
  • Hinir réttlátu - "Tote Wale" by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, Aufbau Verlag 2015
  • Jólasveinarnir - "Die Weihnachtsburschen" by Jóhannes úr Kötlum, Oetinger Verlag 2016
  • Andlit norðursins - "Gesichter des Nordens" by Ragnar Axelsson (RAX), Knesebeck Verlag 2016



Erik Skyum-Nielsen - Danish Danska

Erik Skyum-Nielsen is an assistant professor at University of Copenhagen and literary critic at Danish newspaper Information.


Selected Translations

Plays by Árni Ibsen, Birgir Sigurðsson, Einar Már Guðmundsson and Guðrún Helgadóttir.


Poetry by Einar Már Guðmundsson, Gerður Kristný, Gyrðir Elíasson, Sigurður Pálsson and Stefán Hörður Grímsson.


Prose (novels and short story collections) by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Davíð Erlingsson, Einar Már Guðmundsson, Fríða Á. Sigurðardóttir, Gerður Kristný, Guðbergur Bergsson, Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, Gyrðir Elíasson, Jakobína Sigurðardóttir, Jónas Reynir Gunnarsson, Ólafur Haukur Símonarson, Steinar Bragi, Svava Jakobsdóttir and Thor Vilhjálmsson.


Saga translations.


Karl-Ludwig Wetzig - German Þýska

After completing his studies in the fields of German Language and Literature, History and Scandinavian studies at the universities of Bonn and Uppsala, Karl-Ludwig Wetzig became a research assistant at the Institute of Scandinavian Studies at the Göttingen University, as well as in German Research Foundation's Special Research Project on Literary translation. From 1992 to 1998 he lived in Iceland and taught German language and literature as DAAD-lecturer at the University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands). Since then he has been translating literature from Iceland and the other Nordic countries into German. For his translation of Hallgrímur Helgason's novel 101 Reykjavík he was honoured with a prize of the renowned Dialog-Werkstatt Zug, Switzerland, and has received several scholarships of the Icelandic Writers Association, Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Irish and German Translators Associations and Finnish Literary Society. 

Selected Translations

So far he has translated from Icelandic works of  Hallgrímur Helgason,  Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Guðbergur Bergsson, Gerður Kristný and others, as well as the Saga of Brennu-Njáll and Laxdæla saga from Old Icelandic.


Sara Lindberg - Swedish Sænska

Sara Lindberg Gombrii, based in Stockholm, works as a Translator, Editor and Teacher. Her broad educational background contains Scandinavian Studies, Literature, Second Language Acquisition, Sami, Philosophy of Language (Uppsala), and Celtic Studies, including Irish, Breton and Scots Gaelic (Galway).


Sara is an experienced Editor and has worked for various Swedish Publishing Houses for nearly 15 years. She currently teaches Swedish and translates Icelandic, English and Norwegian Literature to Swedish.

Selected Translations


  • Kata, Steinar Bragi, Natur & Kultur, 2017
  • Fällan (Gildran), Lilja Sigurðardóttir, bigarråbok, 2020
  • Nätet (Netið), Lilja Sigurdarðóttir, bigarråbok, in progress 2020


Kim Lembek - Danish Danska

Kim Lembek is cand. mag. in Danish and Icelandic from the University of Copenhagen and the University of Iceland. He has been translating for 25 years and regularly holds lectures about the Sagas, contemporary Icelandic literature and Icelandic history. Kim is also a tourist guide and comes frequently to Iceland to work. Kim has translated about 70 works from Icelandic to Danish; novels, plays, childrens' books, poems, Sagas, film scripts, short stories and biographies.

Selected Translations

  • Njáls saga (Gyldendal, 2017)
  • Grettis saga (Gyldendal, 2018)
  • Snorra Edda (w. Rolf Stavnem, Gyldendal, 2012)
  • Himnaríki og helvíti, Harmur englanna, Hjarta mannsins, Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur, Eitthvað á stærð við alheiminn og Saga Ástu by Jón Kalman Stefánsson (Batzer & Co, 2010 – 2018)
  • 101 Reykjavík (Rosinante, 2001), Höfundur Íslands (Rosinante, 2006), Rokland (Aschehoug, 2007), Konan við 1000 gráður  (L&R, 2013) & Sjóveikur í München (L&R, 2017) by Hallgrímur Helgason 
  • CoDex 1962 (C&K, 2019) by Sjón
  • Merking (Gyldendal, 2023) by Fríða Ísberg


Kim Middel - Dutch Hollenska

Kim Middel (1973) studied classics, medieval studies and Icelandic at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, where she taught modern Icelandic for many years and received her PhD degree in 2018 with an interdisciplinary study of the development of national identity on Iceland between the Middle Ages and the 20th century. She works as a researcher of Icelandic history, as a translator of Icelandic literature and as an international registrar of Icelandic horses. Her translations include prose by a.o. Arnaldur Indriðason, Auðar Ava Ólafsdóttir, Jón Hallur Stefánsson and Unnur Jökulsdóttir, and poetry by a.o. Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Ingibjörg Haraldsdóttir and Andri Snær Magnason.

Selected Translations

  • Over tijd en water. Een geschiedenis van onze toekomst, De Geus 2022. 
  • Het geheim van het Mývatn-meer (Undur Mývatns), Unnur Jökulsdóttir, Ambo-Anthos, 2019.
  • Vlinders in November (Rigning í nóvember), Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, De Bezige Bij, 2015
  • Rosa Candida (Afleggjarinn) Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Maarten Muntinga, 2011
  • Misstap (Krosstré) Jón Hallur Stefánsson, De Geus , 2008
  • Winternacht (Vetrarborgin) Arnaldur Indriðason, Querido, 2007
  • Moordliederen. Moderne IJslandse poëzie (poetry by Gerður Kristný, Ingibjörg Haraldsdóttir, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Vigdís Grímsdóttir, with an introduction), Roald van Elswijk and Kim Middel, Wilde Aardbeien, 2007
  • Het laatste ritueel (Þriðja táknið), Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, De Fontein, 2006
  • Bónusljóð, Andri Snær Magnason, Belgian literary periodical Deus ex Machina 113, 2005


Philip Roughton - English Enska

Philip Roughton holds a PhD and MA in Comparative Literature and a BA in English and Chinese Language and Literature. He has taught literature at the university level in the US and Iceland, and has translated numerous Icelandic novels, biographies, short stories, film scripts, plays, poetry collections, song lyrics, articles and essays, and scholarly works. For his translation work, awards that he has won or for which he has been nominated include the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize, the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, the Man Booker International Prize, an NEA Translation Fellowship, the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, the American-Scandinavian Foundation Translation Prize, and others.


Selected Translations

Writers whom he has translated include Halldór Laxness, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Þórarinn Eldjárn, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Oddný Eir, Bergsveinn Birgisson, and others.




David McDuff - English Enska

M.A. (Hons.), Ph.D.

University of Edinburgh 1962-1971

Born 1945. Literary translator and critic.

Selected Translations

  • Bjarni Bjarnason: The Return of the Divine Mary (Red Hand Books, UK, 2017)
  • Bjarni Bjarnason: The Reputation (Red Hand Books, UK, 2017)
  • Brushstrokes of Blue [with Bernard Scudder]: The Young Poets of Iceland, anthology, ed. P. Valsson (Shad Thames Books/Greyhound Press, UK, 1994)
  • Einar Kárason: Devil's Island (Canongate, UK, 2000)
  • Hjálmar Jónsson (“Bólu-Hjálmar”): Selected Poems (John Brown Press, USA, 2017)
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson: Gaga (Penumbra Press, Toronto, Canada, 1988)
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson: Trolls' Cathedral (Shad Thames Books/Mare's Nest, UK, 1992)
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson: Million-Percent Men (FORLAGIÐ JPV útgáfa, Iceland, 2008)


Larissa Kyzer - English Enska

Larissa Kyzer is a writer and Icelandic to English literary translator. Her translation of Kristín Eiríksdóttir's A Fist or a Heart was awarded the American Scandinavian Foundation's 2019 translation prize. The same year, she was one of Princeton University's Translators in Residence. In 2021, she guest-edited “On the Edge,” a spotlight on new Icelandic writing for Words Without Borders. Her recent full-length translations include Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir's The Fires (2023) and Fríða Ísberg's The Mark (2024). Larissa has received grant funding and support from the Fulbright Commission, the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture, the Icelandic Literature Center, and Finland's Kone Foundation. She is an at-large board member of the American Literary Translators Association, a former co-chair of the PEN America Translation Committee, a member of the National Writers Union's Translators Organizing Committee, and founder of the virtual Women+ in Translation reading series Jill! 

For more:

Selected Translations:

  • The Mark (Merking) – Fríða Ísberg; Text (Australia), Faber&Faber (UK), 2024.
  • The Fires (Eldarnir) – Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir; AmazonCrossing (USA), 2023.
  • Reading the City: The Book of Reykjavík. Comma Press (UK), 2021. Translator of four stories in the anthology: “Home,” by Fríða Ísberg; “Island,” by Friðgeir Einarsson; “Without You, I'm Half,” by Kristín Eiríksdottir; “Two Foxes,” by Björn Halldórsson.
  • A Fist or a Heart (Elín, ýmislegt) - Kristín Eiríksdóttir; AmazonCrossing (USA), 2019.


Enrique Bernardez Sanchis - Spanish Spænska

Born in Madrid, studied German at the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain, 1966-1971.

Lector at Complutense University, Professor in linguistics from 1986.


Honorary Award from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in 2007.

Selected Translations

  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Grafarþögn - La mujer de verde. Barcelona, RBA, 2009.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Harðskafi - Hipotermia. Barcelona, RBA, 2015.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Kleifarvatn - El hombre del lago. Barcelona: RBA, 2010.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Myrká - Río negro. Barcelona, RBA, 2016.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Röddin - La voz. Barcelona, RBA, 2010.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Vetrarborgin - Invierno ártico. Barcelona, RBA, 2012.
  • Árni Þórarinsson: Tími nornarinnar  - El tiempo de la bruja. Barcelona: Ámbar, 2010.
  • Auður Ava Ólafsson: Afleggjarinn - Rosa Candida. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2011.
  • Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl: Illska - Illska. La maldad. Gijón: Hoja de Lata, 2018.
  • Guðbergur Bergsson: Faðir og móðir og dulmagn bernskunnar - La magia de la niñez. Barcelona, Tusquets, 2004.
  • Guðbergur Bergsson: Lömuðu kennslukonurna - Las maestras paralíticas. Barcelona, Tusquets, 2008.
  • Guðbergur Bergsson: Missir - Pérdida. Barcelona, Tusquets, 2012.
  • Guðbergur Bergsson: Sú kvalda ást sem hugarfylgsnin geyma - Amor duro. Barcelona, Tusquets, 1999.
  • Guðbergur Bergsson: Tómas Jónsson, metsölubók - Tómas Jonsson. Madrid, Alfaguara, 1990.
  • Guðbergur Bergsson: Tóta og táin á pabba - Tota y el dedo de papá. Madrid, Alfaguara, 1988.
  • Halldór Laxness: Brekkukotsannáll - El concierto de los peces. Madrid, Turner Eds., 2005
  • Halldór Laxness: Sjálfstátt fólk Gente independiente (Endurskoðun þýðingar og formæli E. Bernárdez). Madrid, Turner Eds., 2004.
  • Hallgrímur Helgason: Konan við 1000°: Herbjörg María Björnsson segir frá - La mujer a 1000º. Barcelona, Lumen, 2013.
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Himnaríki og helvíti - Entre cielo y tierra. Barcelona: Salamandra, 2011.
  • Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir: Karitas, án titils - La pintora de hielo. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 2014.
  • Lani Yamamoto: Stína stórasæng - Tina superfriolera. Madrid: Nórdica, 2015.
  • Óttar Norðfjörð: Sólkross - La cruz solar. Barcelona: Duomo Ediciones, 2010.
  • Sjón: Argóarflísin - Los navegantes del tiempo. Madrid, Nórdica, 2014.
  • Sjón: Augu þín sáu mig - Tus ojos me vieron. Madrid, Siruela, 2005.
  • Sjón: Mánasteinn. drengurinn sem aldrei var til - El chico que nunca existió. Madrid, Nórdica, 2016.
  • Sjón: Rökkurbýsnir - Maravillas del crepúsculo. Madrid, Nórdica, 2010.
  • Sjón: Skugga-Baldur - El zorro ártico. Skugga-Baldur. Madrid, Nórdica, 2007.
  • Steinar Bragi: Hálendið - El silencio de las tierras altas. Barcelona, E. Destino 2016.
  • Thor Vilhjálmsson: Grámosinn glóir  - Arde el musgo gris. Madrid, Nórdica Libros, 2007.
  • Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: Sér grefur gröf - El ladrón de almas. Madrid, SUMA de Letras, 2007.
  • Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: Þriðja táknið - El último ritual. Madrid, SUMA de Letras, 2006.
  •  Cien años de cuentos nórdicos (Íslenskar smásögur 20. aldar). Madrid, Ed. de la Torre, 1995; México, CONACULTA 2011.
  • Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar – Saga de Egil Skallagrimmson ‒ Madrid, Ed. Nacional 1984; Barcelona, Hyspamérica/Orbis 1987; Madrid, Miraguano 1988, 2019.
  • Eiríks saga rauða - Saga de Eirík el rojo (Traducción y notas). Madrid, Nórdica, 2011.
  • Godakvæði Eddu – Textos mitológicos de las Eddas – Madrid, Ed. Nacional 1983; Madrid, Siruela 1987, 2016.
  • Íslenskar sögur – Sagas islandesas (Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu; Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða, þættir) ‒ Madrid, Espasa, 1984
  • Njáls saga – Madrid, Alfaguara 1986; Madrid, Siruela 2003.


