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Gísli Sigurðsson
Gísli Sigurðsson (b. 1959) is a Research Professor at the Árni Magnússon Institute, at the University of Iceland. He studied in Iceland, Canada and Ireland and has served as a Visiting Professor in Winnipeg, Stavanger and Berkeley. He works on orality and textualisation, in the eddas, sagas and more recent folklore. Gísli has published monographs on his research in English (Gaelic Influence in Iceland (1988, 2nd ed. 2000) and Medieval Icelandic Saga and Oral Tradition (2004)) as well as in Icelandic (Leiftur á horfinni öld (2013)). He has edited a complete annotated edition of Eddic poetry (1998) and a collection of settlement lore from Canada and the US: Sögur úr Vesturheimi (2012); in addition to curating exhibitions on the settlement of Iceland, the Vinland voyages and the manuscripts. His current work evolves around ethnic astronomy and the social role of narratives of both the mythical and saga kind.
Works in translation
- Túlkun Íslendingasagna í ljósi munnlegrar hefðar: Tilgáta um aðferð“ (Rit 56). Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi. Reykjavík 2002. Trans. by Nicholas Jones: The Medieval Icelandic Saga and Oral Tradition: A discourse on Method. Publications of the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature 2. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England: Harvard University Press 2004. Online edition 2018: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_SigurdssonG.The_Medieval_Icelandic_Saga_and_Oral_Tradition.2004
- Introduction and notes in The Vinland Sagas: The Icelandic Sagas about the First Documented Voyages across the North Atlantic. Penguin Books 2008.