Icelandic Authors

A list of Icelandic authors and their books in translations.

- Videos with Icelandic Authors.


Jón Kalman Stefánsson - Albanian Albanska Arabic Arabíska Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch English Enska Faroese Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Færeyska German Greek Gríska Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Kínverska Króatíska Litháíska Lithuanian Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Polish Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Slovak Slóvakíska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska


Over the last few years Jón Kalman Stefánsson has created a unique and enchanting fictional world in a series of related novels and short stories. Four of these works have been nominated for the Nordic Council Literary Prize. In 2005 Jón Kalman received the Icelandic Literature Prize for Summer Light, Enter Night, an unusual collection of stories and connected fragments. Stefánsson made his international breakthrough with Trilogy about the Boy, which includes Heaven and Hell, The Sorrow of Angels and The Heart of Man, for which he gained international recognition, numerous prizes, and a feature film deal (Spellbound Productions & Cap Horn Film). The first book in his following duology, Fish Have No Feet, was long listed for the Man Booker International Prize and received numerous international awards. His novel The Story of Ásta (2017) became an instant bestseller in Iceland upon publication.


Works in translation


  • Guli kafbáturinn (My Yellow Submarine) 2022

Czechia (Nakladatelství Dybbuk), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), France (Christian Bourgois éditeur), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Hungary (Jelenkor Kiado Kft.), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Slovakia (Artforum spol., s.r.o.), United Kingdom (MacLehose Press), US/Canda (Biblioasis Publishing)

  • Djöflarnir taka á sig náðir og vakna sem guðir  (The Devils Accept Grace and Awaken as Gods) 2021
Italy (Iperborea), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd)

  • Fjarvera þín er myrkur (Your Absence is Darkness) 2020

Arabic (Bokförlaget Dar Al-Muna AB), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Nakladatelství Dybbuk), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), France (Éditions Grasset), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Hungary (Jelenkor Kiado Kft.), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Romania (Polirom Publishing House), Slovakia (Artforum spol., s.r.o.), Spain (Publicaciones Y Ediciones Salamandra S.A.), United Kingdom (MacLehose Press), US/Canada (Biblioasis Publishing)

  • Saga Ástu (The Story of Ásta) 2017

Denmark (Batzer & Co.); France (Grasset); Germany (Piper Verlag); Hungary (Jelenkor Kiadó); Italy (Iperborea); Netherlands (Ambo Anthos); Norway (Forlaget Press); Romania (Polirom); Slovakia (Artforum spol.); Sweden (Weyler Förlag) 


  • Eitthvað á stærð við alheiminn (About the Size of the Universe) 2015

China (Beijing Xiron Culture Group Co., Ltd.), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), Finland (Aviador Kustannus), France (Editions Gallimard), France (Folio Gallimard), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Portugal (Cavalo de Ferro), Slovakia (Artforum spol., s.r.o.), United Kingdom (MacLehose Press), US/Canada (Biblioasis Publishing)


  • Fiskarnir hafa enga fætur (Fish have no Feet) 2013

Albania (Institute of Communication & Dialogue), China (Beijing Xiron Culture Group Co., Ltd.), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), Finland (Aviador Kustannus), France (Editions Gallimard), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Portugal (Cavalo de Ferro), Serbia (Heliks d.o.o.), Slovakia (Artforum spol., s.r.o.), United Kingdom (MacLehose Press), US/Canada (Biblioasis Publishing)


  • Hjarta mannsins (The Heart of Man) 2011

Bulgaria (Janet 45 Print & Publishing), China (Beijing Xiron Culture Group Co., Ltd.), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Nakladatelství Dybbuk), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), France (Editions Gallimard), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Jelenkor Kiado Kft.), India (Sampark), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), North Macedonia (Antolog Books), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Norway (Lydbokforlaget AS), Romania (Polirom Publishing House), Spain (Publicaciones Y Ediciones Salamandra S.A.), Sweden (Bokförlaget Dar Al-Muna AB), Turkey (Everest Yayınları), United Kingdom (MacLehose Press), US/Canda (Biblioasis Publishing)


  • Harmur englanna (The Sorrow of Angels) 2009

Brazil (Companhia Das Letras, Editora Schwarcz S. A.), Bulgaria (Janet 45 Print & Publishing), China (Beijing Xiron Culture Group Co., Ltd.), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Nakladatelství Dybbuk), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), France (Editions Gallimard), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Jelenkor Kiado Kft.), India (Sampark), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), North Macedonia (Antolog Books), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Norway (Lydbokforlaget AS), Portugal (Theoria Unipessoal Lda), Romania (Polirom Publishing House), Spain (Publicaciones Y Ediciones Salamandra S.A.), Sweden (Bokförlaget Dar Al-Muna AB), Turkey (Everest Yayınları), United Kingdom (MacLehose Press), US/Canda (Biblioasis Publishing)


  • Himnaríki og helvíti (Heaven and Hell) 2007

Arabic (Bokförlaget Dar Al-Muna AB), Azerbaijan (Alatoran Literature Magazine), Brazil (Companhia Das Letras, Editora Schwarcz S. A.), Bulgaria (Janet 45 Print & Publishing), China (Beijing Xiron Culture Group Co., Ltd.), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Nakladatelství Dybbuk), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), France (An Alarch'h), France (Editions Gallimard), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Jelenkor Kiado Kft.), India (Sampark), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Lithuania (Leidykla Baltos Lankos), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), North Macedonia (Antolog Books), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Norway (Lydbokforlaget AS), Romania (Polirom Publishing House), Spain (Publicaciones Y Ediciones Salamandra S.A.), Sweden (Bokförlaget Dar Al-Muna AB), Turkey (Everest Yayınları), United Kingdom (MacLehose Press), US/Canda (Biblioasis Publishing)


  • Sumarljós, og svo kemur nóttin (Summer Light, and Then Comes the Night) 2005

Albania (Ombra GVG — Publishing House), Brazil (Editora Köttur), Croatia (Fraktura d.o.o.), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Nakladatelství Dybbuk), Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), France (Éditions Grasset), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd), Iceland (Beserk Films ehf.), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), Norway (Forlaget Press AS), Russia (Polyandria No Age LLC), Slovakia (Artforum spol., s.r.o.), Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga Zalozba, d.d.), Spain (Publicaciones Y Ediciones Salamandra S.A.), Sweden (Bokförlaget Dar Al-Muna AB), United Kingdom (Quercus Editions Limited), United States of America (HarperCollins Publishers LLC).


  • Snarkið í stjörnunum 2003

Denmark (Batzer & Co * Roskilde Bogcafé), Germany (Piper Verlag GmbH), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), Norway (Forlaget Press AS).


  • Ýmislegt um risafurur og tímann 2001

Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ambo Anthos bv), Slovakia (Artforum spol., s.r.o.).

  • Skurðir í rigningu 1996
Hungary (Jelenkor Kiado Kft.)




Andri Snær Magnason - Arabic Arabíska Barna– og ungmennabækur Bulgarian Búlgarska Children – YA Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Faroese Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Fræðibækur Færeyska German Greek Greenlandic Gríska Grænlenska Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Japanese Japanska Kínverska Korean Kóreska Króatíska Latvian Lettneska Litháíska Lithuanian Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Non–fiction Norska Norwegian Poetry Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Slovak Slóvakíska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Taílenska Tékkneska Thai Turkish Tyrkneska Ukrainian Ungverska Úkraínska Þýska

Andri Snær Magnason is one of Iceland's most celebrated writers. He has won the Icelandic Literary Prize for fiction, children's fiction and non-fiction. In addition, Magnason has written poetry, plays, short stories and essays. In 2009 Magnason co-directed the documentary Dreamland, which was based on his book Dreamland: A Self-Help Manual for a Frightened Nation. Magnason ran for president of Iceland in 2016 and came third out of nine candidates. Magnason lives in Reykjavik with his wife and four children.