Nobuyoshi Mori - Japanese Japanska

Ex-professor of the Department of Nordic Studies at Tokai University.

During my career I was teaching Norwegian language, Icelandic language and Nordic Mythology. I am working this year as a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and Asahi Culture Centre in Tokyo, teaching Icelandic and Norwegian. As a university student I majored in linguistics, Germanic and Slavic languages in Tokyo and in Oslo.

Selected Translations

Several works of Icelandic poets (Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Einar Már Guðmundsson, Gyrðir Elíasson etc.) for a poem-journal „Gendaishi-techo“, Shichosha Press, 2013.



Skáldasögur : Kormáks saga / Hallfreðar saga“, Tokai University Press, 2005 


Kata Veress - Hungarian Ungverska

Kata Veress (née Rácz) holds an MA in Translation Studies from ELTE University in Budapest, a BA in Icelandic as a Second Language from the University of Iceland, as well as a BA in Norwegian and a BA in German Studies from ELTE University in Budapest.

She has been translating literature, films and technical texts mainly from Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German and English, and is one of the editors of the Hungarian Észak Journal for Nordic Studies.

Selected Translations

  • Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Dýralíf (Polar, 2021)

  • Guðmundur Andri Thorsson: Valeyrarvalsinn (Polar, 2021)
  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Gildran (Ø, 2021)
  • Kristín Eiríksdóttir: Elín, ýmislegt (Polar, 2020)
  • Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir: Mávahlátur (Metropolis Media Group, 2020)
  • Halldóra Thoroddsen: Tvöfalt gler (Metropolis Media Group, 2019)
  • Pétur Gunnarsson: punktur punktur komma strik (Polar, 2019)
  • Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Ör (Polar, 2018)



Sarah Brownsberger - English Enska

Specialties: poetry, prose, artists' texts, art criticism.


I am a poet, essayist, and Icelandic-English translator. A citizen of Iceland and the United States, I am a member of the Writers' Union of Iceland (RSÍ).


I translate poetry, art texts, art criticism, and fiction from Icelandic to English for writers, artists, art institutions, and publishers. 

Selected Translations

  • Anna Jóhannsdóttir, Sheaths, lyrical art text (forthcoming).
  • Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir, Universal Sugar, art text, ASÍ Art Museum, 2019.
  • Kristín Ómarsdóttir, “It Took So Long to Invent the Woman,” essay and interview in Korabiewski and Loðmfjörð, NS-12, Berlin (Hatje Kantz), 2019.
  • Kristín Ómarsdóttir, “My Town,” essay in Icelandair Stopover, Summer 2018.
  • Einar Már Guðmundsson, Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Hallgrímur Helgason, and Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, poems, in West and Isaksen, EyeSound, National Museum of Iceland, 2018.
  • Ósk Vilhjámsdóttir, covering the distance (land undir fót), Reykjavik/Berlin, 2018.
  • Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, poems, in Massimo Lupidi, Iceland: Visions of Earth, Sassi Editori, 2017.
  • Oddný Eir, “On the Way Down,” essay, World Literature Today, Nov.-Dec. 2016 
  • Kees Visser, Ups and Downs, Reykjavik (Crymogea), 2013. Kees Visser, Ólafur Gíslason, Halldór Björn Rúnólfsson.
  • Kristín Ómarsdóttir, “Seven Letters,” in Katrín Sigurðardóttir, Foundation, The Pavilion of Iceland at the Venice Biennale, Vincenza (Marsilio), 2013.
  • Harpa Árnadóttir, June. Reykjavik (Crymogea), 2011.
  • Gabríela Friðriksdóttir, poems for Crepusculum, Frankfurt (Kehrer), 2011.
  • Ólafur Gíslason, Guðjón Ketilsson, Reykjavik (Crymogea), 2010.
  • Gyrðir Elíasson, “The Old Painter” in Elías B. Halldórsson, Uppheimar, 2008.
  • Sigfús Bjartmarsson, Raptorhood, a novel, Uppheimar, 2007.


Literary translations include work by or for Bragi Ólafsson, Einar Már Guðmundsson, Gyrðir Elíasson, Guðrún Hannesdóttir, Harpa Árnadóttir, Hallgrímur Helgason, Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir, Pétur Gunnarsson, Sigfús Bjartmarsson, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Sigurlín Bjarney Gísladóttir, Úlfhildur Magnúsdóttir, the Reykjavik Municipal Library (excerpts from works by Elías Mar, Guðbergur Bergsson, and Sjón), and the Reykjavik UNESCO Literary City (poems and prose by Benedikt Gröndal, Elías Mar, Gestur Pálsson, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Hannes Hafstein, Ingibjörg Benediktsdóttir, Jakobína Sigurðardóttir, Margrét Jónsdóttir, Steinn Steinarr, Tryggvi Emilsson, Vilborg Dagbjörtsdóttir, and Þorarinn Eldjárn).




Zuzana Stankovitsová - Slovak Slóvakíska

Zuzana Stankovitsová has completed an MA in translation studies from the Comenius University in Bratislava (2010), a BA in Icelandic as a second language from the University of Iceland (2012) and an MA in Medieval Icelandic Studies from the University of Iceland (2015). She has worked as a free-lance translator in Slovakia, and has been translating Icelandic literature since 2012. Whilst living in Iceland, she was employed at the National Museum of Iceland (2012-2017), and currently holds a PhD position at the University of Bergen, Norway.

Selected Translations


  • Fjarvera þín er myrkur, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Artforum, 2023.
  • Saga Ástu, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Artforum, 2020.
  • Eitthvað á stærð við alheiminn, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Artforum, 2017
  • Stína Stórasæng, Lani Yamamoto, Knižná dieľňa, 2017.
  • Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Artforum, 2016.
  • Mánasteinn: Drengurinn sem aldrei var til, Sjón, Slovart, 2016.
  • Sumarljós og svo kemur nóttin, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Artforum, 2014.
  • Afleggjarinn, Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Slovart, 2013.
  • Um tímann og vatnið, Andri Snær Magnason, Absynt, 2023
  • Makt myrkranna, Valdimar Ásmundsson/Bram Stoker, Europa, 2023
  • Fjarvera þín er myrkur, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Artforum, 2022 


Anna Yates - English Enska

Anna Yates is of mixed Icelandic and English origin. She grew up mostly in the UK and a little in France, and has lived and worked in Iceland since the 1980s. She holds a history degree from the University of Bristol and a Bacc. phil. isl. (Icelandic for foreign students) degree from the University of Iceland. After some years as a journalist/translator at Iceland Review, Anna has worked as a translator since the 1990s. She is a generalist who translates on a wide range of subjects (anything but banking and finance). Her topics of particular interest include Icelandic history, arts and culture, and she translates regularly for academics, museums and art galleries. She is the author of The Viking Discovery of America (1993)revised edition 2018, Gudrun Publishing.

Selected Translations


  • Down to Earth – A Memoir by Gísli Pálsson (with Katrina Downs-Rose), forthcoming from Punctum Books
  • From Earth – Earth Architecture in Iceland by Hjörleifur Stefánsson (with Katrina Downs-Rose), Gullinsnið/National Museum of Iceland 2019
  • A Tale of a Fool? A Microhistory of an 18th-century Peasant Woman by Guðný Hallgrímsdóttir, Routledge 2019
  • The Corsairs' Longest Voyage – the Turkish Raid in Iceland 1627 by Þorsteinn Helgason, Brill 2018
  • Treasures of the National Museum of Iceland by Margrét Hallgrímsdóttir (with Katrina Downs-Rose), National Museum of Iceland 2017
  • On the Point of Erupting – a selections of poems by Einar Már Guðmundsson (with other translators), Mál og menning 2016
  • The Man Who Stole Himself – the Slave Odyssey of Hans Jonathan by Gísli Pálsson, University of Chicago Press 2016
  • Season of the Witch by Árni Þórarinsson, AmazonCrossing 2012
  • Outrage by Arnaldur Indriðason, Harvill Secker 2011
  • My Soul to Take by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (with Bernard Scudder), Hodder & Stoughton 2009
  • Galdrakver/Book of Magic, National and University Library of Iceland 2004
  • A Brief History of Iceland by Gunnar Karlsson, Mál og menning 2000
  • A Traveller's Guide to Icelandic Folktales by Jón R. Hjálmarsson, Iceland Review 2000
  • Reykjavík of the Painters by Hrafnhildur Schram, Mál og menning 2000
  • I Am the Maestro (play) by Hrafnhildur Hagalín Guðmundsdóttir 1995
  • High Days and Holidays in Iceland by Árni Björnsson, Mál og menning 1995



Ylva Hellerud - Swedish Sænska

Ylva Hellerud, born 1955 in Oslo, Norway. M. A. in English Literature and Nordic Languages. Am also a certified secondary level teacher. Have worked as a free-lance translator since 1986 for various customers, such as SVT (National Swedish Television), Norstedts Publishers, and the Icelandic government. I translate prose (both fiction and non-fiction), poetry, drama, and do subtitling for film and tv-productions.

I translate from English, Norwegian, Danish and Icelandic to Swedish and English.

Selected Translations

Fiction and poetry, among others: Arnaldur  Indriðason, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Sjón, Auður Ava Jónsdóttir, Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, Anton Helgi Jónsson, Elísabet Jökulsdóttir, Gerður Kristný. Ylva also participated in the translation of the Icelandic sagas in five volumes 2014.


Drama, among others: Árni Ibsen, Benedikt Erlingsson,  Brynja Benediktsdóttir, Hlín Agnarsdóttir, Bjarni Thorsson.


Series for tv, among others: Prisoners, Trapped, The Lava Field



Anna Gunnarsdotter Grönberg - Swedish Sænska

BA í íslensku fyrir erlenda stúdenta, Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík, Ísland

PhD í norrænum málum, Göteborgs universitet, Gautaborg, Svíþjóð

Lektor í sænsku, Göteborgs universitet, Gautaborg, Svíþjóð

Selected Translations

  • Gift för nybörjare, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Malmö, Rámus, 2012.
  • Ondska, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Malmö, Rámus, 2014.
  • Noa; Jesus tolv år i templet; Jesus – en av oss; Akta dig för frestelser; Låt barnen komma till mig, Bibelberättelser för barn i Norden, Óskar Guðmundsson, Stockholm, Verbum / Helsinki, Fontana Media, 2014.
  • Dina ögon såg mig, Sjón, Göteborg, Anamma Bokförlag, 1997.
  • Med skälvande tårar, Sjón, Stockholm, Alfabeta Anamma, 2004.
  • Skugga-Baldur, Sjón, Stockholm, Alfabeta Anamma, 2005.
  • Skymningsinferno, Sjón, Stockholm, Alfabeta, 2011.
  • Tåten om Hrómund den halte; Tåten om Hrafn Guðrúnarson, Islänningasagorna, III og V. Reykjavík, Saga forlag, 2014.
  • Eldnatt, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Stockholm, Modernista, 2012.





Askur Alas - Eistneska Estonian

Askur Alas studied Icelandic for foreign students (1991-94) and Icelandic sagas (2018) at the University of Iceland, taken courses in scandinavistics at Tartu University. 

Selected Translations

Tone Myklebost - Norska Norwegian

Tone Myklebost (b. 1954) has translated Icelandic contemporary literature for almost 30 years. She has received many awards for he work as a translator such as Det skjønnlitterære oversetterfonds pris in Norway and the Icelandic Falcon Order. Tone was awarded Orðstír in 2021, the honorary award for translations of Icelandic literature to a foreign language.

Selected Translations

  • Saga Ástu, Hjarta mannsins, Sumarljós og svo kemur nóttin and more by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Forlaget Press
  • Ör, Fröken Ísland and more by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Pax forlag
  • Skugga-Baldur by Sjón, Tiden, 2005
  • Íslenskir kóngar by Einar Már Guðmundsson, Cappelen Damm, 2016
  • Hestvík by Gerður Kristný, Aschehoug, 2018
  • Milli trjánna by Gyrðir Elíasson, Bokvennen, 2011
  • Brekkukotsannáll by Halldór Laxness, Bokklubben, 2008
  • Rokland by Hallgrímur Helgason, Cappelen Damm, 2008. 


John Swedenmark - Swedish Sænska

John Swedenmark was born 1960 in Sundsvall, Sweden. Translator and writer, living in Stockholm. He has received the Swedish Academy translator award and Orðstír, the honorary award for translations of Icelandic literature to a foreign language.

