34 Translation grants from Icelandic into foreign languages allocated

Icelandic Literature Center recently allocated 34 grants to foreign publishers to publish Icelandic literature in translations. The application deadline is twice a year, in February and September.

29. October, 2024

Among works that will be translated are Lungu by Pedro Gunnlaugur García, Sögur & Ljóð by Ásta Sigurðardóttir and Armeló by Þórdís Helgadóttir.

  • Verk sem áður hafa hlotið styrk frá Miðstöð íslenskra bókmennta

Foreign publishers who are interested in publishing Icelandic literature can apply for translation grants from Icelandic Literature Center. The deadline is twice a year, in February and September. 

Icelandic literature are expected to be published in 17 languages in the coming months, f.ex in Spanish, English, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, French, Croatian and Norwegian. 

Among the works which will be translated is Tól by Kristín Eiríksdóttir and Jarðsetning by Anna María Bogadóttir which were nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2024. 

Gyrðir Elíasson's latest poetry books, Dulstirni and Meðan glerið sefur are to be published in Sweden, translated by John Swedenmark. Gyrðir Elíasson was awarded the prestigious Tranströmer pris in Sweden earlier this year. 

Sögur og ljóð by Ásta Sigurðardóttir, first published in 1985, will be published in Germany, translated by Tina Flecken. Aðventa by Gunnars Gunnarsson will be published in Hungary, translated by Bence Patat - with a new foreword by Jón Kalman Stefánsson. 

Take a look at all allocations here (foreign languages) and here (Nordic languages) 


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