Translators from Icelandic

A list of active translators from Icelandic into several languages, some information about them and their translations.


Catherine Eyjólfsson

Franska French

French-born Catherine Eyjólfsson studied English, German and Icelandic languages at Sorbonne University in Paris where she obtained the CAPES degree

of High-School Teacher of foreign languages. After several years of teaching in high-schools, and after having married an Icelander, she moved to Iceland with her family.


She has been teaching at the University of Iceland, but mostly at Hamrahlíð High School as a French teacher for nearly twenty years before taking part in the elaboration of the French-Icelandic dictionary, together with a team of seven colleagues.

Since 1990, she has devoted her time and energies to the translation into French of various Icelandic literary works which she highly appreciates and wishes to convey to her fellow French countrymen and readers.

Selected Translations

  • Five novels by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, e.g. Rosa Candida, L'Embellie, l'Exception et Ör (Zulma - 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017)
  • La Lettre à Helga (Zulma - 2013) & Du temps qu'il fait (Gaïa - 2020) by Bergsveinn Birgisson 
  • Les Anges de l'Univers by Einar Már Guðmundsson (Flammarion - 1998)
  • L'Aile du cygne by Guðbergur Bergsson (Gallimard - 1991)
  • Pendant qu'il te regarde tu es la Vierge Marie (Zulma - 2008), Le Créateur, (Autrement- 2014) & Album (Tusitala - 2015) by Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir
  • Les Excursions de l'ÉcureuilAu Bord de la Sandá & La fenêtre au sud by Gyrðir Elíasson (La Peuplade 2018, 2019, 2020)
  • Les Enfants de Dimmuvík by Jón Atli Jónasson (Noir sur Blanc - 2015)
  • La Grande Pêche by Pétur Gunnarsson (Minjavernd - 2014)
  • Le Cheval Soleil, 100 Portes battant aux 4 venst, Yo-yo & Maîtresses Femmes by Steinunn Sigurðardóttir (Héloïse d'Ormesson 2008, 2011, 2013 and 2017)
  • Un Locataire by Svava Jakobsdóttir (Tusitala - 2013)