Further information

Works in translation

  • Um tímann og vatnið (On Time and Water) 2019 

Bulgaria (Janet45), Canada (in English, Biblioasis) Lytton Smith, Canada (in French, Éditions XYZ) Catherine Mercy and Véronique Mercy, Croatia (Planetopija D.O.O.) Casper Sare, Czech Republic (Argo) Marta Bartoskova , Denmark (Klim) Nanna Kalkar, Egypt (Al Arabi), Estonia (Postimees Kirjastus), Finland (Aula) Tapio Koivukari, France (Editions Leduc.s/Alisio) Catherine Mercy and Véronique Mercy, Germany (Suhrkamp) Tina Flecken, Hungary (Gondolat) Bence Patat, Italy (Iperborea) Silvia Cosimini, Korea (Bookhouse), Macedonia (ArtConnect Publishing), Norway (Aschehoug) Tone Myklebost, Poland (Karakter Publishing House) Jacek Godek, Russia (Eksmo), Serbia (Dereta), Slovakia (Vydavateľstvo Absynt), Spain (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial/Salamandra) Rafael Garcia, Sweden (Norstedts) John Swedenmark, The Netherlands (De Geus) Kim Middel, Turkey (Domingo), UK (Profile/Serpent‘s Tail) Lytton Smith, Ukraine (Machaon), US (Open letter) Lytton Smith, Albania (OMBRA GVG), Taiwan 8Azoth Books), Lithuania (Alma littera), Japan (Seidosha)


  • Tímakistan (Time Casket) 2013 

Denmark (Tiderne Skifter) Kim Lembek; Hungary (Gondolat Kiado) Bence Patat; Turkey (Domingo Yayınevi); Brazil (Morro Branco) Suzannah Almeida; Japan (NHK); Mainland China (Jieli); Taiwan (Eastern); Italy (Giunti) Silvia Cosimini; Greece (Patakis) Tziritas Manos; Finland (Aula & Co); Korea (Arumbooks); Romania (Paralela 45); World English (Restless Books) Björg Árnadóttir & Andrew Cauthery; Macedonia (Antolog); Czech Republic (Argo); Egypt (Mahrousa)


  • LoveStar 2002

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe) Tina Flecken; World English (Seven Stories Press) Victoria Cribb; Hungary (Gondolat Kiadó) Péter Papolczy; France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg (Zulma) Eric Boury; Québec (Alto) Eric Boury; Japan (Tokyo Sogensha); Egypt (Al Arabi); Turkey (Final Yayıncılık) Kayaoglu, Ersel; Brazil (Morro Branco); Portugal (Bertrand); Korea (Booklog); Macedonia (Ikona); Norway (Bokvennen); Albanian Minority of Macedonia (Skhupi); Serbia (Presing)


  • Sagan af bláa hnettinum (The Story of the Blue Planet) 1999

France (Gallimard Jeunesse) Francois Emion; Denmark (Gads Forlag); Sweden (Kabusa); Faroe Islands (Bókadeildin); Greenland (Atuakkiorfik); Estonia (Eesti Raamat); Spain (Omega); Italy (RCS Libri/Fabbri Editori); Yugoslavia (Izdavacka Kuca Draganic); Thailand (Image Publishing); Greece (Patakis); Korea (Tin Drum Publishing); Japan (Gakken); China (Beijing Yuanliu Classic Culture, Ltd.); Romania and Hungary (Koinónia); Lithuania (Zara); Germany (Leipziger Kinderbuchverlag); Finland (Pieni Karhu); Russia (OM Books); Turkey (Pegasus Yayinlari); Norway (Commentum/audiobook: Karviland); US/UK/Australia/ Canada (Seven Stories Press); Brazil/Portugal (Hedra); Taiwan (Commonwealth Publishing ); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishing); Poland (EneDueRabe); Romania (Paralela 45); Bulgaria (Ergon); Macedonia (Antolog); Latvia (Liels un mazs), Croatia (Znanje d.o.o.); Israel (Aryeh Nir), Iran (AnaPol)



Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir - English Enska Fiction Franska French German Ljóð Poetry Polish Pólska Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Þýska

Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir (b.1958) has received several awards and recognition for her work. Her first poetry collection, Dans í lokuðu herbergi (Dance in a Closed Room) was published in 1989, and she has since released further poetry collections as well as novels for children and adults, short stories, and plays, and produced dance works and performances.

Elísabet is a two-time recipient of the Women's Literature Prize, for The Locksmith's Good Advice and for Love, a nervous wreck. No dancing at Coalfishrock, which became a nominee for the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 2016 and was nominated for the DV Cultural Prize 2015. Jökulsdóttir was also a candidate in the 2016 presidential election. She received The Icelandic Literary Prize 2020, in the category of fiction, for her autobiographical novel Aprílsólarkuldi (Sunny April Cold) and a nomination for the Women's Literature Prize.

Works in translation


  • Aprílsólarkuldi – Frásögn um ást og geðveiki og huggun (Sunny April Cold – A Story of Love, Madness, and Solace), Forlagid, 2020

Sweden (Bokförlaget Thorén & Lindskog AB), Denmark (Turbine), Poland (Glowbooks)


  • Ástin ein taugahrúga: Enginn dans við Ufsaklett (Love, a nervous wreck. No dancing at Coalfishrock), Viti menn, 2014

Poland (Miroslaw Godek), Armenia (Vogi Nairi)

  • Solstice

France (Editions Érès, Po&Psy), Transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, 2015

  • Wortlaut Island, Isländische Gegenwartsliteratur 

Germany (Edition die horen) 2000. Edited by Franz Gíslason, Sigurður A. Magnusson, Wolfgang Schiffer. Das Mädchen mit dem Seehund; Das Mädchen, das Bäume umarmte; Das kleine Mädchen, das von Fischerzen lebte; Das Klaumädchen; Das Opamädchen; Das Augenmädchen; Das Zigarettenmädchen. Transl. Gudrun M.H. Kloes. 

  • Brushstrokes of blue – The young poets of Iceland. An Anthology

UK (The Greyhound Press) 1994. Selected by Pall Valsson: The Housebreaker; The Seven Boys; The Child Who Received Compensation; The Little Girl Who Lived on Fishes' Hearts; The Divorce Children (from Galdrabók Ellu Stínu (Ella Stína's Book of Spells, 1993). Transl. David McDuff.

  • Isländsiche Lyrik

Germany (Insel Verlag) 2011: Eine Frau, die auf die Werbung hörte (Kona sem fór eftir auglýsingum) (from Lúðrasveit Ellu Stínu, 1996). Transl. Jón Bjarni Atlason and Alexander Sitzmann.


Gerður Kristný - Barna– og ungmennabækur Children – YA Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Finnish Finnska German Ljóð Norska Norwegian Poetry Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Þýska

Gerður Kristný is the author of more than 30 books and has received numerous prizes and accolades for her work, which has been translated into many languages. She proved herself as one of Iceland‘s most interesting poets with her first book and has since then published several books of poetry, as well as short stories, novels and children‘s books. Awards for her work include the Icelandic Literature Prize and a nomination for the Nordic Council Literary Prize, the Icelandic Journalist Award, the Icelandic Children‘s Book Award and The Halldor Laxness Literary Award. Her poetry and short stories have been included in school textbooks at the elementary and secondary level, as well as in anthologies published in Iceland and overseas.


Works in translation

  • Urta (Cow Seal) 2022 

Norway (Cappelen Damm), Denmark (Herman & Frudit)

  • Heimskaut (Arctic) 2019

Denmark (Vandkunsten), Finland (Enostone), Norway (Nordsjøforlaget)

  • Sálumessa (Reykjavik Requiem) 2018

Denmark (Forlaget Vandkunsten) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen, Norway (Nordsjøforlaget) transl. Oskar Vistdal, UK (Arch Publications) transl. Rory McTurk


  • Smartís (Smarties) 2017 

Denmark (Vandkunsten) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen


  • Hestvík (The Lake Hestvík) 2016 

Norway (Aschehoug) transl. Tone Myklebost; Denmark (Vandkunsten) transl. Erik Skyum Nielsen


  • Ljóðasafn 2014

Serbia (Treći Trg) transl. Casper Sare


  • Drápa 2014

Denmark (Forlaget Vandkunsten) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen, Norway (Nordsjøforlaget), UK (Arch Publications) transl. Rory McTurk, Finland (Enostone)


  • Strandir 2012

Norway (Nordsjøforlaget) transl. Oskar Vistdal


  • Blóðhófnir 2010

Denmark (Forlaget Vandkunsten) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen, Finland (Savukeidas Publishing) transl. Tapio Kauvukari, Norway (Nordsjøforlaget) transl. Knut Ødegård, Spain (Ediciones Torremozas S.L) transl. Rafael García Perez; Sweden (Ariel Förlag) transl. John Swedenmark, UK (Arch Publications) transl. Rory McTurk


  • Garðurinn (The Garden) 2008

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Bloomsbury / Saga Verlag) transl. Karl-Ludwig Wetzig; Norway (Bokvennen); Denmark (Vandkunsten); Finland (Enostone)


  • Bátur með segli og allt (A Boat with Sails and All) 2004 

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Ullstein) transl. Tina Flecken



Bergsveinn Birgisson - Arabic Arabíska Czech Danish Danska Eistneska Estonian Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Fræðibækur German Hebreska Hebrew Hungarian Italian Ítalska Non–fiction Norska Norwegian Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska (brasilísk) Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska

Bergsveinn Birgisson holds a doctorate in Norse philology and has an expansive background in folklore, oral histories, and lyrical poetry. Birgisson is also happy having learnt about the cultural institution a sheep farm represents.

