Translators from Icelandic

A list of active translators from Icelandic into several languages, some information about them and their translations.


Kristinn R. Ólafsson

Spanish Spænska

Born in Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands). Translator, writer, correspondent in Madrid for Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV) for more than 30 years.

Novels translated into Spanish:

Andri Snær Magnason: La historia del planeta azul - Sagan af bláa hnettinum.

Translation in collaboration with Sol Álvarez andAlda Ólafsson Álvarez.

Ediciones Omega 2001

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: Epitafio - Pósthólf dauðans


Edicions Brosquil 2003

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: La Saga de Fiólmod el intrépido - Fjölmóðs saga föðurbetrungs


RBA 2005

Stefán Sigurkarlsson: La sombra - Handan regnbogans

2006 Unpublished

Árni Þórarinsson: El domador de insectos - Dauði trúðsins

Ediciones Ámbar 2011

Óttar M. Norðfjörð: El cuchillo de Abraham - Hnífur Abrahams

For Duomo Ediciones 2012. Finally not published

Ragnar Jónasson: La sombra del miedo - Snjóblinda

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2019

Ragnar Jónasson: La muerte blanca - Myrknætti

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2020

Ragnar Jónsson: Niebla en el alma - Rof

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2021

Ragnar Jónasson: La noche eterna - Andköf

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2022


Ragnar Jónasson: La verdad silenciada - Náttblinda

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2023


Ragnar Jónasson: La dama - Dimma

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2023

"Best Novel VLCNegra 2023” Award


Ragnar Jónasson: La isla - Drungi

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2024

Ragnar Jónasson: (No title yet) - Vetrarmein

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 202X – to be published shortly

Ragnar Jónasson: (No title yet) - Mistur

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 202X – to be published shortly

Arnaldur Indriðason: La oscurdad sabe (preliminary title): Myrkið veit

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

RBA 202X – to be published shortly



Other literary translations into Spanish


Hijas del frío:

Anthology of short stories by Nordic women. Selection and translation of the four Icelandic stories included, as well as the foreword to the Icelandic part.

Arnrún frá Felli: Siempre pescado para comer - Fiskur í alla mata)

Ásta Sigurðardóttir: La noche del domingo hasta la mañana del lunes - Sunnudagskvöld til mánudagsmorguns

Fríða Sigurðardóttir: Por la calle - Á förnum vegi)

Ediciones de la Torre 1997.


El vikingo afeitado:

Anthology of short stories by Nordic men. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included, and authorship of one.

Böðvar Guðmundsson: Perdiendo el norte - Norður og niður

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: amor. digit@l - st@fræn.ást)

Rúnar Helgi Vignisson: Hermandad femenina - Systralag)

Ediciones de la Torre 1999


Cuentos populares islandeses - Íslenskar þjóðsögur):

Selection and translation of 49 Icelandic folktales, in collaboration with Marisol Álvarez.

Iceland Review 2000. plus many reprints


Historias desde el hielo:

Anthology of Nordic short stories for children. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included.

Kristín Steinsdóttir: Siete en tierra y siete en la mar - Sjö á landi og sjö í sjó)

Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson: Oro de serpientes - Ormagull)

Adda Steina Björnsdótt: La estación de autobuses - Hlemmur)

RBA 2003


Nieve negra:

Anthology of Nordic crime short stories. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included.

Pjetur Hafstein Lárusson: La carta - Bréfið

Jón Hallur Stefánsson: Ningún ángel -Enginn engill

Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson: La fría muerte - Móðurmissir)

Leyendas islandesas - Nokkrar íslenskar þjóðsögur).

Almenna bókafélagið 2016

Steinar Berg and Brian Pilkington: La última troll - Tryggðatröll)

Fossatún 2016

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: Nunca apartan la mirada – Þær líta aldrei undan

Short stories – bilingual edition, self-translation by the other.

Sæmundur 2022

Los elfos y la gente oculta - Doce cuentos populares islandeses - Tólf íslenskar þjóðsögur

Almenna bókafélagið 2023


Jónas Sigurgeirsson: The adventures of Paula Puffin - Las aventuras de Fía la frailecilla

Almenna bókafélagið 2023

Þórarinn Leifsson: El bisabuelo y el glaciar que desapareció - Langafi og jökullinn sem hvarf)

Lubbi slf 2023



Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder: Viejas gruñonas (Grumpy old women/Fúlar á móti).

Translation and adaptation of "Fúlar á móti", the Icelandic version of the original English play by Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder.

IRIA Producciones 2010

Michele Riml: La erótica de la colada - Sexy Laundry

Óskar Eríksson Productions 2011

Magnús Scheving: Robóticus (Villapereza: Latibær



ón Atli Jónasson: Las profundidades - Djúpið


Kristín Bjarnadóttir: El mejor tanguero del mundo - Heimsins besti tangóari)

Poetic work in prose, bilingual Icelandic-Spanish edition.

Lyng 2005


Pjetur Jón Hafstein: La Condena - Refsingin

Short story, published on the author's website in 2000



Jón Atli Jónasson: 36 montajes en película fotográfica - 36 sviðsetningar á filmu

Short story. Unpublished

Guðbergur Bergsson: El hombre que sufrió una desgracia - Maður sem varð fyrir óláni.

Short story. Unpublished

Skúli Björn Gunnarsson: Rosas - Rósir

Short story. Unpublished

Films and documentaries, subtitled in Spanish


Óskar Jónasson: Sódóma Reykjavík

Feature film


Ragnar Bragason: Börn - Hijos

Feature film


Benedikt Erlingsson: Hross í oss - De caballos y hombres

Feature film

“Nuevos realizadores-award” at the San Sebastián Film Festival


Þorfinnur Guðnason: Vikingo

Documentary on cockfighting in the Dominican Republic


Translations into Icelandic

Camilo José Cela: Paskval Dvarte og hyski hans - La familia de Pascual Dvarte

Cela: Nobel Prize Laureate 1989

Vaka-Helgafell 1988.

Camilo José Cela: Býkúpan - La colmena

Vaka-Helgafell 1991.

Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Refskák eða Bríkin frá Flandri - La tabla de Flandes)

Ormstunga 1996

Mál og menning 1999 (paperback editon)

Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Dumasarfélagið - El Club Dumas

Mál og menning 2003

Ana María Matute: Skólaus á öðrum fæti - Solo un pie descalzo

Almenna bókafélagið 2013 – bilingual edition


Juan Pedro Gutiérrez: Soralegi Havanaþríleikurinn - La trilogía sucia de La Habana)

Sæmundur 2018.