Selected Translations

Novels by Einar Kárason, Gyrðir Elíasson, Friðrik Erlingsson, Hallgrímur Helgason, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Steinunn Sigurdardóttir, Kristín Steinsdóttir, Sjón, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Þórarinn Eldjárn and many more.


He has also translated quite many Icelandic poets, most recently Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir and more, together with Icelandic plays.



Martina Kašparová - Czech Tékkneska

Martina works as a freelance translator of Icelandic and Swedish literature and movies into her mother tongue – Czech. She completed a MA degree in Translation Studies (German/Czech) and Swedish Philology at the Charles University in Prague and a BA in Icelandic as a Second Language at the University of Iceland. She has specialized in literary and audiovisual translation and worked as a translator and proof-reader for various publishing houses and film production companies in the Czech Republic. For over a decade, she was also working as a project manager at the Nordic culture centre Scandinavian House in Prague.

Selected translations:

  • Sigrún Pálsdóttir: Delluferðin (Neuvěřitelná cesta, Větrné mlýny: 2024.)
  • Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir: Eldarnir. Ástin og aðrar hamfarir (Ohně. Láska a jiné katastrofy, Argo: 2022.)
  • Halldóra Thoroddsen: Tvöfalt gler (Dvojité sklo, Větrné mlýny: 2022.)
  • Halldór Armand: Aftur og aftur (Zas a zas, Beta-Dobrovský: 2020.)
  • Ragnar Jónasson: Snjóblinda (Sněžná slepota, XYZ: 2019.), Þorpið (Komunita. XYZ: 2020.), Mistur (Mlha, XYZ: 2022.)
  • Hildur Knútsdóttir: Vetrarfrí & Vetrarhörkur (Krvavá zima, Práh: 2018.)
  • Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir: Úlfur og Edda: Dýrgripurinn (Úlf a Edda: Ukradený klenot, Barrister & Principal: 2018.)
  • Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Rigning í nóvember (Listopadoví motýli, Plus: 2017.), Ör (Nad propastí byla tma, Plus: 2018.), Dýralíf (Matka světla, Plus: 2021.)
  • Sjón: Argóarflísin (Múza z lodi Argó, dybbuk: 2016.)


Eric Boury - Franska French

Eric Boury studied English and Scandinavian languages at the University of Caen, Normandy. He rapidly decided to specialize in the Icelandic language, culture and literature. He spent three years in Iceland, working on a farm, as a postman and in a hotel. Back to France, he became an English and French teacher in a vocational school for 22 years, but decided six years ago to resign from that position and devote himself entirely to translating Icelandic literature, an activity which he has now practiced for 18 years. Eric received The award Orðstír in 2017, an honorary award for translations of Icelandic literature to a foreign language.

Selected Translations

He has translated about 50 books from various Icelandic writers into French: Arnaldur Indriðason, Árni Þórarinsson, Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Hallgrímur Helgason, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Steinunn Jóhannesdóttir, Sjón, Einar Már Guðmundsson, Stefán Máni, Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Guðbergur Bergsson & Jón Hallur Stefánsson.


See here for all translations.


Meg Matich - English Enska

Meg Matich ( is a poet and translator of Icelandic, German, and Danish in Reykjavik, Iceland. She earned her Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University's prestigious Poetry and Literary Translation program before going on to receive a Fulbright fellowship to Iceland. Her translations have received praise from The New York Times, Oprah, Publisher’s Weekly, Vulture, Electric Lit, and others, and her work has been longlisted for the Dublin Literary Prize. She's received awards for her work from organizations like the DAAD, PEN America, the American-Scandinavian Foundation, UNESCO, and the Fulbright Commission and is a frequent collaborator with Reykjavik UNESCO and the Reykjavik International Literary Festival. She’s always interested in new and interesting projects and is happy to receive e-mails in Icelandic, German, Danish, or English. 



Selected Translations

Selected Translations

2023 Nothing to be Saved: Stories by Ásta Sigurðardóttir. Nordisk Books. London, U.K.

2022 Quake by Auður Jónsdóttir, Dottir Press. New York, NY.

2021 Magma by Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir, Picador, U.K.

2021 Magma by Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir, Grove Atlantic, U.S.

2019 Language Unlocks the World, University of Iceland Press. Reykjavik, Iceland.

2017 Cold Moons by Magnús Sigurðsson, Phoneme Media. Los Angeles, CA.


Meg is one of few immigrant members of the Icelandic Writers' Union. She is also a member of the Author's Guild.




Contact e-mail:

Rory McTurk - English Enska

Rory McTurk graduated from Oxford in 1963 (with B.A. Hons in English) and from the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, in 1965 (with Baccalaureatus Philologiae Islandicae). From 1967-69 he taught at the Universities of Lund and Copenhagen, and from 1969-78 at University College Dublin. In 1978 he moved to the University of Leeds, where he was appointed Supervisor of Icelandic Studies in 1979, and promoted to Reader and Professor, also in Icelandic Studies, in 1994 and 2006. For his dissertation on Ragnars saga loðbrókar he was awarded his doctorate by the National University of Ireland in 1985.

His translations from Old Icelandic include ‘Kormak's saga' [Kormáks saga], in Sagas of Warrior-poets, ed. Diana Whaley (London: Penguin, 2002) and Ragnarr loðbrók's death-song Krákumál, in vol. VIII of Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, ed. Margaret Clunies Ross (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017). From Modern Icelandic he has translated three novels by Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, The Thief of Time [Tímaþjófurinn] (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2007), Yo-yo [jójó] (London: World Editions, 2015), and (not yet published) Women of Quality [Gæðakonur], as well as three narrative poems by Gerður Kristný, published at Todmorden by Arc Publications: Bloodhoof: Blóðhófnir (2012), Drápa: A Reykjavík Murder Mystery (2018), and Reykjavík Requiem: Sálumessa (2020). He has also completed a translation, not yet published, of Konungsbók (2006), by Arnaldur Indriðason.


Per Arvid Nordh - Swedish Sænska

BA, Icelandic as a Foreign Language, Háskóli Íslands, 1999.

MA, Translation (English and Russian), Göteborgs universitet, 2011.

Arvid lives in the Swedish countryside and is also a part-time Swedish teacher for immigrants.

Selected Translations

  • Den sista kvinnan (Undantekningin), Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Weyler förlag, 2017
  • Ärr (Ör), Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Weyler förlag, 2017
  • Fröken Island (Ungfrú Ísland), Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Weyler förlag, 2019
  • Mörkret (Dimma), Ragnar Jónasson, Modernista, 2018
  • Ön (Drungi), Ragnar Jónasson, Modernista, 2019
  • Elín, diverse (Elín, ýmislegt), Kristín Eiríksdóttir, Flo förlag, 2020
  • Märket (Merking), Fríða Ísberg, Norstedts, 2023


Marjakaisa Matthíasson -

Born in Kuopio, Finland 21st of February 1966.

The Finnish Matriculation Examination in 1985, Puumalan yhteislukio.

Studied Icelandic for foreigners at the University of Iceland 1990-1992

exam: baccalaureatus philologiae Islandicae 1992 with excellent grade.

MA at the University of Helsinki in Nordic languages as the major subject and Finnish as the minor subject.

Living in Reykjavik since autumn 1994.

Translating since early 1990´s from Icelandic, English and Swedish into Finnish for example for the Icelandic Tourist board, other Finnish and Icelandic authorities and organisations.

Worked at the Finnish Embassy as a Secretary and a translator from 1998 to 2012. The work included daily translations in Finnish from the newspapers about the political and economical situation of the country, also translations of different agreements, laws and regulations.

Editor of the Finnish part of ISLEX-dictionary

Translations from Icelandic into Finnish:

· Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson: Silta Tumman yli, Idun, 2006

· Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson: Tummalinnan valot, Idun, 2008

· Kristín Steinsdóttir: Omaa tietä, Lurra Editions, 2010

· Translations of the settlement Exhibition and Egils saga Exhibition into Finnish for the Settlement Centre in Borgarnes in winter 2013

· Bragi Ólafsson: Kananpojat (a play) 1. Scene, 2013

· Arnaldur Indriðason: Reykjavikin yöt, Blue moon, 2014

· Bergsveinn Birgisson: Musta viikinki, Bazar kustannus OY, 2019

· Gerður Kristný: Hautausmaa, Enostone, 2021

· Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Jääkylmä aurinko, Crime time, 2023

· Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Verenpunainen meri, Crime time, September 2023

· Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Kalmankalpea maa, Crime time, January 2024

· Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Kuolonmusta laava, Crime time, coming out autumn 2024

· Skúli Sigurðsson: Isoveli, Minerva, May 2024

· Arndís Þórarinsdóttir og Sigrún Hulda Bjarnadóttir, Maailman lopun saari, WSOY, July 2024

Member of The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters since 2008

Elena Teuffer - Þýska

Elena Teuffer (1973) studied Scandinavian languages and cultures, Political Science and Theology at the University of Bonn. After gaining scholarships for studying at the University of Iceland and Åbo Akademi (Swedish minority university in Turku) Finland, she graduated in 2001 with an M.A. degree. In 1999, Elena moved to Iceland, started working as a freelance translator and has been living there – with short detours to Denmark – since.
 She specialises in crime novels and knitting pattern translations, both from Icelandic and other Nordic languages to German. After studying nursing at the University of Akureyri, Elena also works as a medical and social interpreter for German, both at the University Hospital, as well as for other public services and governmental institutions in Iceland.

Selected translations


Stella Blómkvist Series:

Morðið í stjórnarráðinu, Die Bronzestatue (2003)

Morðið í sjónvarpinu, Das ideale Verbrechen (2004)

Morðið í Hæstarétti, Der falsche Zeuge (2005)

Morðið í alþingishúsinu, Der falsche Mörder (2005)

Morðið í drekkingahyl, Mord in Thingvellir (2007)

Morðið í Rockville, Das letzte Treffen (2009)

Gerður Kristný, Rue de Marianna, short story (1999)


Þóra Þóroddsdóttir - Faroese Færeyska

Þýðingar úr íslensku á færeysku:

2000 Heimir Pálsson: Ein er søgan úr Íslandi komin. (Lykill að Íslendingasøgum). Þýðing saman við Martin Næs.

2002 Halldór K. Laxness: Garpatáttur. (Gerpla). Þýðing saman við Martin Næs.

2003 Vilborg Davíðsdóttir: Við Urðarbrunn

2004 Vilborg Davíðsdóttir: Nornadómur

2005- ISLEX.FO (medredaktør)

2007 Áslaug Jónsdóttir: Eg vil hava fisk

2007 Halldór K. Laxness: Undir egið borð. (Sjálfstætt fólk). Þýðing saman við Martin Næs

2007 Kristín Steinsdóttir: Eingil í Vesturbýnum

2008 Ármann Reynisson: Ritrósir úr Útnorðri

2009 Hallfríður Ólafsdóttir: Magnus Musikus vitjar symfoniorkestrið

2015 Tvær sterkar /To stærke. Um Júlíønnu Sveinsdóttur og Ruth Smith. Niels Ohrt og Hrafnhildur Schram. Týðing saman við øðrum.

2018 Hafdís Finnbogadóttir: Í Tallandi, bd. 1-2.

2018 Halldór K. Laxness: Ljómur guddómsins. (Heimsljós, 1)

2019 Halldór K. Laxness: Høll summarlandsins. (Heimsljós, 2)

2019 Halldór K. Laxness: Hús skaldsins. (Heimsljós, 3)

2019 Halldór K. Laxness: Dýrd himinsins. (Heimsljós, 4)

2020 Arnmundur Backmann: Maður í mislittum hosum (sjónleikur)

2021 Halldór K. Laxness: Á Brekkubø. (Brekkukotsannáll)

2022 Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir: Nógv tann elsti nakrantíð. (Langelstur að eilifu).

2022 Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir: Nógv tann elsti í flokkinum. (Langelstur í bekknum).

2022 Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir: Nógv tann elsti í loynifelagnum. (Langelstur í leynífélaginu).

2022 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Himmal og helviti (Himnaríki og Helvíti). Týðing saman við Martin Næs. Skaldsøga.

2023 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Harmur einglanna. (Harmur englanna). Týðing saman við Martin Næs. Skaldsøga.

2023 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Hjarta mansins. (Hjarta mannsins). Týðing saman við Martin Næs. Skaldsøga.

2024 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Fjarvera tín er myrkur. (Fjarvera þín er myrkur). Týðing saman við Martin Næs. Skaldsøga. (Ætluð útgáfa september 2024)

Þýðingar úr færeysku á íslensku

2001 Þóra Þóroddsdóttir: Að hreyfa sig og hjúfra. (Höfundur þýddi eigin bók úr færeysku eftir bókinni: Rura. Rørslumenning og sansaskipan hjá føroyskum børnum, 1999)

2018 Martin Næs og Olivur við Neyst: Meinilla við morgunsólina. (Spell at sólin kom upp. Barnabók)

2024 D. P. Danielsen: Á Íslandi sumarið 1977. (Ì Íslandi summarið 1977). Ferðasaga.

Kristinn R. Ólafsson - Spanish Spænska

Born in Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands). Translator, writer, correspondent in Madrid for Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV) for more than 30 years.

