New website on Icelandic literature in Sweden: Läs Islandska Böcker
The Icelandic embassy in Stockholm and translator John Swedenmark in co-operation with Icelandic Literature Center have launched a new website where information on all Icelandic books in Swedish can be found.

The Icelandic embassy in Stockholm and translator John Swedenmark launched a new website on Icelandic literature in Sweden at the Gothenburg Book Fair last September, Läs Isländska Böcker.
On the website you can search for every Icelandic book that has been translated to Swedish from beginning to today. Apart from the database there can also be found articles and news on Icelandic literature, mostly written by John Swedenmark.
The website is an important contribution to the history of Icelandic literature in Sweden and also a vibrant platform to get to know what is happening in Icelandic literary scene today.
Icelandic authors and their works have been popular in Sweden and thank to the work of ambitious translators there are many authors that have been translated into Swedish. When this is written you can find 360 titles on the website, and 50 of them were published in the past five years.