A true researcher at heart, Birgisson has spent his life studying language and how it represents the truth of the human condition. He currently resides in Bergen, Norway, where he continues to write classical tales.

Birgisson's work has been widely recognized through prestigious awards and nominations.


Further information


Works in translation

  • Lifandilífslækur (Vitality Brook) Bjartur, 2018

Austria (Residenz Verlag) transl. Elenore Gudmundsson; Hungary (Corvina); Italy (Iperborea) transl. Silvia Cosimini; Israel (Lesa Press); Norway (Vigmostad & Bjørke) transl. Oskar Vistdal


  •  Svarti víkingurinn (The Black Viking) Bjartur, 2016

Brazil (Globo); Czech Republic (Albatros Media); Denmark (Gyldendal); Egypt (Al Arabi Publishing); Estonia (Varrak); Finland (Bazar); Hungary (Lira); Italy (Iperborea); Norway (Vigmostad & Bjørke); Sweden (Bazar); Paramount Pictures and Anonymous Content (screen rights)


  • Geirmundar saga Heljarskinns (Saga of Geirmund Heljarskinn) Bjartur, 2015

Norway (Pelikanen Forlag)


  • Svar við bréfi Helgu (Reply to a letter to Helga) Bjartur, 2010

Columbia (Poklonka editores); Denmark (C&K); Egypt (Al Arabi); Finland (Bazar Kustannus Oy); France (Zulma); Israel (Lesa Press); Italy (Bompiani); Norway (Pelikanen Forlag); Spain (Lumen); Sweden (Bazar Förlag); Turkey (Palto); Film rights: ZikZak Film, Iceland; Theatre rights: Norway, France, Iceland, Denmark


  • Handbók um hugarfar kúa (Manual on the Mentality of Cows) Bjartur, 2009

Denmark (C&K Forlag); Norway (Pelikanen forlag)

  • Landslag er aldrei asnalegt (Landscape is never corny) Bjartur, 2003

Denmark (C&K forlag); France (Actes Sud); Germany (Residenz Verlag); Italy (Bompiani); Norway (Pelikanen Forlag)



Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir - Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Franska French German Italian Ítalska Skáldverk Ukrainian Úkraínska Þýska

Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir (b. 1976) has earned herself a place among Iceland's most talented writers. Her work is fresh, original and exciting, with a well-ordered structure and a flawless narrative mode. In her unique way, Guðrún Eva captures human emotion at the breaking point. She has published a number of novels and short stories, which have been translated worldwide. Guðrún Eva was awarded the Icelandic Literary Prize in 2011 for Everything With a Kiss Awakens (Allt með kossi vekur), the DV Cultural Prize in 2006 for Yosoy and in 2014 for Angel Dust (Englarik), and the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize in 2019 for Ástin Texas (Love Texas). 

Works in translation

  • Ástin Texas (Love, Texas) Bjartur 2018

Ukraine (Vydavnyststvo) transl. Vitaliy Kryvonos


  • Englaryk Forlagið 2014

Germany (btb/Random House) transl. Anika Wolff

  • Allt með kossi vekur, Forlagið 2011

Germany (btb/Random House) transl. Anika Wolff; Italy (Scritturapura) transl. Silvia Cosimini


  • Skaparinn (The Creator) Forlagið 2011

Finnish (Athena); France (Autrement) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson; UK (Portobello Books) transl. Sarah Bowen; Germany (btb/ Random House) transl. Tina Flecken; Italy (Scritturapura) transl. Silvia Cosimini; India (Malayan) (Megha Books) 


  • Á meðan hann horfir á þig ertu María mey 1998

France (Zulma) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson


  • Yosoy, Forlagið, 2005

Denmark (Art People/People's Press) transl. Nanna Kalkar; Italy (Scritturapura) transl. Silvia Cosimini


  • Albúm 2002

France (Tusitala) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson


Kristín Eiríksdóttir - Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Franska French Hungarian Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Poetry Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Ungverska

Kristín Eiríksdóttir made her mark on the literary scene in a big way with her collection of short stories, Doris Dies in 2010. Critics agreed that a new, fully-fledged author had arrived with one of the most significant works of fiction of the year. Her voice is strong and importunate – one of the most original of her generation.

Works in translation

  • Tól (Tool) 2022 
 Czechia (Czech Republic) (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny s.r.o.), Germany (Hanser Berlin im Carl Hanser Verlag), Norway (Cappelen Damm AS), Sweden (Flo förlag), Switzerland (Éditions Noir sur Blanc).

  • Elín, ýmislegt (A Fist or a Heart) 2017

World English (AmazonCrossing) transl. Larissa Kyzer; Hungary (Polar Könyvek) transl. Katalin Rácz; Macedonia (ArtConnect) transl. Meri Kicovska; Denmark (Grif ) transl. Kim Lembek; France (Les Editions Noir sur Blanc) transl. Jean-Christophe Salaün; Sweden (Flo förlag) transl.  Arvid Nordh


Halldór Laxness - Albanian Albanska Amharic Amharíska Arabic Arabíska Armenska Aserska Azerbaijani Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Esperanto Estonian Faroese Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Færeyska Georgian Georgíska German Greek Greenlandic Gríska Grænlenska Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Hungarian Indverska Italian Ítalska Japanese Japanska Kínverska Korean Kóreska Latvian Lettneska Litháíska Lithuanian Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Poetry Polish Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbneska Skáldverk Slovak Slovene Slóvakíska Slóvenska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ukrainian Ungverska Úkraínska Þýska

The Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness is the undisputed master of contemporary Icelandic fiction and considered one of the greatest European novelists of the twentieth century. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1955.


Works in translation

  • Kristnihald undir Jökli (Under the Glacier) 1968 

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Steidl); The Czech Republic (Aurora); Hungary (Balassi) Schütz J. István 2004; Romania (Niculescu); UK/USA (Random House/Vintage); Italy (Iperborea); The Netherlands (World edition/De Geus); Czech Republic (Dybbuk); Georgia (Intelekti Publishing); Romania (Editura Arts); Ethiopia (Hohe); China (China Radio International Press) Previously translated into 9 languages


  • Brekkukotsannáll (The Fish Can Sing) 1957 

Norway (Oktober); UK/USA (Random House/Vintage); Germany (Steidl); Italy (Iperborea); France (Librairie Arthéme Fayard); Spain/South America (Turner); The Netherlands (De Geus) Marcel Otten 2004; Greece (Kastaniotis); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers); Macedonia (Mikena doo); Portugal (Cavalo de ferro); India (Kalachuvadu); Georgia (Bakur Sulakauri) Previously translated into 16 languages


  • Paradísarheimt (Paradise Reclaimed) 1960

UK/USA (Random House/Vintage); Germany/Austria/ Switzerland (Steidl); France (Gallimard); Denmark (Gyldendal); The Netherlands (De Geus) Marcel Otten; Macedonia (Dejan) Previously translated into 13 languages


  • Atómstöðin (The Atom Station) 1948 

Spain (Cátedra/Altaya); Denmark (Cicero); France (Messidor); Sweden (Rabén & Sjögren); Germany (Steidl); UK/USA (Random House/Vintage); Italy (Iperborea) Previously translated into 28 languages