Novels translated into Spanish:

Andri Snær Magnason: La historia del planeta azul - Sagan af bláa hnettinum.

Translation in collaboration with Sol Álvarez andAlda Ólafsson Álvarez.

Ediciones Omega 2001

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: Epitafio - Pósthólf dauðans


Edicions Brosquil 2003

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: La Saga de Fiólmod el intrépido - Fjölmóðs saga föðurbetrungs


RBA 2005

Stefán Sigurkarlsson: La sombra - Handan regnbogans

2006 Unpublished

Árni Þórarinsson: El domador de insectos - Dauði trúðsins

Ediciones Ámbar 2011

Óttar M. Norðfjörð: El cuchillo de Abraham - Hnífur Abrahams

For Duomo Ediciones 2012. Finally not published

Ragnar Jónasson: La sombra del miedo - Snjóblinda

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2019

Ragnar Jónasson: La muerte blanca - Myrknætti

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2020

Ragnar Jónsson: Niebla en el alma - Rof

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2021

Ragnar Jónasson: La noche eterna - Andköf

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2022


Ragnar Jónasson: La verdad silenciada - Náttblinda

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2023


Ragnar Jónasson: La dama - Dimma

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2023

"Best Novel VLCNegra 2023” Award


Ragnar Jónasson: La isla - Drungi

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2024

Ragnar Jónasson: (No title yet) - Vetrarmein

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 202X – to be published shortly

Ragnar Jónasson: (No title yet) - Mistur

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 202X – to be published shortly

Arnaldur Indriðason: La oscurdad sabe (preliminary title): Myrkið veit

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

RBA 202X – to be published shortly



Other literary translations into Spanish


Hijas del frío:

Anthology of short stories by Nordic women. Selection and translation of the four Icelandic stories included, as well as the foreword to the Icelandic part.

Arnrún frá Felli: Siempre pescado para comer - Fiskur í alla mata)

Ásta Sigurðardóttir: La noche del domingo hasta la mañana del lunes - Sunnudagskvöld til mánudagsmorguns

Fríða Sigurðardóttir: Por la calle - Á förnum vegi)

Ediciones de la Torre 1997.


El vikingo afeitado:

Anthology of short stories by Nordic men. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included, and authorship of one.

Böðvar Guðmundsson: Perdiendo el norte - Norður og niður

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: amor. digit@l - st@fræn.ást)

Rúnar Helgi Vignisson: Hermandad femenina - Systralag)

Ediciones de la Torre 1999


Cuentos populares islandeses - Íslenskar þjóðsögur):

Selection and translation of 49 Icelandic folktales, in collaboration with Marisol Álvarez.

Iceland Review 2000. plus many reprints


Historias desde el hielo:

Anthology of Nordic short stories for children. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included.

Kristín Steinsdóttir: Siete en tierra y siete en la mar - Sjö á landi og sjö í sjó)

Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson: Oro de serpientes - Ormagull)

Adda Steina Björnsdótt: La estación de autobuses - Hlemmur)

RBA 2003


Nieve negra:

Anthology of Nordic crime short stories. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included.

Pjetur Hafstein Lárusson: La carta - Bréfið

Jón Hallur Stefánsson: Ningún ángel -Enginn engill

Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson: La fría muerte - Móðurmissir)

Leyendas islandesas - Nokkrar íslenskar þjóðsögur).

Almenna bókafélagið 2016

Steinar Berg and Brian Pilkington: La última troll - Tryggðatröll)

Fossatún 2016

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: Nunca apartan la mirada – Þær líta aldrei undan

Short stories – bilingual edition, self-translation by the other.

Sæmundur 2022

Los elfos y la gente oculta - Doce cuentos populares islandeses - Tólf íslenskar þjóðsögur

Almenna bókafélagið 2023


Jónas Sigurgeirsson: The adventures of Paula Puffin - Las aventuras de Fía la frailecilla

Almenna bókafélagið 2023

Þórarinn Leifsson: El bisabuelo y el glaciar que desapareció - Langafi og jökullinn sem hvarf)

Lubbi slf 2023



Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder: Viejas gruñonas (Grumpy old women/Fúlar á móti).

Translation and adaptation of "Fúlar á móti", the Icelandic version of the original English play by Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder.

IRIA Producciones 2010

Michele Riml: La erótica de la colada - Sexy Laundry

Óskar Eríksson Productions 2011

Magnús Scheving: Robóticus (Villapereza: Latibær



ón Atli Jónasson: Las profundidades - Djúpið


Kristín Bjarnadóttir: El mejor tanguero del mundo - Heimsins besti tangóari)

Poetic work in prose, bilingual Icelandic-Spanish edition.

Lyng 2005


Pjetur Jón Hafstein: La Condena - Refsingin

Short story, published on the author's website in 2000



Jón Atli Jónasson: 36 montajes en película fotográfica - 36 sviðsetningar á filmu

Short story. Unpublished

Guðbergur Bergsson: El hombre que sufrió una desgracia - Maður sem varð fyrir óláni.

Short story. Unpublished

Skúli Björn Gunnarsson: Rosas - Rósir

Short story. Unpublished

Films and documentaries, subtitled in Spanish


Óskar Jónasson: Sódóma Reykjavík

Feature film


Ragnar Bragason: Börn - Hijos

Feature film


Benedikt Erlingsson: Hross í oss - De caballos y hombres

Feature film

“Nuevos realizadores-award” at the San Sebastián Film Festival


Þorfinnur Guðnason: Vikingo

Documentary on cockfighting in the Dominican Republic


Translations into Icelandic

Camilo José Cela: Paskval Dvarte og hyski hans - La familia de Pascual Dvarte

Cela: Nobel Prize Laureate 1989

Vaka-Helgafell 1988.

Camilo José Cela: Býkúpan - La colmena

Vaka-Helgafell 1991.

Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Refskák eða Bríkin frá Flandri - La tabla de Flandes)

Ormstunga 1996

Mál og menning 1999 (paperback editon)

Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Dumasarfélagið - El Club Dumas

Mál og menning 2003

Ana María Matute: Skólaus á öðrum fæti - Solo un pie descalzo

Almenna bókafélagið 2013 – bilingual edition


Juan Pedro Gutiérrez: Soralegi Havanaþríleikurinn - La trilogía sucia de La Habana)

Sæmundur 2018.

Turið Sigurðardóttir - Færeyska

2024. Eden. Auður Jónsdóttir. Sprotin. Tórshavn.

2023. Merking. Fríða Ísberg. Sprotin. Tórshavn.

2021. “Mín kona”. María Elísabet Bragadóttir. Varðin 100 ár:128- 136.

2016. “Flóttarnir í baðirúminum (“Flóttarnir í baðherberginu”). Jóhann Þórsson. Varðin nr. 1: 37-42.

2007. ”Góðagenta og Húsið” (“Ungfrúin góða og húsið”) Veitsla hjá nornafaðir Stuttsøgur. Halldór Laxness. Ungu Føroyar. Tórshavn.

2007. ”Corda Atlantica”. Veitsla hjá nornafaðir. Halldór Laxness. Ungu Føroyar. Tórshavn.

1994. ”Hatturin”, Jón Thoroddsen; : "Úr trúilovanartíðini”(“Úr tilhugalífinu”), Gestur Pálsson; ”Leidd í kirkju”, Þorgils Gjallandi; 2 síður úr Halldór Laxness: Vevarin mikli úr Kasmir; ”Hjúnaband”, Jón Thoroddsen. Nýbrotið í norðurlendskum bókmentum. Sprotin.

1994. "Uppruni og aldur á íslendskum miðaldarhandritum”, Stefán Karlsson. Heiðursfyrilestur Christiani Matras til áminnis 18. september 1994".

1992. "Høvundurin og verk hansara" Halldór Laxness: Vettvangur dagsins 1942. 14. September 24.04.

1991. "Av mannaávum" (“Af mannavöldum”). Álfrún Gunnlaugsdóttir. 14. September 26.01.

1991. "Sýnið tveir kilometrar" (ljóð) Gyrðir Elíasson. 14. September 26.01.

1991. "Flyting" (yrk.) Gyrðir Elíasson. 14. September 26.01.

1985. "Bøssernes hanekamp" (“Hanaslagur hommanna”). Guðbergur Bergsson. Information 07.12.

1983. "Skilið" (“Ástandið”). Kristján J. Jónsson. Brá 4: 36-38.

1982. "Veitsla undir grótveggi". Svava Jakobsdóttir. Brá 1:15-17.

1982 "Illveðursnátt". Líney Jóhannesdóttir. Brá 1: 19-21.

1981. "Jógvan í Breyðhúsi". Halldór Laxness. Brá nr. 12:24-25.

1979. "Søga fyri børn", Svava Jakobsdóttir. Varðin I-II : 100-108.

1978. Salka Valka II, Halldór Laxness. Bókagarður. Tórshavn.

1978. "Stjörnurnar í Konstantinopel", Ól. Jóh. Sigurðsson. Varðin I-II:

1972. Salka Valka I, Halldór Laxness; úr íslendskum. Bókagarður. Tórshavn.

1990. Børn eru skilafólk (Börn eru besta fólk). Stefán Jónsson.

1982. "At leita eftir sær sjálvari. Nøkur orð um kvinnuligar lívsroyndir og kvinnuliga traditión í íslendskum bókmentum”. Helga Kress. Brá 1:22-32.

1982. Mangt stuttligt kann henda. Stefán Jónsson.

Martin Næs - Færeyska

Þýðingar úr íslensku á færeysku:

1983. Snorri Hjartarson: Heystmyrkrið yvir mær. Yrkingar

1986. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Í abbasa húsi. Barnabók

1986. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Jón Oddur og Jón Bjarni. Barnabók

1987. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Meiri um Jón Odd og Jón Bjarna. Barnabók

1987. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Enn meiri um Jón Odd og Jón Bjarna. Barnabók

1989. Ólafur Gunnarsson: Vakri floghvalurin. Barnabók

1991. Olga Guðrún Árnadóttir: Ferðin til heimsins enda. Sjónleikur

1993. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Bið guðs einglar standa hjá mær. Barnabók

1994. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Óvitar. Sjónleikur.

1994. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Vera vernd. Barnabók

1995. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Hjá mær í nátt. Barnabók

1995. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Tað er gaman í. Barnabók

1995. Egils søga. Bjarni Niclasen týddi søguna. Martin Næs týddi yrkingarnar

1996. Guðrún Helgadóttir: Tað er lagamanni. Barnabók

2000. Heimir Pálsson: Ein er søgan úr Íslandi komin. (Lykill að Íslendingasøgum).

Týðing saman við Þóru Þóroddsdóttur. Lærubók

2002. Halldór Laxness: Garpatáttur. (Gerpla). Týðing saman við Þóru Þóroddsdóttur.


2007. Halldór Laxness: Undir egið borð. (Sjálfstætt fólk) Týðing saman við Þóru

Þóroddsdóttur. Skaldsøga.

2021. Einar Már Guðmundsson: Til rætta viðkomandi. (Til þeirra sem málið varðar).


2021. Gyrðir Elíasson: Sandábókin. (Sandárbókin). Skaldsøga

2021. Við sjógvin – týddar yrkingar og týddir sangir. Yrkingar

2022. Gyrðir Elíasson: Suðurgluggin (Suðurglugginn). Skaldsøga

2022. Gyrðir Elíasson: Sorgarmarsjurin (Sorgarmarsinn). Skaldsøga

2022. Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Arr. (Ør). Skaldsøga

2022. Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Himmal og helviti. (Himnaríki og helviti). Týðing saman við Þóru Þóroddsdóttur. Skaldsøga.

2023. Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Harmur einglanna. (Harmur englanna). Týðing saman við Þóru Þóroddsdóttur. Skaldsøga.

2023. Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Hjarta mansins. (Hjarta mannsins). Týðing saman við Þóru Þóroddsdóttur. Skaldsøga.

2023. Gyrðir Elíasson: Dreymaólag. (Draumstol). Yrkingar

2024. Gyrðir Eliasson: Meðan glerið svevur. (Meðan glerið sefur). Yrkingar. (Ætluð útgáfa juli 2024)

2024. Gyrðir Elíasson: Stjørnulýsi. (Dulstirni). Yrkingar. (Ætluð útgáfa november 2024)

2024. Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Fjarvera tín er myrkur. (Fjarvera þín er myrkur). Týðing saman við Þóru Þóroddsdóttur. Skaldsøga. (Ætluð útgáva september 2024). 

Agnes Ársól - Pólska

Agnes Ársól Bikowska graduate of the University of Iceland with a bachelor's degree in Icelandic as a second language and the University of Wrocław in the field of ethnology. She is currently completing her master's degree in translation studies. She has been living in Iceland for the past 15 years. She is a candidate member of the Association of Literary Translators in Poland (Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Literatury), where she completed a literary translation course in 2021. She is one of the hosts of the podcast Elves and Trolls (Elfy i Trole Podcast o Północy), in which she explains and presents old Icelandic folktales and myths. She is passionate about translating 19th and 20th century Icelandic literature, poetry, plays and short stories.

