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Hugleikur Dagsson
Hugleikur Dagsson is Iceland's uncrowned prince of the graphic novel. His work has received a great deal of praise both in Iceland and abroad, although some people look on his comic strips as childish scribbles.
Works in translation
- Hvað með börnin (Think of the Children) 2015
Finland (Atena)
- You Are Nothing 2014
Spain (Anagrama); Czech Republic (Volvox Globator); The Netherlands (BBNC Uitgevers)
- My Pussy is Hungry 2013
Spain (Anagrama); Czech Republic (Volvox Globator); The Netherlands (BBNC Uitgevers)
- I Hate Dolphins 2013
Spain (Anagrama); Czech Republic (Volvox Globator); The Netherlands (BBNC Uitgevers)
- 1001 Um okkur (1001 About Us) 2006
Brazil (Hedra); Italy (Arnoldo Mondadori/ISBN); Finland (Atena); Norway (Gyldendal); US (HarperCollins); Hungary (Partvonal); Germany (Rowohlt); France (Sonatine/Warum); Sweden (Kartago); UK/ ANZ (Penguin); Estonia (Paljasjalg OÜ); France (Editions Warum)