  • Íslandsklukkan (Iceland's Bell) 1943-46 

Netherlands (De Geus); Sweden (Svenska Akademian/ Atlantis); UK/USA (Random House/Vintage); Estonia (Varrak); Israel (Schocken); Denmark (Gyldendal); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Steidl); Spain/South America (RBA Libros); Portugal (Cavalo de ferro); Bulgaria (Roboread); Turkey (Efil); Italy (Iperborea) Previously published into 23 languages


  • Heimsljós (World Light)1938-40 

UK/USA (Random House/Vintage); Germany (Steidl); France (Aubier); Faroe Islands (Sprotin) Previously translated into 19 languages


  • Sjálfstætt fólk (Independent People) 1934-35 

UK/USA (Random House/Vintage); The Netherlands (De Geus); Germany (Steidl); Brazil (Globo); France (Librairie Arthéme Fayard); Italy (Iperborea) Siliva Cosimini 2005; Norway (Tiden) Tone Myklebost 2004; Denmark (Gyldendal) Jakob Benediktsson; Spain (Turner); Sweden (Leopard); Turkey (Iletisim Yayinlari); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Portugal (Cavalo de ferro); Esperanto (Mondial); Korea (Think Big); Macedonia (Ars Lamina); Iraq (AlMada); Vietnam (Taodan); Bulgaria (Roboread); Albania (Aleph Klub); Aserbaísjan (Alatoran);

Israel (Lesa Press). Previously translated into 27 languages.


Steinar Bragi - Czech Danish Danska Dutch English Enska Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French German Greek Gríska Hollenska Italian Ítalska Norska Norwegian Polish Pólska Russian Rússneska Skáldverk Slovak Slóvakíska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Þýska

Steinar Bragi (b. 1975), of Reykjavík, Iceland, is the author of several books of poetry and prose. Debuting as a 23-year-old with the critically acclaimed poetry collection Black Hole (1998), he later turned to prose with the novel Women, a claustrophobic abstraction of the price of being a woman under the male-driven capitalist society and misogynistic power structures that threaten to break the nation's economy. Women was later nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. In the modern Icelandic saga The Ice Lands, Bragi's international breakthrough, Iceland's economic demise is revisited, with four victims of the financial crisis hurdling towards an unthinkable end during a nightmarish trip across the nations volcanic hinterlands. A nascent master of contemporary horror, Bragi illuminates the darkest corners of our collective psyche with Lovecraftian detail while in the vein of Stephen King. Steinar Bragi was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 2022 for his sci-fi novel The Disturbance


Further information


Works in translation

  • Truflunin (The Disturbance) 2020 
    Denmark (Screaming Books), Hungary (Metropolis Media). Film rights sold: US, Estuary / eOne
  • Kata (Kata), Forlagid, 2014

Finland (Like), Netherlands (Xander)

  • Hálendið (The Ice Lands), Forlagid, 2011

Germany (DVA) Italy (Marsilio) UK & Commonwealth (Pan Macmillan). Film rights sold: Iceland: Zik Zak Filmworks


Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir - Bulgarian Búlgarska Croatian Czech Dutch English Enska Faroese Fiction Færeyska Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Italian Ítalska Króatíska Litháíska Lithuanian Macedonian Makedónska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Tékkneska

Environmental activist and author Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir (b. 1972) is a powerful, poetic voice on the Icelandic literary scene. Her novel Land of Love and Ruins won the EU Prize for Literature and the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize. In addition to publishing four novels and several books of poetry and essays, she has worked in the art world as a lecturer and gallerist, has received a grant to study archives and museums in Iceland, has been an environmental activist, and has collaborated with the musical artist Björk in composing lyrics for her albums Biophilia and Vulnicura. She has received advanced degrees in political philosophy from the University of Iceland and The Sorbonne. Oddný Eir lives in the Icelandic countryside by the glacier Eyjafjallajökull.


Works in translation

  • Jarðnæði, Bjartur, 2011

Bulgaria (Editions Nov Zlatorog)
Croatia (Sandorf Nakladnistvo)
Czech Republic (Bourdon)
Netherlands (De Geus)
Faroe Islands (Sprotin)
Israel (Lesa Press)
Italy (Safara)
Lithuania (Leidykla Aukso Zuvyz)
Macedonia (Antolog)
Serbia (Heliks)
Spain (Editorial Sexto Piso)
US (Restless Books)


  • Blátt blóð – Í leit að kátu sæði, Bjartur, 2014

US (Amazon Crossing)


Sigrún Pálsdóttir - Arabic Arabíska Croatian English Enska Fiction Franska French Fræðibækur Hungarian Italian Ítalska Króatíska Macedonian Makedónska Non–fiction Serbian Skáldverk Ungverska

Sigrún Pálsdóttir completed a PhD the History of Ideas at the University of Oxford in 2001, after which she was a research fellow at the University of Iceland, and the editor of Saga, the principal peer-reviewed journal for Icelandic history. Her historical works include the 19th century biography Þóra biskups (Thora. A Bishop's Daughter, 2010) and Sigrún og Friðgeir (Uncertain Seas, 2013), a story of a young couple and their three children who were killed when sailing from New York to Iceland aboard a ship torpedoed by a German submarine in 1944. Sigrún's first novel Kompa (History. A Mess, 2016/2019) is a satirical fiction about a young historian who realizes that the premises for her doctoral thesis is unfounded. Her second novel and most recent work is the novel Delluferðin (Runaround, 2019), a tragicomic tale about the preservation of cultural treasure in 19th century Iceland and New York.

Pálsdóttir's works has been nominated for the Icelandic Literary Prize, Icelandic Women's Literature Prize, Hagthenkir Prize, DV Cultural Prize and Icelandic Booksellers Prize.

Works in translation

  • Kompa (History. A Mess) 2016
    Estonia (Kirjastus Salv, 2024), UK (Peirene Press 2022), USA (Open Letter, 2019)
  • Delluferðin (Embroidery ) 2019

    Croatia (Vukovic & Runjic 2022),

    Egypt (Mahrosa 2024), France (Editions Métailié 2022), Hungary (POLAR Egyesület 2024), Italia (Bompiani 2024), North Macedonia (Antolog 2024), Serbia (Treci Trg 2024), USA (Open Letter 2022) 
  • Dyngja (Boudoir) 2021
    Hungary (POLAR Egyesület 2024)



Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir - Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Skáldverk

Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir has a master's degree in creative writing. Magma is her first novel. When Magma was first published in Iceland it shot straight to the top of the bestseller's list and received great reviews. The novel has sparked discussion and debate among people of all genders in society and has been described as a must-read. Þóra is also a member of the poetry collective Imposter Poets and has published books of poetry with the collective.

  • Kvika (Magma), Forlagið, 2019

World English US (Grove Atlantic), UK (Picador) transl. Meg Matich, Denmark (Silkefyret) transl. Nanna Kalkar, Italy (Mondadori), Russia (Yauza), Sweden (Modernista), Ukraine (Laboratory LLC), Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora), Spain (Galaxia Gutenberg), Poland (Glowbook), France (Agullo), Mongolian (Ulbar)


Dagur Hjartarson - Fiction Franska French Ljóð Poetry Skáldverk

Dagur Hjartarson is amongst Iceland's most interesting merging writers. His first novel, The Last Confession of Love, was shortlisted for The European Union Prize for Literature 2016. Hjartarson has also been awarded the Tomas Gudmundsson Poetry Prize and the Icelandic Literature Center's Newcomer's Grant as well as the Jon ur Vor Poetry Prize.

Works in translation

  • Síðasta ástarjátningin (The Last Confession of Love), Forlagið 2016 France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (La Peuplade), transl. Jean-Christophe Salaün


Guðbergur Bergsson - Arabic Arabíska Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French German Greek Gríska Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Kínverska Litháíska Lithuanian Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Poetry Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska

Guðbergur Bergsson is one of Iceland's leading authors, the first one to win the coveted Icelandic Literary Prize twice, first in 1991 for the widely acclaimed The Swan and then in 1997 for the first volume of his biographical novel Father and Mother and the Mystery of Childhood, which was also nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 1992. Bergsson has been named Doctor Honoris Causa by the Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Iceland.