In 2021, she cooperated with the largest Icelandic publishing house, Forlagið, where her first book about the history of Iceland, translated into Polish, was published. In 2022, she collaborated with the Warsaw Philharmonic, for which she translated poem in Requiem for mixed choir a cappella, Op. 33b by Jón Leifs. In 2024, a book Nordyckie Opowieści in where she among other translators from several Scandinavian countries collaborated and co-authored on translating Scandinavian folktales to Polish.

Selected Translations:

Jón Árnasson: Íslenzkar þjóðsögur og æfintýri (Nordyckie opowieści, Moc Media: 2024)

Gunnar Karlsson: Íslandssaga í stuttu máli (Historia Islandii w skrócie, Forlagið: 2021)

Fabio Teixido - Spanish Spænska

Initially, Fabio studied Geology at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, with a specialization in volcanology. After several years working as a researcher, he decided to shift his career and he completed a B.A. in Translation and Interpreting at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Drawn by Icelandic nature, language, and culture, he moved to Iceland in 2008, where he still resides. He earned a B.A. in Icelandic as a Second Language and a M.A. in Icelandic Linguistics from the University of Iceland. Since then, he has been working as a literary translator, having translated about 25 contemporary Icelandic novels. 

Selected translations:

Fabio has translated around 25 books and his translation of Skuggasund (Pasaje de las Sombras) by Arnaldur Indriðason was awarded the Spanish RBA Prize for Crime Fiction in 2013. Here is a list of his main works:

- Arnaldur Indriðason: Kamp Knox (El hangar 885; RBA, 2024); Reykjavíkurnætur (Noches de Reikiavik; RBA, 2023), Einvígið (El duelo; RBA, 2021), Dauðarósir (Rosas muertas; RBA, 2020), Sýnir duftsins (Inocencia robada: RBA, 2019), Furðustrandir (Naturaleza hostil; RBA, 2018), Svörtuloft (En el abismo; RBA, 2017), Bettý (Bettý; RBA, 2017), Skuggasund (Pasaje de las sombras; RBA, 2013).

- Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Dýralíf (La verdad sobre la luz; Alfaguara 2024), Ungfrú Ísland (La escritora; Alfaguara, 2022), Ör (Hotel Silencio; Alfaguara, 2019).

- Bergsveinn Birgisson. Svar við bréfi Helgu (Para Helga; Lumen, 2019 / Carta en respuesta a Helga; Poklonka, Bogotá, 2017).

- Bragi Ólafsson: Gæludýrin (Las mascotas; Bajolaluna, Buenos Aires, 2012).

- Gyrðir Elíasson: Sandárbókin (A orillas del Sandá; Volcano Libros, 2021)

- Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir: Jarðnæði (Tierra de amor y ruinas; Sexto Piso, 2019)

- Ólafur Páll Jónsson: Annáll um líf í annasömum heimi (Crónica de una vida en un mundo convulso; Márgenes Editores, 2024), Fjársjóðsleit í Granada (Búsqueda del tesoro en Granada; Alhulia, 2016).

- Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: Lygi (Mentiras; Reservoir Books, 2017), Kuldi (Los indeseados; Reservoir Books, 2015), Ég man þig (Sé quién eres; Reservoir Books, 2014).


Laura Molenaar

Laura Molenaar - Dutch Hollenska

Laura Molenaar (1993) is a translator from Icelandic and German to Dutch. She holds an MSc in Logic and a BSc in Applied Mathematics. Since her studies, Laura has devoted herself to translation, having completed the International Summer Course in Reykjavík in 2018 and four courses at the MA Literary Translation at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands in 2023. She has received a Starting Grant from the Dutch Foundation for Literature and completed an apprenticeship (ontwikkelingstraject) at the Expertise Centre for Literary Translation (Expertisecentrum Literair Vertalen).

Selected Translations

  • Auður Jónsdóttir, De schok, Uitgeverij Mozaïek, 2023
  • Fríða Ísberg, Markering, De Geus, 2022, together with Kim Liebrand
  • Gerður Kristný, Excerpt from Smarties, Tijdschrift PLUK, 2022
  • Eva Rún Snorradóttir, selected poems for Poetry International 2024.


Aleksandra Kieliszewska - Polish Pólska

Aleksandra Kieliszewska (b. 1982) graduated with a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. She was awarded a scholarship from the Icelandic Government to study Icelandic as a Second Language at the University of Iceland, focusing her thesis on the translation of "Sagan af bláa hnettinum" by Andri Snær Magnason. Additionally, she pursued translation studies with another Master's thesis on the translations and adaptations of Johanna Spyri's "Heidi" into Icelandic.

Having lived in Iceland for a total of 11 years, Aleksandra taught Icelandic and worked as an interpreter and translator of non-literary texts. Presently, she teaches Icelandic as a foreign language at the University of Gdansk and is embarking on an adventure in translating literature.

Selected Translations


  • Hilmar Örn Óskarsson, Holupotvoríur alls staðar, Bókabeitan, Reykjavík 2021 (Translation of the dialogues spoken by the Polish-speaking protagonist)




  • Hilmar Örn Óskarsson, Dredfúlíur! Flýið!, Bókabeitan, Reykjavík 2022 (Translation of the dialogues spoken by the Polish-speaking protagonist)





Maren Barlien - Norska Norwegian

Maren Barlien has a BA in Nordic language and Literature focusing on Old Norse, from NTNU, Trondheim, and is currently doing her MA in Translation studies at Háskóli Íslands. She has previously also studied Icelandic as a second language. Since 2018 she has translated several books into both bokmål and nynorsk from Danish and Swedish, but has also done revision and consultant jobs on Icelandic literature for several publishers in Norway. In 2023 she also had her first novel Einbreid bru published in nynorsk.

Selected Translations


  • Libretto by Ingunn Lára Kristjánsdóttir, Kornið - mini opera by Birgit Djupedal. 



Hadrien Chalard - Franska French

After learning both Icelandic and Japanese at B.A. level at both Paris Sorbonne University and Háskóli Íslands, Hadrien Chalard graduated with a master's degree in Icelandic and Nordic studies at Paris Sorbonne University in 2020. He then moved to Iceland where he lived and worked for a year as an educational aid and French teacher before coming back to France to dedicate his time to the translation of Icelandic literature. Since 2022, he has been teaching Icelandic where he once learned it, at Sorbonne University. In 2023, he also started teaching Icelandic literature.

Selected Translations

  • Fríða Ísberg, La Marque (Merking),
    Robert Laffont, 2023
  • Örvar Smárason, Le Masque de sommeil et autres Nouvelles (Svefngríman), Traverse(s), 2023
  • Upcoming: Pedro Gunnlaugur Garcia, (Lungu), Métailié, 2024  


Lorenza Garcia - English Enska

Lorenza Garcia (BA First Class Hons in Spanish and Latin American Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London; DipTrans with distinction, Institute of Linguists). Lorenza spent many years living and working in Iceland, Spain and France. She has been a full-time translator since 2008, and currently lives in London.


Selected Translations.

She has translated and co-translated thirty-five novels and works of non-fiction from the French, the Spanish and the Icelandic. these include The Ice Lands by Steinar Bragi, Macmillan 2016; Iceland Invaded by Páll Baldvin Baldvinsson, Forlagið 2018, and Helgi Tomasson, A Memoir by Thorvaldur Kristinsson, San Francisco Ballet, 2022. She has also collaborated on the English versions of several novels by Olaf J. Olafsson, including One Station Away, Sacrament and Touch. Her co-translation of Traveller of the Century by Andres Neuman was shortlisted for the International Foreign Fiction Prize 2013, the Dublin IMPAC 2014, the Valle-Inclan Translation Prize 2014. Talking To Ourselves by the same author was longlisted for the Best Translated Book Award 2015.



Jacek Godek - Polish Pólska

Jacek Godek (b.1958) lived in Iceland and studied at Melaskóli and Hagaskóli. He has worked as actor, director and journalist. Jacek translated poems by Jónas Hallgrímsson into Polish at the age of 14 and since then he has translated number of plays and novels. He did programs for the Polish National Broadcasting Service about the Sagas, the music of Skálmöld, and everything in between.

He received Orðstír, the honorary award for translations of Icelandic literature to a foreign language in 2023.

Selected Translations

  • Jónas Hallgrímsson, various poems (1972, Polish Radio 1)
  • Svava Jakobsdóttir, Lokaæfing (Play, 1986, Polish TV)
  • Steinn Steinarr, Tíminn og vatnið (1987, Integracje magazine)
  • Hrafnhildur Hagalín, Ég er meistarinn (Play 1994, Teatr Wybrzeże Gdańsk)
  • Ólafur Haukur Símonarson, Hafið (1996, Dialog)
  • Árni Ibsen, Skjaldbakan kemst þangað líka (1998, Dialog)
  • Einar Kárason, Þar sem djöflaeyjan rís (1997, Marpress)
  • Hallgrímur Helgason, 101 Reykjavík (2000, Świat Literacki)
  • Arnaldur Indriðason, Mýrin (2009, A.B) Grafarþögn (2010, W.A.B), Röddin (2011, W.A.B), Kleifarvatn (2012, W.A.B), Vetrarborgin (2013 – GWF), Harðskafi (2016 – GWF), Myrká (2017 – GWF), Svörtuloft (2018 – GWF)
  • Yrsa Sigurðardóttir – Þriðja táknið (2006 – Muza), Sér grefur gröf (2007 – Muza), Auðnin (2008 – Muza), Aska (2009 – Muza), Horfðu á mig (2010 – Muza), Ég man þig (2011 – Muza)
  • Stefan Máni – Skipið (2010 – W.A.B)
  • Sjón – Skugga Baldur (2009 – słowo / obraz terytoria)
  • Steinar Bragi – Konur (2010 – Krytyka polityczna)
  • Árni Thórarinsson – Tími nornarinnar (2009 – CAT Books)
  • Andri Snær Magnason – Sagan af bláa hnetti (2014 – eneduerabe)
  • Jón Kalmann Stefánsson – Harmur englanna (2015 – GWF)
  • Guðmundur Andri Thorsson – Valeyrarvalsinn (2017 – Wielka Litera)
  • Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson – Flateyjargátan (2017 – Helion)
  • Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir – Frelsi (2018 – IKM Gdansk) – Verðlaun European Poet of Freedom
  • Vala Þórsdóttir – Þankaganga / Súsanna í Póllandi (2013 – Wydawnictwo Widnokrąg)
  • Álfar og tröll – nokkrar þjóðsögur – O elfach i trollach cz.1 (2016 –
  • Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir – Eyland (2018 – Wydawnictwo Literackie)
  • Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir – inni í mér syndir fiskur (2018 – IKM Gdansk)
  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir – Gildran (september 2018 – Wydawnictwo Kobiece)
  • Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson – Jólatrésránið (á að birtast í tímaritnu Przekrój í Desember 2018)
  • Steinar Bragi – Kata (15 mars 2019 – Wydawnictwo Literackie)
  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir –Netið (15 masr 2019 – Wydawnictwo Kobiece)
  • Elísabet Jökulsdóttir - Ástin ein taugahrúga – Enginn dans við Ufsaklett ( 15 mars 2019 - Miroslaw Godek)
  • Vefur með Íslendingasögum, fornsögum, Heimskringlu, íslenskum draugasögum, ævintýrum, þjóðsögum o.s.frv. (a.m.k. ein saga á mánuði)


Inés García López - Catalonian Katalónska

Specialist in critical studies on the reception of Scandinavian literature at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Catalonia/Spain). She has a PhD in Old Norse literature by the Universitat de Barcelona. She studied Scandinavian languages, culture and history in Mälardalen Högskola in Västerås (Sweden), and Old Norse and Modern Icelandic in Isafjörður, at the Háskólasetur Vestfjarða, and in Reykjavík, at the Háskóli Íslands. She did research stays at the Institut für Nordische Philologie, Münster University (Germany) and at the Árni Magnússon Institute (Iceland). She has also been promoter and director of all four editions of “The Icelandic Sagas” (2013-2017) at the Universitat de Barcelona, the first postgraduate course on the saga genre ever held in Spain, that had the support of the Icelandic Consulate in Barcelona. In 2020 she was the first Spanish scholar to be awarded the Snorri Sturluson Fellowship to translate an Icelandic saga for the first time into the Catalan language. She has also received grants for literary translation from the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (Catalonia/Spain), the Miðstöðvar íslenskra bókmennta (Icelandic Literature Center) and the Rithöfundasamband Íslands (Writers’ Union of Iceland). She is currently a translator of medieval and contemporary Icelandic literature.


Einar Már Guðmundsson, Àngels de l’univers (Englar alheimsins), Tarragona: Nits Blanques, 2021.

Saga de Kormákr (Kormáks saga), Martorell: Adesiara, 2023 (in print).

Kelsey Paige Hopkins - English Enska

Kelsey Paige Hopkins was born in San Francisco, USA in 1986. She became an Icelandic citizen in 2023, and will completing her master's in translation in 2024/2025. She holds a BA in Philosophy and German Language and Literature from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada (2010). In 2014, she received a grant from the Icelandic Ministry of Education and the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies to study Icelandic as a Second Language at University of Iceland, graduating with a BA in 2017. Kelsey then enrolled in a MA in Icelandic Linguistics at the same institution, and has been translating fiction, non-fiction, and scholarly texts alongside her graduate work since 2020. She looks forward to completing a Practical Diploma in Translation in 2022/2023, and currently resides in Reykjavík with her cat. 

