Translators from Icelandic
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Hadrien Chalard
After learning both Icelandic and Japanese at B.A. level at both Paris Sorbonne University and Háskóli Íslands, Hadrien Chalard graduated with a master's degree in Icelandic and Nordic studies at Paris Sorbonne University in 2020. He then moved to Iceland where he lived and worked for a year as an educational aid and French teacher before coming back to France to dedicate his time to the translation of Icelandic literature. Since 2022, he has been teaching Icelandic where he once learned it, at Sorbonne University. In 2023, he also started teaching Icelandic literature.
Selected Translations
- Fríða Ísberg, La Marque (Merking),
Robert Laffont, 2023 - Örvar Smárason, Le Masque de sommeil et autres Nouvelles (Svefngríman), Traverse(s), 2023
- Upcoming: Pedro Gunnlaugur Garcia, (Lungu), Métailié, 2024