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Sólveig Pálsdóttir
Sólveig Pálsdóttir (b. 1959) graduated from The Icelandic Drama School, did her B.A. in literary theory at The University of Iceland and qualified as a certified teacher at the Teacher´s College of Iceland. Sólveig appeared in several plays at the National Theatre and various independent theatre productions, did radio and TV drama and voiceovers, to name a few. She also spent several years as a radio programmer and worked on cultural projects periodically.
Sólveig received the The Drop of Blood – Best Icelandic Crime Novel of the Year award 2019 for her book Fjötrar.
Works in translation
- Leikarinn, 2012
Germany (Aufbau Verlag) 2014
- Hinir réttlátu, 2013
Germany (Aufbau Verlag) 2015
- Refurinn (The Fox), 2017
UK (Corylus Books) 2020
- Fjötrar (Shackles) 2019
UK (Corylus Books) 2021