Selected translations:

  • Legends (Goðsögn), a collection of microfiction by Ármann Jakobsson [Akureyri: Flóra menningarhús, 2022]
  • Uppsala Edda: The textbook DG 11 4to, scholarly non-fiction by Heimir Pálsson [Uppsala: Uppsala University Press, 2022]


Grégory Cattaneo - Franska French

Grégory Cattaneo has completed a BA in History from the University of Orléans (2005), a MA in History from the University of Paris Sorbonne (2006), a MA in Medieval Icelandic Studies from the University of Iceland (2007) and a PhD in History from the same university (2022). He is currently writing a habilitation thesis on Medieval Iceland at the École Pratique des Hautes-Études in Paris. Living in Iceland since 2005, he has been working as an academic for about ten years before moving to the private industry while continuing his research on the history and philology of Medieval Scandinavia. Apart from writing academic books, peer-reviewed articles, and a novel, he has translated into French a variety of Icelandic publications, including medieval literature, contemporary history, folklore, and local histories.

 Selected translations:

  • Histoire des évêques d’Islande I-II, Présentation, traduction et notes par Grégory Cattaneo, Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur (Traduction des Classiques du Moyen Âge), 2025-2026 [Vol I : Kristni saga, Hungrvaka, Jóns saga helga, Gísls þáttr Illugasonar, Sæmundar þáttr. Vol II : Þorláks sögr helga, Jarteinabækr Þorláks helga, Páls saga biskups, Ísleifs þáttr biskups.]
  • Histoires régionales du nord de l’Islande, Présentation, traduction et notes par Grégory Cattaneo, Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur (Traduction des Classiques du Moyen Âge), 2025 [Ljósvetninga saga ok þættir ; Reykdæla saga ok Víga-Skútu.]
  • Les Lois de l’Islande ancienne ; Grágás / Anonyme, traduit du vieil islandais, introduit et annoté par Grégory Cattaneo, Paris, Librairie Droz (Hautes Études médiévales et modernes), 2024 [Grágás. Konungsbók ; Staðarhólsbók.]
  • Le Dit d’Ofeig (Ófeig þáttr) : une saga miniature d’Islande », in: Histoire et Images médiévales, XLVI, 2012.
  • Fascicule de l’Institut Árni Magnússon d’études islandaises : les manuscrits médiévaux (version française), Reykjavik, 2012.


Vala Thorodds - English Enska

Vala Thorodds (Valgerður Þóroddsdóttir) was born in Iceland and grew up in Reykjavík and upstate New York. She is a publisher and editor as well as a literary translator from Icelandic to English. Her poetry, translations, and non-fiction are published by The Guardian, Granta, BBC Radio 4, The White Review, PN Review, The Stinging Fly, and in the anthologies New Poetries VII (Carcanet Press) and The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem (Penguin Classics), among others.

She is the recipient of a PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant and an Iowa Arts Fellowship in Literary Translation from the University of Iowa.

Selected translations

  • Swanfolk by Kristín Ómarsdóttir (HarperVia/HarperCollins, USA, 2022) (Harvill Secker/Vintage, UK, 2022)
  • Forevernoon by Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (Partus Press, UK, 2022)
  • Waitress in Fall by Kristín Ómarsdóttir (Carcanet Press & Partus Press, UK, 2018)


Susanne Torpe - Danish Danska

Susanne Torpe (f. 1974) Cand. mag. i nordisk sprog og litteratur samt æstetik og kultur fra Århus Universitet 1999.

Stiftede i 2003 Forlaget Hr. Ferdinand med Snæbjörn Arngrimsson. Solgte forlaget i 2017. Har efterfølgende arbejdet som freelanceredaktør og oversætter for en lang række danske forlag. Har boet i Island i otte år, men er nu bosat i Danmark.

Har oversat fra engelsk og islandsk.

Selected Translations

Har fra islandsk bl.a. oversat:

Kæledyrene af Bragi Ólafsson

Englen på 2. sal af Kristín Steinsdóttir

Hemmeligheden i det forladte hus af Snæbjörn Arngrimsson

En række udvalgte noveller fra Sögur og ljóð af Ásta Sigurðardóttir.


Rolf Stavnem - Danish Danska

Rolf Stavnem, PhD and MA in Scandinavian Studies. Full time translator since 2015.

Selected translations

from Old Norse:

The Poetic Edda

Snorri's Edda (with Kim Lembek)

Icelandic Sagas

Heroic Sagas

Skaldic Poetry (namely Rekstefja by Hallar-Steinn)

from Modern Icelandic:

Works by Ófeigur Sigurðsson, Steinar Bragi, Ragnar Jónasson, Arnaldur Indriðason, Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir, Bergsveinn Birgisson, Halldór Guðmundsson, Stefán Máni

Rolf also translates from Norwegian, Swedish and English

Vanja Veršić - Croatian Króatíska

Vanja holds an MA in English and Swedish from the University of Zagreb, Croatia and a BA in Icelandic as a Second Language from the University of Iceland. She works as a freelance translator, translating literature and various technical texts into her mother tongue, Croatian.


Selected Translations

  • Um tímann og vatnið, Andri Snær Magnason (Planetopija, 2021)
  • Sogið, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (Znanje, 2021)
  • Sagan af bláa hnettinum, Andri Snær Magnason (Znanje, 2020)
  • DNA, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (Znanje, 2020)



Natalia Demidova - Russian Rússneska

Born in Russia, Natalia Demidova (Kovachkina) graduated from the University of Iceland with a B.A. in Icelandic for Foreign Students in 2011 and with an M.A. in Translation Studies in 2016. She has worked as a literary translator since 2014 and in 2019 her translation of Skugga-Baldur by Sjón was nominated for the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize. She currently lives in Iceland.

Selected Translations

  • Single short stories by Andri Snær Magnason, Bragi Ólafsson, Einar Kárason, Guðbergur Bergsson, Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Gyrðir Elíasson, Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir, Kristín Eiríksdóttir, Ólafur Gunnarsson, Óskar Árni Óskarsson, Sjón, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Svava Jakobsdóttir, Thor Vilhjálmsson and Þórarinn Eldjárn for Russian-language literary magazines in Russia, Finland and Israel
  • [Sjón, Skugga-Baldur, Inostrannaya literatura, 9/2018 ] Сьёун, Скугга-Бальдур, Иностранная литература, 9/2018, с. 1-97
  • [Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, DNA, Eksmo, Moscow, 2020] Ирса Сигурдардоттир, ДНК, Эксмо, Москва, 2020


Shirley Levi - Hebreska Hebrew

Shirley Levi was born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel. She majored at theatre at high school and learned Flamenco and Spanish. She later on worked in journalism and used to be a news anchor on TV. Shirley has been living in Iceland since 2001 where she raises her family. Since 2019, Shirley has been a translator and copy editor of literary fiction and children's books translations from Icelandic into Hebrew for Aryeh Nir publishers and Lesa.


  • Smáglæpir, Björn Halldórsson, Lesa, 2021
  • Í hjarta mínu, Ólíver Þorsteinsson, Lesa, 2021
  • Fíasól í fínum málum, Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir, Lesa 2022


Knut Ødegård - Norska Norwegian

Knut Ødegård, born 1945 in Molde, Norway, studied theology and philology at the Universities of Oslo and Cambridge. He is living in Reykjavik since 1984, partly also in his hometown Molde where he is taking care of his Norwegian duties. He is a poet and writer who published his first poetry book in 1967, since then he has published 44 books (poetry, novels, childrens books, essays, also three books about Iceland). His poetry books are translated into 43 languages, more than any other contemporary Norwegian poet.

In Norway he has been the director of publishing house Noregs Boklag, cultural director of county Trøndelag and is still a literary critic for Oslo newspapers. He organized the first international literary festival of Norway and also the literary academy (both named after the Nobel prize winner Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson). When moving to Iceland in 1984, he was offered the position as director of Nordic House and as such he was the founder - together with Thor Vilhjálmsson and Einar Bragi - of the Reykjavik international festival of literature.

As a translator from Icelandic, he has mainly focused on poetry, both old Icelandic and modern, he also has translated sagas and modern prose books.

For his merits he is decorated by the President of Iceland as a Commander with star of the Order of the Icelandic Falcon. He is also knighted with the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit and is a Commander of the papal Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Vatican).

He is a member of the Norwegian Academy. He is awarded with a Litt.D. h.c and Professor h.c.

Selected Translations

1973: Einar Bragi: Regn i mai, gjendikting.1976: Ólafur Jóhann Sigurðsson: Ved brunnane, gjendikting.

1980: Eysteinn Ásgrímsson: Lilja, gjendikting med essay.

1982: Einarr Skúlason: Geisli, gjendikting med essay.

1983: Vésteinn Lúðvíksson: Stalin er ikkje her, oversettelse av drama.

1983: Thor Vilhjálmsson: Fort fort, sa fuglen, oversettelse av roman, med essay av K.Ø.

1985: Kristján Karlsson: New York, gjendikting.

1986: Einar Már Guðmundsson: Ridderne av den runde trapp, oversettelse av roman.

1988: Stefán Hörður Grímsson: Samband, gjendikting.

1989: Halldór Laxness: Salka Valka, oversettelse av teaterversjon.

1989: Matthías Johannessen: Dag veks av dag, gjendikting.

1990: Moderne islandske dikt, antologi med dikt av Stefán Hörður Grímsson, Kristján

Karlsson, Matthías Johannessen, Hannes Pétursson, Jóhann Hjálmarsson, Steinunn

Sigurðardóttir og Gyrðir Elíasson.

1992: Ingibjörg Haraldsdóttir: Nå er det andre tider, gjendikting.

1992: Einar Már Guðmundsson: Røde dager, oversettelse av roman.

1993: Hrafnhildur Hagalin Guðmundsdóttir: Jeg er mesteren, oversettelse av drama.

1994: Matthías Johannessen: Om vindheim vide, gjendikting. Forord av Lars Roar Langslet.

2002: Matthías Johannessen: Salmer i atomalderen, gjendikting. Forord av Lars Roar


2007: Jóhann Hjálmarsson: Storm er et vakkert ord, gjendikting med innledning av K.Ø.

2013: Edda-dikt I, Voluspå og Håvamål, gjendikting, etterord og kommentarer. Forord ved

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir.

2014: Edda-dikt II, Gudedikt, gjendikting, etterord og kommentarer. Forord ved Jon Fosse.

2014: Gerður Kristný: Blodhest, med essay av K.Ø.

2014: Kormaks saga, oversettelse av saga.

2015: Edda-dikt III, Heltedikt 1, gjendikting, etterord og kommentarer. Forord ved Lars

Roar Langslet.

2016: Edda-dikt IV, Heltedikt 2, gjendikting, etterord og kommentarer. Forord ved Kari Vogt.

2021: Einar Már Guðmundsson: Til rette vedkomande, gjendikting med essay av K.Ø.

2024: Gerður Kristný: Selmor, gjendikting med etterord av K.Ø.



Moshe Erlendur Okon - Hebreska Hebrew

Moshe Erlendur Okon was born in Jerusalem, lived in Iceland between 1995 and 1998 and still spends much time there regularly. He translates into Hebrew from Icelandic and English. Three children's books by him were published in Iceland so far.

He holds an MA degree from the Hebrew University and is a fellow of the Linnean Society of London, specializing in conchology, a subject on which he has written much.

Moshe Erlendur currently works with couples in the throes of marital breakdown (both as a family therapist and a divorce lawyer) and teaches family law and ethics.


  • Skugga Baldur, Sjón, Locus Publishing 2019
  • Stormfuglar, Einar Kárason, Lesa, 2021
  • Aðventa, Gunnar Gunnarsson,  Carmel, 2023


Shai Sendik - Hebreska Hebrew

Shai Sendik has been a literary translator from English, French and Icelandic into Hebrew since 2007. He has translated more than 100 novels for major Israeli publishers including the works of Jane Austen, Victor Hugo, Philippe Claudel, Marcel Schwob, Jodi Picoult, Guilliaume Musso, Emma Healey, Joanna Cannon, Yaa Gyasi and more. Shai studied English and French literature at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has a B.Ed. in English from the Levinsky College of Education. He worked as an editor-in-chief at Tamir//Sendik and went on to found his own press, Lesa, which focuses on translations of Icelandic literary fiction into Hebrew.

