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Ragnar Jónasson
Ragnar Jónasson (b. 1976) is the award-winning author of the international bestselling Dark Iceland series and the Hidden Iceland series featuring Hulda. From the age of 17, Ragnar translated 14 Agatha Christie novels into Icelandic. Ragnar is a member of the UK Crime Writers' Association (CWA) and he is also the co- founder of the Reykjavik international crime writing festival Iceland Noir, and has appeared on festival panels worldwide.
Today, he lives in Reykjavik with his family, where he writes, works as a corporate lawyer, and teaches copyright law at Reykjavik University.
Works in translation
- Hvítalogn (White Calm) 2023
France (Éditions de La Martinière), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd)
- Reykjavík (Reykjavik) 2022 with Katrín Jakobsdóttir
- Úti (Outside) 2021
- Vetrarmein (Winterkill) 2020
Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd).
- Hvítidauði (White death) 2019
- Þorpið (The girl who died) 2018
Czechia (Czech Republic) (Albatros Media a.s.), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Mistur (The Mist) 2017
Brazil (Hiperborea), China (Yilin Press LTD), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Knihy Dobrovsky), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), Egypt (Sefsafa Culture & Publishing), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Norway (Bonnier Norsk Forlag), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), Taiwan (Faces Publication), Turkey (Doğan Kitap), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Drungi (The Island) 2016
Brazil (Hiperborea), China (Yilin Press LTD), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Knihy Dobrovsky), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), Egypt (Sefsafa Culture & Publishing), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Israel (Aryeh Nir Publishers), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Norway (Bonnier Norsk Forlag), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), Taiwan (Faces Publication), Turkey (Doğan Kitap), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Dimma (The Darkness) 2015
Brazil (Hiperborea), China (Yilin Press LTD), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Knihy Dobrovsky), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), Egypt (Sefsafa Culture & Publishing), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Israel (Aryeh Nir Publishers), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Norway (Bonnier Norsk Forlag), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), Taiwan (Faces Publication), Turkey (Doğan Kitap), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Náttblinda (Nightblind) 2014
Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (S. Fischer Verlag), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd).
- Andköf (Whiteout) 2013
Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (S. Fischer Verlag), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd).
- Rof (Rupture) 2012
Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Croatia (Znanje d.o.o.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (S. Fischer Verlag), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Lithuania (Leidykla Baltos Lankos), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Myrknætti (Blackout) 2011
Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Croatia (Znanje d.o.o.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Lithuania (Leidykla Baltos Lankos), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Snjóblinda (Snowblind) 2010
Armenia (Guitank Publishing), Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Albatros Media a.s.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Lithuania (Leidykla Baltos Lankos), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), North Macedonia (ArtConnect Publishing), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).