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Lilja Sigurðardóttir
Lilja Sigurðardóttir is an award-winning playwright, and an author of six crime novels. She has won the Icelandic Crime Fiction Award for her last two novels, Cage and Betrayal, and both titles represented Iceland at the Nordic Crime Fiction Awards. Sigurðardóttir has also been longlisted for a CWA International Dagger Award, Prix du Meilleur Polar at Points and Edinburgh International Book Festival's First Book Award. The film rights to her Reykjavik Noir trilogy (Snare, Trap and Cage) have been bought by Palomar Pictures in California.
Works in translation
- Dauðadjúp sprunga (Deep as Death) 2023
Finland (Docendo), World English (Orenda Books)
- Drepsvart hraum (Dark as Night) 2022
- Náhvít jörð (White As Snow) 2021
- Blóðrauður sjór (Red as Blood) 2020
- Helköld sól (Cold as Hell) 2019
- Svik (Betrayal) 2018
World English (Orenda Books) transl. Quentin Bates; France (Éditions Métailié) transl. Jean-Christophe Salaün; Poland (Wydawnictwo Kobiece) transl. Jacek Godek
- Búrið (Cage) 2017
Denmark (ArtPeople) transl. Nanna Kalkar; France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié) transl. Jean Christophe Salaün; Poland (Wydawnictwo Kobiece) transl. Jasek Godek; World English (Orenda Books) transl. Quentin Bates; Sweden (Bigarråbok); Germany (DuMont)
- Netið (Trap) 2016
Denmark (ArtPeople) transl. Nanna Kalkar; France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Éditions Métailié) transl. Jean Cristophe Salaün; Poland (Wydawnictwo Kobiece) transl. Jacek Godek; World English (Orenda Books) transl. Quentin Bates; Sweden (Bigarråbok); Germany (DuMont)
- Gildran (Snare) 2015