Works in translation

  • Þrír snéru aftur (Three Turned Back) 2014

Denmark (Sisyfos) transl. Skyum-Nielsen; France/ Switzerland/ Luxembourg (Métailié) transl. Eric Boury


  • Missir (Loss) 2010

Brazil (Bateia); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (Tusquets) transl. Enrique Bernárdez Sancis; Hungary (Gondolat Kiadó); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié) transl. Eric Boury


  • Eins og steinn sem hafið fágar (Like a Stone Smoothed by the Sea) 1998 

Sweden (Atlantis) transl. Inge Knutsson



  • Faðir og móðir og dulmagn bernskunnar (Father and Mother and the Mystery of Childhood) 1997

Brazil (Rocco); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (Tusquets) transl. Enrique Bernárdez Sanchis; Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Saga Verlag); Sweden (Atlantis) transl. Inge Knutsson



  • Sú kvalda ást sem hugarfylgsnin geyma (Torments of Love in the Chamber of the Mind) 1993  

Sweden (Rabén/Prisma/Arleskar) transl. Inge Knutson; Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (Tusquets) transl. Enrique Bernárdez Sanchis; Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Saga Verlag) transl. Hans Brückner



  • Svanurinn (The Swan) 1991

Turkey (Marti Yayinlari); Bulgaria (Hemus) transl. Tanja Dímítrova; Brazil (Rocco); Czech Republic (Ivo Zelezni/Praha) transl. Helena Kadecková; Denmark (Rhodos) transl. Erik Skyum Nielsen; Sweden (Rabén/Prisma/Arleskar) transl. Inge Knutsson; France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Gallimard); Germany/Austria/ Switzerland (Saga Verlag) transl. Hubert Seelow; Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/ USA (Tusquets) transl. Aitor Yraola; UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa, USA/Philippines (Mare's Nest) transl. Bernard Scudder; Italy (Il Saggiatore) transl. Silvia Cosimini; Finland (Like) transl. Tapio Koivukari; The Netherlands/Belgium/ Luxembourg (De Geus) transl. Marcel Otten; Greece (Ellinika Grammata); Estonia (SA Kultuurilent) transl. Arvo Alas; Lithuania (Leidykla Vaga) transl. Rasa Ruseckiene; Taiwan (Owl Publishing); World Arab (Sphinx); Ethiopia (Qirtas); Macedonia (Antolog) Nikolce Mickocki Film rights: Vintage Pictures




  • Tómas Jónsson metsölubók (Tomas Jonsson: A Bestseller) 1966  

Denmark (Sisyfos); USA/UK/ANZ (Open Letter) transl. Lytton Smith; Hungary (POLAR Egyesület)









Steinunn Sigurðardóttir - Chinese Danish Danska Dutch English Enska Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Fræðibækur German Hollenska Italian Ítalska Kínverska Korean Kóreska Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Non–fiction Norska Norwegian Poetry Polish Pólska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Þýska

Steinunn Sigurðardóttir is one of Iceland´s most highly acclaimed novelists and poets and has sustained a writing career since 1969, as well as a distinguished career in journalism. She has contributed greatly to the international recognition of contemporary Icelandic literature, being one of the most frequently translated living Icelandic writers. Her first novel, The Thief of Time was made into a French feature film and later adapted to the stage by The National Theatre of Iceland. Sigurðardóttir's book about President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir was an all-time bestseller in Iceland. Her latest book of non-fiction is Heiða, The Mountain Farmer, a true story that is being published by leading European publishing houses.


Further information

Works in translation

  • Heiða, fjalldalabóndinn (Heida: A Shepherd at the Edge of the World) 2016

Denmark (Klim), Finland (Like), France (Seuil), Germany (Hanser), Norway (Gloria), Italy (Mondadori), Poland (Kobiece) transl. Jasek Godek, World English (Quercus/John Murray) transl. Philip Roughton, Serbia (Clio), Spain (Capitan Swing), The Netherlands (HarperCollins)


  • Gæðakonur (Women of Quality) 2014

Poland (Kobiece), France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Norway (Gloria)


  • Jójó (Yoyo) 2011

France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, The Netherlands (Singel Uitgeverijen), UK (World Editions)


  • Góði elskhuginn (The Good Lover) 2009

Denmark (Gyldendal), Germany (Rowohlt), Macedonia (Antolog), The Netherlands (World Editions), World English (World Editions)


  • Sólskinshestur (The Sunshine Horse) 2005

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Mette Fanø, France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand)


  • Hundrað dyr í golunni (A Hundred Doors Clanging in the Winds) 2002 

Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand) John Swedenmark, France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) Catherine Eyjólfsson


  • Jöklaleikhúsið (Theater at the Glacier) 2001

Denmark (Gyldendal) Mette Fanø; Finland (Otava), Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand) John Swedenmark, Germany (Rowohlt) Coletta Bürling 


  • Hanami 1997

Sweden (Forum) 1999


  • Hjartastaður (Place of the Heart) 1995

World English (Amazon Crossing) Philip Roughton, Denmark (Rosinante), Finland (Otava), France (Denoël), Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, Norway (Cappelen), Sweden (Trevi)


  • Ástin fiskanna (The Love of Fish) 1993

China (International Radio Press) Xinyu Zhang, Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, Denmark (Rosinante), Korea (IRE), Sweden (Trevi)


  • Síðasta orðið (The Last Word) 1990

Sweden (Trevi)


  • Tímaþjófurinn (The Thief of Time) 1986

Denmark (Rosinante), France (Flammarion), Germany (Rowohlt), Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand), The Netherlands (Manteau)



Gyrðir Elíasson - Czech Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Franska French German Ljóð Norska Norwegian Poetry Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Þýska

Gyrðir Elíasson (b. 1961) won the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2011 for his short story collection Milli trjánna (Among the Trees) „for stylistically outstanding literary art which depicts inner and outer threats in dialogue with world literature.” Elíasson made his debut in 1983. Throughout his literary career he has published a great number of works of short prose, lyric poetry and seven novels. He is also an avid translator, especially of books about and by American aborigines, and has translated four of Richard Brautigan's novels. In 2011 he sent forward a large collection of translated poetry, with poems by thirty-six poets from fifteen countries, for which he won the Icelandic translation prize.

Elíasson´s works include ten collections of short stories, seven novels, two collections of flash fiction and sixteen collections of poetry, apart from a number of books with translated poetry and fiction.

Works in translation


  • Sorgarmarsinn, Dimma, 2018

Denmark (Torgard, 2020) Sørgemarchen, transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen

  • Suðurglugginn, Uppheimar, 2012

Norway (Bokvennen, 2014) Utsyn fra sørglaset, transl. Oskar Vistdal; Denmark (Vandkunsten, 2018) Vinduet mod syd, transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Canada (La Peuplade, 2020) French: La fenêtre au sud, transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson

  • Sandárbókin, Uppheimar, 2007

Switzerland (Walde+Graf Verlag, 2011) German: Am Sandfluss, transl. Betty Wahl; Denmark (Torgard, 2012) Ved Sandå, transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Norway (Bokvennen, 2012) Ved Sandelva, transl. Oskar Vistdal; Czech Republic (Kalich 2013) Kniha od reky Sandá, transl. Helena Kadecková; Canada (La Peuplade, 2018) French: Au bord de la Sandá, transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson

  • Svefnhjólið, Mál og menning, 1990

Norway (Oktober, 1993) Søvnhjulet, transl. Tone Myklebost; Sweden (Bonniers, 1993) Sömnhöjen, transl. John Swedenmark; Denmark (Rosinante, 1995) Søvncyklen, transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Germany (Suhrkamp, 1996) Das Schlafrad, transl. Gert Kreutzer

  • Gangandi íkorni, Mál og menning, 1987

Switzerland (Walde+Graf Verlag, 2011) Ein Eichhörnchen auf Wanderschaft, transl. Gert Kreutzer; Canada (La Peuplade, 2017) French: Les excursions de l´écureuil, transl. Cathrine Eyjólfsson; Norway (Solum Bokvennen, 2019) Vandrande ikorn, transl. Oskar Vistdal


  • Koparakur, Dimma, 2014

Denmark (Vandkunsten, 2016) Kobbermark, transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Norway (Bokvennen, 2016) Koparåker, transl. Oskar Vistdal; Czech Republic (Dybbuk, 2018) Mêdêne pole, transl. Lucie Korecká, Marie Novotná