Selected Translations

  • Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, Valeyrarvalsinn, Lesa, 2020.
  • Bergsveinn Birgisson, Svar við bréfi Helgu, Lesa, 2020
  • Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir, Jarðnæði, Lesa, 2020
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Ástin Texas, Lesa, 2020
  • Andri Snær Magnasson, Sagan af bláa hnettinum, Aryeh Nir, 2020
  • Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Ungfrú Ísland, Lesa, 2020
  • Bergsveinn Birgisson, Lifandilífslækur, Lesa, 2021
  • Bergþóra Snæbjörnsdóttir, Svínshöfuð, Lesa, 2021
  • Ragnar Jónasson, Dimma, Aryeh Nir, 2021
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Aðferðir til að lifa af, 2021
  • Halldór Laxness, Sjálfstætt fólk, Lesa, 2021
  • Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, Hið heilaga orð, Lesa, 2021


Dens Dimiņš - Latvian Lettneska

Dens studied Classical philology and French philology at the University of Latvia and later Icelandic as a second language at the University of Iceland, currently PhD student in Icelandic linguistics at the same university. Currently Dens lives in Latvia, and teaches narratology, contrastive linguistics at the Ventspils College and teaches Modern Greek literature at the University of Latvia. Dens has also served as an interpreter for the Icelandic Parliament (Alþingi), the National Immigration Office (Útlendingaeftirlitið), the Police (Lögreglan) and other institutions translating between Icelandic, Latvian and Russian.

Selected Translations

  • Andri Snær Magnason, Sagan af bláa hnettinum, story, transl. from Icelandic, Liels un mazs, Riga, 2019.
  • Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Nei sagði litla skrímslið, transl. from Icelandic, Liels un mazs, Riga, 2018.
  • Sjón, Skuggabaldur, novel, transl. from Icelandic, Mansards, Riga, 2017.
  • Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Upphækkuð jörð, novel, transl. from Icelandic, Jānis Roze, 2016.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason, Mýrin, novel, transl. from Icelandic, Mansards, Riga, 2016.
  • Eddukvæði, editing and commentary, Jānis Roze, Riga, 2015.
  • Jonathan Littell, Les Bienveillantes, novel, transl. from French, Jānis Roze, Riga, 2015.
  • Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Afleggjarinn, novel, transl. from Icelandic, Jānis Roze, 2014.
  • Einar Már Guðmundsson, Englar alheimsins, novel, transl. from Icelandic, Jumava, Riga, 2013.
  • Jón Atli Jónasson, Brim, play, transl. from Icelandic, staged in Riga, 2009.
  • Hallgrímur Helgason, 101 Reykjavík, novel, transl. from Icelandic, Valters un Rapa, Riga, 2007. 
  • Andri Snær Magnason, Tímakistan, Liels un mazs, Riga, 2024

  • Hallgrímur Helgason, Konan við 1000o , Zvaigzne, Riga, 2023.
  • Arnaldur Indridason, Grafarþögn, Mansards, Riga, 2023.


Brian FitzGibbon - English Enska

Born in Dublin in 1960, Brian FitzGibbon graduated with a B.A. (hons) in Drama at the University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC) in 1985 and went on to study film at the Istituto di Scienze Cinematografiche in Florence. Prior to moving to Iceland in 1996, he worked in Italy as a translator and dialogue coach on a number of film productions. 

Selected Translations

Brian FitzGibbon has translated a vast array of film scripts, treatments, stage plays and novels from Italian, French and Icelandic. His most recent translations include Dýralíf (The Human Animal) by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir and Truflunin (Disturbance) by Steinar Bragi. His translation of Butterflies in November by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir was listed for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize in 2014 in the UK and his translation of the Icelandic cult novel 101 Reykjavik by Hallgrímur Helgason, published by Faber & Faber in the UK and Scribner in the US in 2002, was hailed by the Guardian as "dazzling" (read Guardian review) and the New York Times as "lucid" (NYT review). More recent translations include Woman at 1000 degrees by Hallgrímur Helgason (published by Algonquin in the US), as well as Hotel Silence and Miss Iceland by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, published by Grove in the US.

Brian's one-act play The Papar, was staged by the Abbey Theatre at the Peacock in Dublin in 1997, and subsequently adapted into a short film called Stranded, premiered at the Tribeca Film Center in New York one year later. An Icelandic translation of the play was broadcast on Icelandic radio in 2005 and nominated for a Gríman Award the same year.

His full-length play, Another Man, was a finalist at the Playwrights Slam at the 2005 Chichester Theatre Festival in the UK. A radio adaptation of the play was broadcast on Icelandic State radio in the spring of 2008 and nominated for an Icelandic Gríman Award.


Mariano González Campo - Spanish Spænska

Mariano González Campo, born in Murcia (Spain) in 1968, is a scholar in Nordic studies with a Ph.D. degree in Translation Studies at the University of Valladolid and B.Ph.Isl in Icelandic at the University of Iceland. He has also degrees from the University of the Faroe Islands and Bergen (Norway). He is specialized in Old Norse-Icelandic and modern Icelandic, Faroese and Norwegian literature.

Selected Translations

  • Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson: Puedes llamarme Bubu (Ég heiti Blíðfinnur en þú mátt kalla mig Bóbó). Madrid, Siruela, 2001
  • Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson: Traigo un mensaje para Bubu (Ert þú Blíðfinnur? Ég er með mikilvæg skilaboð). Madrid, Siruela, 2003
  • Jóhann Sigurjónsson: Loftur el Brujo (Galdra-Loftur). Madrid, Miraguano, 2005
  • Saga de Hervör (Hervarar saga). Madrid, Miraguano, 2003
  • Saga de los Feroeses (Færeyinga saga). Madrid, Miraguano, 2008
  • Historia de Campo Florido (Blómstrvalla saga). Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2010
  • Sagas artúricas. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2011
  • Saga de Bósi (Bósa saga). Madrid, Miraguano, 2013


Oskar Vistdal - Norska Norwegian

Selected Titles

  • 2012: Gyrðir Elíasson: Steintre. Oslo: Bokvennen forlag
  • 2013: Gyrðir Elíasson: Ved Sandelva. Pastoralsonate. Oslo: Bokvennen forlag
  • 2014: Gyrðir Elíasson: Utsyn frå Sørglaset. Oslo: Bokvennen forlag
  • 2016: Gyrðir Elíasson: Koparåker. Oslo: Bokvennen forlag
  • 2016: Gyrðir Elíasson: Dikt i utval 1983–2012. Sunde: Nordsjøforlaget
  • 2019: Gyrðir Elíasson: Vandrande ikorn. Oslo: Bokvennen forlag
  • 2020: Gyrðir Elíasson: Siste reisebrev. Nordsjøforlaget.
  • 2018: Gerður Kristný: Skeiseferd og andre dikt. Sunde: Nordsjøforlaget
  • 2019: Gerður Kristný: Sjelemesse. Sunde: Nordsjøforlaget
  • 2016: Gunnar Gunnarsson: Advent. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget
  • 2019. Gunnar Gunnarsson: Svartfugl. Oslo: Bokvennen forlag
  • 2018: Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: Syndsforlatelse. Oslo: Kagge forlag



Kristian Breidfjord - Norska Norwegian

Kristian Breidfjord (Kristján Breiðfjörð, b.1970) grew up in Iceland but moved to Norway in 1981. He studied history, linguistics and literature at the NTNU, the University of Trondheim. Kristian Breidfjord specializes in translation of poetry, and has edited and translated several volumes of Icelandic poetry into Norwegian, including anthologies and separate volumes of poems. He works as a freelance translator, editor and writer in Norway.

Selected Translations

  • Sigurður Pálsson, Dikt husker stemmen (Ljóð muna rödd), Nordsjøforlaget, 2017
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson, Mørke roser (Dimmar rósir), Bokvennen forlag, 2014
  • Gerður Kristný, Kirkegården (Garðurinn), Bokvennen forlag, 2011
  • Hannes Pétursson, Europa ender her (Poems selected by Kristian Breidfjord), Bokvennen forlag,, 2009
  • Jón úr Vör, Jeg kommer på døren (Poems selected by Kristian Breidfjord), Bokvennen forlag,, 2008
  • Steinn Steinarr, Reise uten destinasjon (Poems selected by Kristian Breidfjord), Bokvennen forlag, 2007


Quentin Bates - English Enska

Quentin Bates lived in Iceland throughout the 1980s, working both ashore and at sea, including studying to qualify as a ship's officer. Since returning to Britain he has been (mostly) a maritime journalist, before branching out into fiction with a series of novels set in Iceland, as well as translations of novels from Icelandic to English.

Selected Translations

  • Bowline (Pelastikk) by Guðlaugur Arason, 2013, self-published
  • Snowblind (Snjóblinda) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2015, Orenda Books
  • Nightblind (Náttblinda) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2015, Orenda Books
  • Blackout (Myrknætti) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2016, Orenda Books
  • Rupture (Rof) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2016, Orenda Books
  • Whiteout (Andköf) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2017, Orenda Books
  • Snare (Gildran) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2017, Orenda Books
  • The Edge of the World (Endimörk Heimsins) by Sigurjón Magnússon, 2018, Ugla
  • Trap (Netið) Trap by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2018, Orenda Books
  • Cab 79 (79 af Stöðinni) by Indriði G Þorsteinsson, 2018, Williams & Whiting
  • Siglufjörður Ljósmyndir 1872-2018, edited by Anita Elefsen, 2018, Síldarminjasafnið
  • Cage (Búrið) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2019, Orenda Books
  • Storm Birds (Stormfuglar) by Einar Kárason, 2020, Maclehose Press
  • Betrayal (Svik) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2020 , Orenda Books
  • The Fox (Refurinn) by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, 2020, Corylus Books
  • Cold as Hell (Helköld Sól) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2021, Orenda Books
  • Silenced (Fjötrar) by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, 2021, Corylus Books



Xinyu Zhang - Chinese Kínverska

Xinyu Zhang is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Comparative Literature at Cornell University and holds a B.A. in Icelandic as a Second Language (2017, University of Iceland) and an M.A. in Icelandic Literature (2020, University of Iceland). His devotion to Icelandic literature is twofold: on one hand, he has been translating Icelandic modern and contemporary literature into Chinese since 2016 (both literary classics and latest works); on the other, he has been researching them from a scholarly perspective. He works and lives in Ithaca NY – Reykjavík – Beijing.

Selected Translations

  • Einar Már Guðmundsson. Hundadagar [2015, 酷暑天]. Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House [人民文学出版社], 2017.
  • A Special Issue on Icelandic Literature [冰岛文学小辑]. Beijing: World Literature [世界文学] 6/2018, pp. 5–128.
  •  [Xinyu was the chief compiler and main translator of this issue, which includes short stories by Bragi Ólafsson, Gyrðir Elíasson, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Kristín Eiríksdóttir, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Svava Jakobsdóttir, and an academic article by Prof. Ástráður Eysteinsson].
  • Fríða Á. Sigurðardóttir. Meðan nóttin líður [1990, 夜逝之时]. Beijing: China International Radio Press [中国国际广播出版社], 2019.
  • Einar Kárason. Stormfuglar [2018, 风暴鸟]. Changsha: Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House [湖南文艺出版社], 2022.
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir. Ástin fiskanna [1993, 鱼的爱情]. Beijing: China International Radio Press [中国国际广播出版社], 2024.
  • Einar Már Guðmundsson. Riddarar hringstigans [1982, 旋转楼梯的骑士们]. Beijing: China International Radio Press [中国国际广播出版社], forthcoming.


Luciano Dutra - Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk)

Luciano Dutra, born in Brazil, graduated with a BA in Icelandic as a second language (major) and Translation Studies (minor) from Háskóli Íslands, where he is also taking a MA in Translation Studies. A resident of Iceland since 2013 and before that from 2002 to 2008, he established Sagarana editora forlag in Reykjavík in 2014 focusing on publishing literature in translation both in Iceland and in Brazil. Authors published by Sagarana forlag include so far Valter Hugo Mãe, Francesca Cricelli, Karl Ove Knausgård, Vitor Ramil and Josefine Klougart. Luciano also runs since 2016 the Facebook page "Um poema nórdico ao dia", where he translates and publishes poems from all Nordic countries translated into Portuguese. His translation of Rökkurbýsnir/From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón was one of the 10 finalists of the Jabuti Award (in the category Translation) 2018, and was awarded the 2nd prize for translated fiction books published in 2017 by the National Library of Brazil. Accredited as a sworn translator from Icelandic to Portuguese since 2007.

Luciano Dutra has received Orðstír, the honorary award for translations of Icelandic literature to a foreign language.


2002-2007 BA in Icelandic as a second language (major) and Translation studies at University of Iceland

2012 Swedish studies at Folkuniversitet, Stockholm

2014 Summer course in Faroese at Fróðskaparsetrið, Tó

2014– MA in Translation Studies (dissertation pending)

Selected Translations

  • 2019-2020: Gauti Kristmannsson: Tradução, teorização, traição (Teoría, tryggð og túlkun). Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução – Especial Literatura Nórdica. N. 22 (2020): São Paulo, Dec. 2020.
  • 2017: Sjón: Pela boca da baleia (Rökkurbýsnir). Tusquets/Planeta, São Paulo.
  • 2014: Hugleikur Dagsson: Como você pode rir de uma coisa dessas? (Forðist okkur). Veneta, São Paulo.
  • 2014: Hallfríður Ólafsdóttir, Þórarinn Már Baldursson: Estojo Máximo Músico (Maxímús Músíkús heimsækir hljómsveitina/bjargar ballettinum/trítlar í tónlistarskólann). São Paulo, Melhoramentos-Palavra Cantada.
  • 2014: Sjón: A raposa sombria (Skugga-Baldur). Hedra, São Paulo.
  • 2014: Örn H. Bjarnason: Þar sem sprengjurnar féllu/Onde as bombas caíam. Tvímála útg. Sagarana editora forlag, Reykjavík.
  • 2013: Einar Már Guðmundsson: Anjos do universo (Englar alheimsins). Hedra, São Paulo.
  • 2013: Sigurður Nordal: A viagem jamais viajada/Ferðin, sem aldrei var farin. Tvímála útg. (n.t.) Revista Literária em Tradução, Florianópolis.
  • 2014: Björn S. Stefánsson: Democracia com os métodos de voto sequencial e de fundos de votos (Lýðræði með raðvali og sjóðvali).



