One third of the Icelandic nation reads books every day

New reading survey conducted by the Icelandic Literature Center shows that Icelanders read on average 2,4 books per month. The number of people that never reads increases and the number of people that reads a lot increases as well.

29. November, 2022

 According to a new reading suvey, the number of people that never reads increases and the number of people that reads a lot increases as well. 

A new reading survey made by the Icelandic Literature Center in collaboration with six institutions within the literary sector in Iceland shows that one third of the population in Iceland reads a book every day and women read more than men. Older people read more than younger. 

This is the sixth time the Center has conducted a reading survey and the results are published on the Day of the Icelandic language, November 16th.


  • Icelanders read/listen to 2,4 books per month in comparison with 2,3 books per month last year. 
  • Women read/listen to more books than men and the ones with university degree read more books than others. 
  • Around 65% of the nation read only or more often in Icelandic than in other languages.
  •  74% of the nation say it is important that Icelandic literature have access to governmental support, compared to 79% last year.  
  • Fewer people give books as gifts than last year. 

The survey was conducted in a cooperation with Reykjavík City Library, National and University Library of Iceland, Hagþenkir: the Association of Non-fiction and Educational Writers in Iceland, The Icelandic Publishers Association, Reykjavík City of literature UNESCO and The Writers' Union of Iceland. 


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