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Vilborg Davíðsdóttir
Vilborg Davíðsdóttir is a distinguished Icelandic author with background in journalism and ethnology, critically acclaimed for her thorough research of historical sources, crisp and clear language, a flowing writing style and masterly woven plots.
Works in translation
- Blóðug jörð (Ocean Road) 2017
Film rights: Thorsson
- Vígroði (Crimson Skies) 2012
Film rights: Thorsson
- Auður (Audur) 2009
Film rights: Thorsson
- Hrafninn (The Raven) 2005
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Random House/btb) transl. Anika Wolff; Film rights: Koggull
- Galdur (On the Cold Coasts) 2000
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Random House/btb) transl. Dirk Gerdes; USA/Philippines/UK/Australia/ New Zealand/South Africa (AmazonCrossing) transl. Alda Sigmundsdottir; Egypt (Animar)