Translators from Icelandic

A list of active translators from Icelandic into several languages, some information about them and their translations.


Tatjana Latinović - Croatian Króatíska Serbian Serbneska

Tatjana Latinović has lived in Iceland since 1994. She studied English and German languages and literature in Croatia and Icelandic and literature at the University of Iceland. She is a VP of Intellectual Property at Össur, international medical device company headquartered in Iceland.

She co-founded W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland in 2003, the first NGO representing immigrant women in Iceland. She was a chairwoman of the organization for four years and member of the board until end of 2012. Tatjana is chair of the Immigration Council at Ministry of Welfare, appointed by Minister of Welfare of Iceland. In May 2019, she was elected President of the Icelandic Women‘s Rights Organization, oldest women‘s rights organization in Iceland, founded 1907, the first immigrant woman to be elected to this position in 113 years long history of the organization.

Selected Translations

Translator of Icelandic literature from Icelandic to Croatian and Serbian.


Published works in Serbian

  • Skugga-Baldur by Sjón (Serbian title: Ptičje mleko, English: Blue Fox). Published by Geopoetika, Belgrade 2005.
  • Mýrin by Arnaldur Indriðason (Serbian title: Močvara, English: The Jar City). Published by Booka Belgrade 2013.
  • Grafarþögn by Arnaldur Indriðason (Serbian title: Grobna tišina, English: Silence of the Grave). Published by Booka, Belgrade 2014.
  • Jarðnæði by Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir (Serbian title: Prostori, English: Land of Love and Ruins). Published by Heliks, Smederevo 2017.
  • Skáldsaga um Jón by Ófeigur Sigurðsson (Serbian title: Priča o Jonu, English: Story about Jon). Published by Heliks, Smederevo 2017.
  • Röddin by Arnaldur Indriðason (Serbian title: Glas anđela, English: Voices). Published by Booka, Belgrade 2017.
  • Tvöfalt gler by Halldóra Thoroddsen (Serbian title: Dvostruko staklo). Published by Heliks, Smederevo 2019.
  • Milli trjánna by Gyrðir Elíasson (Serbian title: Među drvećem). Published by Heliks, Smederevo 2020.

Published works in Croatian

  • Ör by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Croatian title: Hotel Tišina, English: Hotel Silence). Published by Sandorf, Zagreb, 2020.
  • Heimsskautasirkus by Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir (Croatian title: Polarni Cirkus). Published by Versopolis for Goranovo Proljeće Festival, Croatia, 2015.
  • Skugga-Baldur by Sjón (Croatian title: Plava lisica, English: Blue Fox). Published by v/b/z Zagreb, 2016.
  • Englar alheimsins by Einar Már Guðmundsson (Croatian title: Svemirski anđeli). Published by Hena, Zagreb, 2019.


Unpublished works (but presented in literary and poetry gatherings in Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina) of works of Icelandic authors Andri Snær Magnason, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Bjarni Bjarnason og Huldar Breiðfjörð. 



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