It's a search for a story
Author Auður Jónsdóttir reads from an unpublished work at her home in Reykjavík
Author Auður Jónsdóttir reads from an unpublished work, Kæra Auður Drauma, at her home in Reykjavík.
It was one of the stranger days in Reykjavík: All at once the day of the municipal elections and the day of the Eurovision Song Contest – which, in Iceland, inspires a degree of devotion reserved for deities in most other
countries. On top of it all, the Reykjavík Arts Festival was underway, and Sagenhaftes Island dropped in on one of its more intimate events: author Auður Jónsdóttir reading from an unpublished work – titled Kæra Auður Drauma (Dear Audur Drauma) – in her home, while audience members helped themselves to coffee and pastries. The event is part of a series, in which authors stage readings in their own homes.
“It's a search for a story,” says Jónsdóttir of her work-in-progress, which contains diverse tales addressed to Jóndóttir's newborn niece, whose name, Auður Drauma, translates to “Wealth of Dreams” in Icelandic.
Photography/editing: Þorsteinn J.
Translation: Anna Yates
Recorded at the home of Auður Jónsdóttir on May 29, 2010