Mette Fanø - Danish Danska

Selected Translations


  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Den gode elsker, Gyldendal 2012, ði elskhuginn, Bjartur 2009
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Kærlighedsdigte fra et land, udgivet privat 2010, Ástarljóð af landi, Mál og Menning 2007
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Solskinshest, Gyldendal 2007, Sólskinshestur, Edda 2005
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Jøkelteatret, Gyldendal 2005, Jöklaleikhúsið, Mál og Menning 2001
  • Björn Ingi Hrafnsson: Kampen for frihed, Aschehoug 2004, Barist fyrir frelsinu, Edda 2002
  • Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson: Dværgstenen, CDR Forlag 2000
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Tantetårnet, Rosinante 2000, Frænkuturninn, Mál og Menning 1998
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Hjertesteder, Rosinante 1998, Hjartastaður, Mál og Menning 1995
  • Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson: Syndsforladelse, Forum 1996, Fyrirgefning syndanna, Mál og Menning 1991
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Fiskenes Kærlighed, Rosinante 1995, Ástin fiskanna, Mál og Menning 1993
  • Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Tidsrøveren, Rosinante 1992, Tímaþjófurinn, Mál og Menning 1987


Marcel Otten - Dutch Hollenska

Marcel Otten studied English, French, Dutch and Old Norse literature and language at the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. BA in Dutch literature. Dramaturgy at the University of Amsterdam, MA. He translated /adapted about hundred plays out of the English, German, French and Norse languages into Dutch for all major Dutch and Flemish theatre companies and he wrote eight plays. Apart from that he translated 38 novels, sagas and both Edda's out of the Old and Modern Icelandic language into Dutch for renowned Dutch publishing companies.

Selected Translations 

  • Edda, published by Ambo 1994, 9th edition 2010
  • De saga van de Völsungen (Völsunga Saga), published by Ambo 1996.
  • De saga van Njal (Brennu-Njáls saga), published by Ambo 2000
  • Onafhankelijke mensen (Sjælfstátt fólk), by Halldór Laxness, De Geus publishers 2002
  • De saga van Grettir (Grettis saga Ásmundarsonar), Ambo/Anthos publishers 2003
  • Het visconcert (Brekkukotsannáll) by Halldór Laxness, De Geus publishers 2004
  • Het herwonnen paradijs (Paradísarheimt) by Halldór Laxness, De Geus publishers 2004
  • De klok van IJsland (Íslandsklukkan) by Halldór Laxness, De Geus publishers 2005
  • Verhalen uit de Vikingtijd, a compilation of 8 sagas: De saga van Od met de Pijlen (Örvar-Odds saga), De saga van Sluwe Vos (Króka-Refs saga), De saga van Eirik de Rode (Eiríks saga rauða), De saga van Gunnlaug Slangentong (Gunnlaugssaga ormstungu), Het verhaal van Thorstein Huizenhoog (Þorsteins þáttr bæjarmagns), De saga van Bosi en Herraud (Bósa saga og Herrauðs), De saga van Egil Eenhand en Asmund de Berserkerdoder (Egils saga einhanda ok Ásmundar berserkjabana), De saga van Hervör en Heidrek (Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks), Ambo/Anthos publishers 2006


  • Blauwvos (Skugga-Baldur) by Sjón, De Geus publishers 2006
  • Mistsluier (Karitas án titils) by Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir, Signature publishers 2006
  • Aan de voet van de gletsjer (Kristnihald undir jökli) by Halldór Laxness, De Geus publishers 2007
  • De zwaan (Svanurinn) by Gudbergur Bergsson, De Geus publishers 2007
  • Salka Valka by Halldór Laxness, De Geus publishers 2008
  • De fluisterende muze (Argóarflísinn) by Sjón, De Geus publishers 2008
  • Het koningsboek (Konungsbók) by Arnaldur Indriðason, Querido publishers 2008
  • Hart van vuur en ijs (Oreiða á striga) by Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir, Querido publishers 2010
  • Onderkoeld (Harðskafi) by Arnaldur Indriðason, Querido publishers 2009
  • Hemel en hel (Himnaríki og helvíti) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos publishers 2010
  • Edda by Snorri Sturluson, Athenaeum, Polak & van Gennep publishers 2011. Filter Translation Award 2012
  • De gelukkige krijgers (Gerpla) by Halldór Laxness, de Geus publishers 2011
  • Het verdriet van de engelen (Harmur englanna) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos publishers 2012. Longlist European Literature Award 2013
  • Uit de bek van de walvis (Rökkurbýsnir) by Sjón, De Geus publishers, October 2013
  • Saga's van de Westfjorden & omstreken, a compilation of three sagas: De saga van Gisli (Gísla saga Súrssonar), De saga van de Grindbankbewoners (Eyrbyggja saga) en De saga van de mensen uit het Zalmrivierdal (Laxdæla saga), Athenaeum, Polak & van Gennep publishers, October 2013
  • Het hart van de mens (Hjarta mannsins) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos publishers, June 2013
  • Een vrouw op 1000˚ (Konan við 1000°) by Hallgrímur Helgason, De Arbeiderspers publishers, March 2014
  • De goede minnaar (Góði elskhuginn) by Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, De Geus publishers, March 2014
  • Vissen hebben geen voeten (Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos publishers, March 2015
  • De jongen die nooit heeft bestaan (Mánasteinn, drengurinn sem aldrei var til) De Geus publishers. March 2015
  • Jójó by Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, World Editions, June 2017
  • Iets ter grootte van het universum (Eitthvað á stærð við alheiminn) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos, June 2016
  • De saga van Egil, de zoon van Kale Grim (Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar), Athenaeum, Polak & van Gennep, April 2017
  • Zomerlicht, en dan komt de nacht (Sumarljós og svo kemur nóttin) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos, February 2018
  • Het verhaal van Ásta (Saga Ástu) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos, February 2019
  • Jouw Afwezigheid is duisternis (Fjarvera þín er myrkur) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Ambo/Anthos, 2023



Veronika Egyed - Hungarian Ungverska

Born and raised in Hungary, studied literature, linguistics, Swedish and philosophy at ELTE University in Budapest. Started studying Icelandic at the University of Iceland in 2003 and graduated with a Masters degree in Medieval Icelandic Studies in 2009. Veronika has been translating since then and lives in Kopavogur, Iceland.

Selected Translations

  • 2011 Sjón: A macskaróka. Magvető Kiadó, Budapest (Skugga-Baldur)
  • 2012 Ófeigur Sigurðsson: Jón története. Libri Kiadó, Budapest (Saga um Jón)
  • 2013 Hallgrímur Helgason: A nő 1000 fokon. Scolar Kiadó, Budapest (Konan við 1000˚)
  • 2014 Árni Þórarinsson: A boszorkány ideje. Scolar Kiadó, Budapest (Tími nornarinnar)
  • 2015 Sjón: A cethal gyomrában. Magvető Kiadó, Budapest (Rökkurbýsnir)
  • 2015 Hallgrímur Helgason: 101 Reykjavík. Scolar Kiadó, Budapest
  • 2019 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Menny és pokol. Jelenkor Kiadó, Budapest (Himnaríki og helvíti)
  • 2019 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Az angyalok bánata. Jelenkor Kiadó,Budapest (Harmur englanna)
  • 2019 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Az ember szíve. Jelenkor Kiadó, Budapest (Hjarta mannsins)
  • 2023 Jón Kalman Stefánsson: Hiányod maga a sötétség. Jelenkor Kiadó, Budapest (Fjarvera þín er myrkur)


Lars Lönnroth - Swedish Sænska

Fil doktor Stockholms universitet 1965, professor emeritus litteraturvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet.

Selected Translations

  • Njals saga (Stockholm: Atlantis 2007 og Islänningasagorna III, Reykjavík: Saga forlag 2014 )
  • Den poetiska Eddan (Stockholm: Atlantis 2016)


Catherine Eyjólfsson - Franska French

French-born Catherine Eyjólfsson studied English, German and Icelandic languages at Sorbonne University in Paris where she obtained the CAPES degree

of High-School Teacher of foreign languages. After several years of teaching in high-schools, and after having married an Icelander, she moved to Iceland with her family.


She has been teaching at the University of Iceland, but mostly at Hamrahlíð High School as a French teacher for nearly twenty years before taking part in the elaboration of the French-Icelandic dictionary, together with a team of seven colleagues.

Since 1990, she has devoted her time and energies to the translation into French of various Icelandic literary works which she highly appreciates and wishes to convey to her fellow French countrymen and readers.

Selected Translations

  • Five novels by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, e.g. Rosa Candida, L'Embellie, l'Exception et Ör (Zulma - 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017)
  • La Lettre à Helga (Zulma - 2013) & Du temps qu'il fait (Gaïa - 2020) by Bergsveinn Birgisson 
  • Les Anges de l'Univers by Einar Már Guðmundsson (Flammarion - 1998)
  • L'Aile du cygne by Guðbergur Bergsson (Gallimard - 1991)
  • Pendant qu'il te regarde tu es la Vierge Marie (Zulma - 2008), Le Créateur, (Autrement- 2014) & Album (Tusitala - 2015) by Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir
  • Les Excursions de l'ÉcureuilAu Bord de la Sandá & La fenêtre au sud by Gyrðir Elíasson (La Peuplade 2018, 2019, 2020)
  • Les Enfants de Dimmuvík by Jón Atli Jónasson (Noir sur Blanc - 2015)
  • La Grande Pêche by Pétur Gunnarsson (Minjavernd - 2014)
  • Le Cheval Soleil, 100 Portes battant aux 4 venst, Yo-yo & Maîtresses Femmes by Steinunn Sigurðardóttir (Héloïse d'Ormesson 2008, 2011, 2013 and 2017)
  • Un Locataire by Svava Jakobsdóttir (Tusitala - 2013)



Björg Árnadóttir / Andrew Cauthery - English Enska

Born and educated in Reykjavík, Björg Árnadóttir graduated from the Icelandic National Theatre School; she has lived in England since 1971, working as actor, writer, director, broadcaster and specialist teacher of dyslexic children. Her British husband Andrew Cauthery, an Oxford law graduate and musician, is fluent in Icelandic, which he learnt while working with the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra; he later became principal oboe at English National Opera. Björg and Andrew have worked together for many years, translating both English into Icelandic and Icelandic into English, working on a wide variety of manuscripts including books on Icelandic nature and technical topics, film and TV subtitling, as well as literature. An advantage of their working as a couple is that, whichever the direction of translation, the final product is always read over by the relevant 'mother tongue' speaker.

Selected Translations

  • Three novels by Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson published by Amazon Crossing: House of Evidence (2012), Daybreak (2013), and Sun on Fire (2014)
  • Reykjavík Walks by Guðjón Friðriksson, published by Hildur (2014)
  • Lake Mývatn – People and Places by Björg Árnadóttir (a different one!), published by Stílvopnið (2015)
  • Villi's Book of Science by Vilhelm Anton Jónsson, published by Edda (2016)
  • What? Where? How? In Iceland by Árni Tryggvason, published by Nýhöfn (2017)
  • And the Wind Sees All by Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, published by Peirene Press (2018)
  • Booklet and wall captions for the exhibition Lífsblómið at National Gallery of Iceland (2018)
  • The Casket of Time by Andri Snær Magnason, published by Restless Books (2019)



Aurelijus Vijūnas - Litháíska Lithuanian

Studied Icelandic philology and Germanic comparative linguistics at the University of Iceland, and later Indo-European comparative linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Currently Aurelijus lives in Taiwan, and teaches English linguistics, history of the English language, Icelandic, as well as the ancient Germanic languages at National Kaohsiung Normal University. Aurelijus has also served as an interpreter for the Icelandic Parliament (Alþingi), the National TV channel "Sjónvarpið", the National Theatre (Þjóðleikhúsið), the newspaper "Morgunblaðið", the art museum Kjarvalsstaðir, The National Immigration Office (Útlendingaeftirlitið), translating between Icelandic, English, Lithuanian, and Russian.

Selected Translations

  • Poetinė Eda ("The Poetic Edda", published 2009 by "Aidai", Vilnius)
  • Islandų pasakos ir sakmės (a collection of of Icelandic folk-tales and legends, published 2015 by Tyto Alba, Vilnius)
  • Hávamál: vikingų išmintis (translation of Hávamál, published 2013 by "Gudrun Publishing", Reykjavik)
  • Gražiausios islandų pasakos ir sakmės (a collection of Icelandic folk-tales and legends, published 2007 by "Vaiga", Kaunas). 