  • Milli trjánna, Uppheimar, 2009

Demnark (Torgard, 2011) Mellem Træerne, transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Sweden (Reverb, 2011) Bland träden, transl. John Swedenmark; Norway (Bokvennen, 2011) Mellom trærne, transl. Tone Myklobost; France (Book Editions, 2012) Entre les Arbres, transl. Robert Guillimette; Czech Republic (Dybbuk, 2013) Mezi Stromy, transl. Lucie Korecká, Markéta Podolská, Jan Marek Sík, Pavel Vondricka; Serbia (Heliks, 2019) Meðu drvecem, transl. Tatjana Latinovic

  • Steintré, Mál og menning, 2005

UK (Comma Press, 2008) Stone Tree, transl. Victoria Cribb; Norway (Bokvennen, 2012) Steintre, trans, Oskar Vistdal

  • Gula húsið, Mál og menning, 2000

Sweden (Novellix, 2012) Det gula huset, transl. John Swedenmark (a selection of 7 stories from the original collection); Denmark (Torgard, 2019) Det gule hus, transl. Björn Sigurbjörnsson

  • Tregahornið, Mál og menning, 1993

Germany (Kleinheinrich, 2001) Das Blueshorn, transl. Gert Kreutzer

  • Bréfbátarigningin, Mál og menning, 1988

Denmark (Rosinante, 1991) Papirskibsregnen, translator: Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Germany (Kleinheinrich, 1996) Papierbooteregen, transl. Sæmundur G. Halldórsson & Gert Kreutzer


  • Síðasta vegabréfið, Dimma, 2016

Norway (Nordsjøforlaget, 2020) Siste reisebrev, transl. Oskar Vistdal

  • Ljóðaúrval 1983-2012, Dimma, 2015

Norway (Nordsjøforlaget, 2016) Dikt i utval, transl. Oskar Vistdal

  • Nokkur almenn orð um kulnun sólar, Uppheimar, 2009

Germany (Kleinheinrich, 2011) Einige allgemeine Worte über die Erkaltung der Sonne, transl. Gert Kreutzer


Einar Már Guðmundsson - Albanian Albanska Arabic Arabíska Aserska Azerbaijani Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Faroese Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Færeyska German Greenlandic Grænlenska Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Kínverska Korean Kóreska Króatíska Latvian Lettneska Litháíska Lithuanian Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Poetry Polish Portuguese Portúgalska Pólska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Slovak Slóvenska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska

Einar Már Guðmundsson is one of the most widely translated Icelandic authors born in the postwar period. Gudmundsson has received many awards and distinctions for his books, such as the Norwegian Bjørnson Prize, the Scharnberg Memorial Award in Denmark, The Karen Blixen Medal, and The Giuseppe Acerbi Literary Prize in Italy. In 2012 Einar Mar Gudmundsson received the Swedish Academy's Nordic Prize, dubbed “The little Nobel”, for his contribution to literature.

Further information

Works in translation

  • Því dæmist rétt vera (Rightly Judged) 2023
Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof )

  • Skáldleg afbrotafræði (Poetic Criminology) 2021
Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof )

  • Til þeirra sem málið varðar (To Whom It May Concern) 2019

Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), Norway (Cappelen Damm), Sweden (Heidruns Forlag), Greece (HJ Patsis's European Publications Center)

  • Passamyndir (Snapshots) 2017 

Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof ) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; France (Zulma)


  • Hundadagar (Dog Days) 2015 

Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof ) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Germany/Switzerland/ Austria (btb/Random House); Mainland China (People‘s Literature Publishing House)


  • Íslenskir kóngar (Icelandic Kings) 2012

Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof ) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Sweden (Natur och Kultur); Norway (Cappelen Damm); Germany/Switzerland/ Austria (btb/Random House); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg (Zulma) transl. Eric Boury


  • Bítlaávarpið (The Beatle Manifesto) 2004 

Denmark (Borgen) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Norway (Cappelen); Sweden (Natur & Kultur); Finland (Like)


  • Englar alheimsins (Angels of the Universe) 1993  

Denmark (Vindrose) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Norway (Cappelen); Sweden (Natur & Kultur); Finland (Like); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Greenland (Atuakkiorfik); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Hanser/Paperback rights: btb); UK (Mare's Nest); The Netherlands (De bezige bij); Italy (Iperborea); Lithuania (Tyto Alba); France (Flammarion); Portugal (Canguru) Guðlaug Rún Margeirsdóttir 2003; USA (St. Martin's Press); The Czech Republic (Odeon); Poland (Tower Press/also as an e-book); Serbia (Narodna knjiga); Turkey (Acikdeniz Publishing); China (The Commercial Press); Estonia (Imahaa) transl. Lemme Linda Saukas; Macedonia (Bata Press); Bulgaria (Hemus) transl. Stefan Paunov; Hungary (Siraly Kiado); Spain (Rinoceronte Editora, in Galician); Korea (Nangiyala Publishing House); Latvia (Jumava), Slovenia (Temza); Brazil (Hedra); Albania (B-Books); Spain/South America (Ediciones del Nuevo Extremo); Croatia (Hena); Azerbaijan (Alatoran) Adapted into an award-winning motion picture directed by Oscar nominee Fridrik Thor Fridriksson.


  • Fótspor á himnum/Draumar á jörðu/Nafnlausir vegir (Footprints on the Heavens/Dreams on Earth/Nameless Roads) 1997, 2000, 2002  

Denmark (Borgen/Vindrose) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Hanser, paperback: btb); Norway (Cappelen) transl. Gunhild Eide; Sweden (Natur & Kultur) transl. Inge Knutsson; Finland (Like) transl. Tuula Tuuva; Italy (Iperborea) transl. Fulvio Ferrari; Czech Republic (Odeon) Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Albania (B-Books), Egypt (Golden Pony)


  • Riddarar hringstigans/Vængjasláttur í þakrennum/Eftirmáli regndropanna (The Knights of the Spiral/Stairs Wingbeat on the Rooftops/Epilogue of Raindrops) 1982, 1983, 1986 

Denmark (Borgen) tranl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen; Norway (Cappelen); Sweden (Natur & Kultur); Finland (Like); Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Hanser); France (Gaïa) transl. Eric Boury; China (China Radio International Press); Lebanon (Arabic Scientific Publishers)



Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir - Czech Fiction Franska French German Hebreska Hebrew Hungarian Norska Norwegian Polish Pólska Skáldverk Tékkneska Ungverska Þýska

Icelandic author Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir (b.
1974) studied history in Reykjavik and Salamanca, journalism at Columbia University in New York, and previously worked in Copenhagen before moving back to Reykjavík, where she lives with her husband, children and stepchildren.

Her bestselling debut The Island (2016) was nominated for the Icelandic Women’s Literature Prize in 2017. When she isn’t writing, Sigríður works as a journalist and television news anchor. Björnsdóttir’s highly anticipated third novel, The Fires, was a bestseller and viral hit in Iceland. Her previous novel The Fortune of this World (2022) was an Icelandic bestseller..

Works in translation

  • Deus (Deus) 2023 

France (Actes Sud), Hungary (Cser Kft.)

  • Hamingja þessa heims (The Fortune of this World: A Knight's Tale) 2022

Hungary (Cser Kft.)

  • Eldarnir. Ástin og aðrar hamfarir (The Fires) Benedikt 2020
Czechia (Czech Republic) (Argo spol. s.r.o. Publishing House), Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S), France (Actes Sud), Germany (Suhrkamp Verlag AG), Hungary (Cser Kft.), Norway (Det Norske Samlaget), Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie), Russia (Polyandria No Age LLC), United States of America (Amazon Crossing).

  • Hið heilaga orð (The Holy Word) Benedikt 2018

France (Gaia); Hungary (Cser Kft.); Israel (Lesa Press); Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie)


  • Eyland (Island) Benedikt 2016

Czechia (Czech Republic) (Knihy Dobrovsky), Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S), France (Gaia Editions), Germany (Suhrkamp Verlag AG), Hungary (Cser Kft.), Norway (Cappelen Damm AS), Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie), Russia (Polyandria No Age LLC). Film Rights sold to: Iceland (Truenorth Content ehf.)


Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir - Albanian Albanska Arabic Arabíska Armenska Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Faroese Fiction Franska French Færeyska German Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Japanese Japanska Kínverska Korean Kóreska Króatíska Latvian Lettneska Litháíska Lithuanian Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Polish Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Slovak Slóvakíska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska

Award-winning writer Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir is praised for her fresh perspective and her dark, incisive humor. Author of nine novels, she is published in 33 countries across the world.

