Translators from Icelandic
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Shirley Levi
Shirley Levi was born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel. She majored at theatre at high school and learned Flamenco and Spanish. She later on worked in journalism and used to be a news anchor on TV. Shirley has been living in Iceland since 2001 where she raises her family. Since 2019, Shirley has been a translator and copy editor of literary fiction and children's books translations from Icelandic into Hebrew for Aryeh Nir publishers and Lesa.
- Smáglæpir, Björn Halldórsson, Lesa, 2021
- Í hjarta mínu, Ólíver Þorsteinsson, Lesa, 2021
- Fíasól í fínum málum, Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir, Lesa 2022