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Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir
Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir has written 25 children's books, all of which have been popular among Icelandic children and have received multiple awards. Kristín Helga is the mother of three daughters, living with her family in a small township of the Reykjavik area. She has a degree in journalism and Spanish language and literature. Fiasol has been adapted to theatre, and will now also become a TV series. Fíasól, a series of six books for children, has been translated into Russian (Gorodets, translated by Boris Zharov)) and rights for a TV series are sold (Ursus Parvis and Juna Film).
Works in translation
- Fíasól (series)
Russian (Gorodets) transl. boris Zharov; TV rights (Ursus Parvis and Juna Film).