Her bestsellers are Afleggjarinn (Rosa candida / The Greenhouse), translated into 24 languages; Ör (Hotel Silence) for which she won the Icelandic Literary Prize, the Nordic Council Literature Prize and was shortlisted for the Italian Strega Award; and Ungfrú Ísland (Miss Iceland), for which she won the Icelandic Booksellers' Prize and the French Prix Médicis. 

Works in translation

  • DJ Bambi (DJ Bambi) Benedikt 2023

France (Zulma), Itali (Einudi), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), Hungary (Polar), Poland (Wydawnicktwo Poznanskie), Denmark (Batzer & co)

  • Eden (Eden) Benedikt 2022

Denmark (Batzer & Co), Norway (Pax forlag), Hungary (Polar), Spain/Catalan (Club Editor), Spain/Spanish (Alfaguara), Norway (Pax), France (Zulma), Italy (Einaudi), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), Russia (Polyandria No Age), Arabic (Dar al Adab), Germany (Suhrkamp)

  • Dýralíf (Animal Life) Benedikt 2020

Hungary  (Polar), Spain/Catalan (Club Editor), Spain/Spanish (Alfaguara),

Denmark (Batzer & co), UK (Pushkin Press), US (Grove Atlantic) Italy (Einaudi), France (Zulma), Norway (Pax), Czech Republic (Albatros), Russia: Polyandria No Age Arabic (Dar al adab), Serba (Heliks)


  • Ungfrú Ísland (Miss Iceland) Benedikt 2018

Denmark (Batzer & Co) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen, France (Éditions Zulma) transl. Eric Boury, Germany (Suhrkamp Verlag / Insel), Isreal (Lesa Press) transl. Shai Sendik, Italy (Einaudi) transl. Stefano Rosatti, Norway (Pax Forlag) transl. Tone Myklebost, Romania (Cartea Romaneasca), Russia (Polyandria No Age), Spain (Alfaguara) transl. Fabio Teixidó, Sweden (Weyler Forlag) transl. Arvid Nordh, United Kingdom (Pushkin Press) transl. Brian FitzGibbon, United States (Grove/Atlantic) transl. Brian FitzGibbon, Serbia (Heliks), Hungary (Polar). 

  • Ör (Hotel Silence) Benedikt 2016

Albania (Ombra GVG) transl. Eris Rusi, China (Beijing Xiron Books), Croatia (Sandorf), Czech Republic (Albatros Media) transl. Martina Kasparová, Denmark (Batzer & Co) transl. Erik-Skyum Nielsen, Estonia (Eesti Raamat) transl. Kadri Sikk, France (Éditions Zulma) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Hungary (Polar Publishing) transl. Rácz Katalin, Israel (Sendik Books) transl. Shai Sendik, Italy (Einaudi) transl. Stefano Rosatti, Korea, South (Hangilsa), Lebanon (Dar al Adab), Lithuania (Lithuanian Writers Union Publishers') transl. Rasa Ruseckiene, Macedonia (Antolog), Norway (Pax Forlag) transl. Tone Myklebost, Poland (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie sp. z o.o.) transl. Jacek Godek, Portugal (Quetzal / Betrand editora) transl. José Vieira Lima, Romania (Cartea Romaneasca), Russia (Polyandria No Age) transl. Tatyana Shenyavskaya, Turkey (Paloma Medya), Spain (Alfaguara) transl. Fabio Teixidó, Sweden (Weyler Forlag) transl. Arvid Nordh, United Kingdom (Pushkin Press) transl. Brian FitzGibbon, United States (Grove/Atlantic) transl. Brian FitzGibbon, Brazil (Köttur), Germany (Suhrkamp), Serbia (Odiseja), Faroe Islands (Sprotin), Armenia (Guitank), Azerbaijan (Fabula). 


  • Undantekningin (The Exception), Bjartur 2012

China (Beijing Red Dot Wisdom Cultural Development), Denmark (Batzer & Co) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen. France (Éditions Zulma) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Italy (Einaudi) transl. Stefano Rosatti, Romania (Cartea Romaneasca) transl. Sorina Danaila, Spain (Alfaguara) transl. Elías Portela, Sweden (Weyler Forlag) transl. Arvid Nordh, Norway (Pax)


  • Afleggjarinn (The Greenhouse) Bjartur 2007

Czech Republic (Albatros Media) transl. Helena Kadeckokvá, Brazil (Editora Objetiva) transl. André Telles, Bulgaria (Colibri) transl. Stefan Paúnov, China (Zhejiang Literature & Art Publishing House) , Croatia (Ljevak) transl. Dora Maček, Denmark (Lindhart og Ringhof) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielsen, English Worldrights (Amazon Crossing) transl. Brian FitzGibbon, France (Éditions Zulma) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Germany (Suhrkamp/Insel) transl. Angelika Gundlach, Hungary (Libri Könyvkiado Kft), Italy (Einaudi) transl. Stefano Rosatti, Japan (Hayakawa Publishing), Latvia (Janis Roze) transl. Dens Dimiņš, Macedonia (Antolog Books) transl. Meri Kicovska, Norway (Pax Forlag) transl. Silje Beite Løken, Portugal (Marcador Editora) transl. João Tordo, Romania (Editura Trei/Pandora) transl. Francezǎ de Doru Mareš, Slovakia (Slovart) transl. Zuzana Stankovitsová, Spain (Alfaguara) transl. Enrique Bernardez, Sweden (Weyler Forlag) transl. Ylva Hellerud, Taiwan (Aquarius).

  • Rigning í nóvember (Butterflies in November), Bjartur 2004

Czech Republic (Albatros Media) transl. Martina Kašparová, France (Éditions Zulma) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Germany (Suhrkamp Verlag / Insel) transl. Sabine Leskopf, Israel (XARGOL BOOKS) transl. Gaby Silon, Italy (Einaudi) transl. Stefano Rosatti, Korea, South (Jae Seung Book), Netherlands (De Bezige Bij) transl. Kim Middel, Norway (Pax Forlag) transl. Tone Myklebost, Portugal (Marcador) transl. Luzia Almeida, Spain (Alfaguara) transl. Elías Portela, Turkey (Pinhan Yayincilik) transl. Gökhan Sarı, United Kingdom (Pushkin Press) transl. Brian FitzGibbon, United States (Grove/Atlantic) transl. Brian FitzGibbon. 

  • Upphækkuð jörð (The Rhubarb Girl), Mál og menning 1998

 France (Éditions Zulma) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Italy (Einaudi) transl. Stefano Rosatti, Latvia (Janis Roze) transl. Dens Dimiņš.



Einar Kárason - Arabic Arabíska Aserska Azerbaijani Chinese Czech Danish Danska English Enska Faroese Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Færeyska German Hungarian Italian Ítalska Kínverska Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Poetry Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Russian Rússneska Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Ungverska Þýska

Einar Kárason is a novelist and one of the most popular author and scriptwriter of his generation; best known for his Devils' Isle trilogy. His novel Fury (2009) was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize and awarded the Icelandic Literary Prize. 

Works in translation

  • Heimsmeistari (World Champion) Forlagið 2023
Hungary (POLAR Egyesület), Sweden (Thorén & Lindskog)

  • Opið haf 2022
Sweden (Thorén & Lindskog) transl. John Swedenmark

  • Þung ský 2021
Sweden (Thorén & Lindskog) Hungary (L'Harmattan)

  • Stormfuglar (Stormbirds) 2018 

World English (MacLehose Press) transl. Quentin Bates; Brazil (Intrínseca); China (China Booky); Czech Republic (Albatros) transl. Marta Bartošková; Faroe Islands (Sprotin) transl. Carl Johan Jensen; Finland (Aviador) transl. Tapio Koivukari; France (Grasset) transl. Eric Boury; Germany (RandomHouse, btb); Hungary (Magvetö) transl. Patat Bence; Egypt (Al Arabi) transl. Nancy Muhammed; Poland (Jagiellonian University Press) transl. Jacek Godek; Israel (Lesa Press); Italy (Einaudi); Sweden (Thorén & Lindskog); Macedonia (Artkonekt) transl. Jana Koceva


  • Skálmöld (Age of Terror) 2014

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (btb/Random House) transl. Kristof Magnusson; Film rights Fridrik Thor Fridriksson/Spellbound Productions


  • Skáld (Poet) 2012

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (btb/Random House) transl. Kristof Magnusson; Film rights Fridrik Thor Fridriksson/Spellbound Productions


  • Ofsi (Fury) 2008 

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (btb/Random House) transl. Kristof Magnusson; Film rights Fridrik Thor Fridriksson/Spellbound Productions


  • Stormur (Storm) 2003 

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Kim Lembek; Russia (Fluid); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (btb/Random House) transl. Kristof Magnusson; Azerbaijan (Alatoran); Norway (Cappelen) transl. Gunhild Eide


  • Óvinafagnaður (A Gathering of Foes) 2001

Finland (Johny Kniga) transl. Tapio Koivukari; Germany/Switzerland/Austria (btb/Random House) transl. Kristof Magnusson; Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Kim Lembek; Film rights Fridrik Thor Fridriksson/Spellbound Productions


  • Norðurljós (Northern Lights) 1998 

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Erik Skyum-Nielssen, Finland (Like) transl. Tapio Koivukari


  • Kvikasilfur (Quicksilver) 1994

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Áslaug Th. Rögnvaldsdóttir; Norway (Aschehoug) transl. Gunhild Eide; Sweden (Bonniers); Finland (Like) transl. Panu Petteri Höglund; France (Seuil); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Zsolnay/Hanser, paperback rights: Random House/btb)


  • Heimskra manna ráð (The Wisdom of Fools) 1992  

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Áslaug Th. Rögnvaldsdóttir; French (Le Seuil) transl. François Émion; Finland (Like) transl. Panu Petteri Höglund; Sweden (Bonniers); Norway (Aschehoug); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Zsolnay/Hanser, paperback rights: Random House/btb)


  • Fyrirheitna landið (The Promised Land) 1989 

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Áslaug Th. Rögnvaldsdóttir; Norway (Aschehoug) transl. Tone Myklebost; Germany/Switzerland/Austria (btb/Random House) transl. Maria-Claudia Tomany; Finland (Like) transl. Panu Petteri Höglund


  • Gulleyjan (The Isle of Gold) 1985 

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Peter Söby Kristensen; Sweden (Bonnier Carlsen) transl. John Swedenmark, Norway (Aschehoug) transl. Tone Myklebost; Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Eichborn/Die andere Bibliothek/ Paperback rights: Random House/btb) transl. Marita Bergsson; Finland (Like) transl. Panu Petteri Höglund; The Netherlands (De bezige bij) transl. Paula Vermeyden


  • Þar sem Djöflaeyjan rís (Where Devils' Isle Rises) 1983 

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Peter Söby Kristensen; Norway (Aschehoug) transl. Tone Myklebost; World English (Canongate) transl. David MacDuff and Magnus Magnusson: Sweden (Bonnier Carlsen) transl. John Swedenmark; Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Eichborn/Die andere Bibliothek/ Paperback rights: Random House/btb) transl. Marita Bergsson; Poland (Marpress) transl. Jacek Godek; Finland (Like) transl. Panu Petteri Höglund; The Netherlands (De bezige bij) transl. Paula Vermeyden; Faroe Islands (Árting) transl. Carl Jóhan Jensen


Vilborg Davíðsdóttir - Arabic Arabíska English Enska Fiction German Skáldverk Þýska

Vilborg Davíðsdóttir is a distinguished Icelandic author with background in journalism and ethnology, critically acclaimed for her thorough research of historical sources, crisp and clear language, a flowing writing style and masterly woven plots.

Further information

Works in translation

  • Blóðug jörð (Ocean Road) 2017 

 Film rights: Thorsson


  • Vígroði (Crimson Skies) 2012

Film rights: Thorsson


  • Auður (Audur) 2009

Film rights: Thorsson


  • Hrafninn (The Raven) 2005

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Random House/btb) transl. Anika Wolff; Film rights: Koggull


  • Galdur (On the Cold Coasts) 2000 

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Random House/btb) transl. Dirk Gerdes; USA/Philippines/UK/Australia/ New Zealand/South Africa (AmazonCrossing) transl. Alda Sigmundsdottir; Egypt (Animar)


Bergþóra Snæbjörnsdóttir - Fiction Hebreska Hebrew Skáldverk

Bergþóra Snæbjörnsdóttir has previously written award-winning poetry and dabbled in film making before writing her first novel. Her writing is always raw, but stunningly beautiful. She lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland. 

Further information

Works in translation

  • Duft 2023 
France (Grasset)

  • Svínshöfuð (Pighead) Benedikt 2019

Israel (Lesa Press), Macedonia (Antolog Books), Ukraine (Dobra Lystivka)



Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir - Danish Danska Dutch English Enska Faroese Fiction Franska French Færeyska German Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska

Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir is one of Iceland's most highly acclaimed novelists, author of novels, short stories and plays that all demonstrate the author's great gift for characterisation. Her books have been translated into many foreign languages and enjoyed great acclaim, both abroad and in Iceland. Baldursdóttir has been the recipient of numerous prizes and commendations for her work, not least a nomination for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. She has received the highest order of the Republic of Iceland, the Order of the Falcon, for her contribution to Icelandic literature.


Further information


Works in translation

  • Gata mæðranna (Street of the Mothers) 2020 

Denmark (Gyldendal)


  • Svartalogn (Black Calm) 2016

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Rolf Stavnem; Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Krüger Verlag) transl. Tina Flecken


  • Kantata (Cantata) 2012

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Krüger Verlag); Denmark (Gyldendal); Norway (Gyldendal)


  • Karlsvagninn (The Big Dipper) 2009

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Áslaug Th. Rögnvaldsdóttir 2011; Germany/Switzerland/ Austria (Krüger Verlag) transl. Ursula Giger 2011


  • Óreiða á striga (Chaos on Canvas) 2007

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Áslaug Th. Rögnvaldsdóttir; Faroe Islands (Sprotin); France (Gaïa, pocket, Éditions du Seuil) transl. Henrý Kiljan Albansson; Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Krüger Verlag) transl. Coletta Bürling; Norway (Gyldendal Norsk); The Netherlands (Querido) transl. Marcel Otten; Turkey (Hece)


  • Karítas án titils (Karitas – Untitled) 2004

World English (Amazon Crossing); Denmark (Gyldendal); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); France (Gaïa) transl. Henrý Kiljan Albansson; Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Krüger Verlag); Norway (Gyldendal Norsk) transl. Ine Camilla Bjørnsten og Inge Ulrik Gundersen; Sweden (Bra böcker) transl. Inge Knutsson; The Netherlands (Signature) transl. Marcel Otten; Turkey (Hece)


  • Kular af degi (When the Day Grows Colder) 1999

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Krüger Verlag) transl. Coletrta Bürling; Denmark (Gyldendal)


  • Hús úr húsi (House to House) 1997

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Krüger Verlag) transl. Coletta Bürling; Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Áslaug Th. Rögnvaldsdóttir


  • Mávahlátur (Seagull's Laughter) 1995

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Krüger Verlag) transl. Coletta Bürling; Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Áslaug Th. Rögnvaldsdóttir; The Netherlands (Signature) transl. Paula Vermeyden; Sweden (Bra Böcker); Norway (Pantagruel) transl. Ellen Karine Berg; Macedonia (Antolog); Hungary (Metropolis Media Group); Italy (Elliot) transl. Silvia Cosimini



Fríða Ísberg - Danish Danska Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French German Ljóð Poetry Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Ukrainian Úkraínska Þýska

Fríða Ísberg is one of the most exciting young authors in Iceland today. Her work has appeared in various publications abroad as well as at home, and she occasionally writes reviews for the British publication The Times Literary Supplement. Frida is also a member of the poetry collective Imposter Poets and has published books of poetry with the collective.

Further information

Works in translation

  • Merking (The Mark) Forlagið 2021

Arabic (Manshorat Alafandi Fze); Australia And New Zealand (Text); Brazil (Fosforo); Denmark (Gyldendal); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Finland (WSOY); France (Laffont); Germany (Hoffmann Und Campe); Hungary (Europa); Italy (La Nave Di Teseo); Lithuania (Sofoklis); Netherlands (De Geus); Norway (Aschehoug); Spain (Literatura Random House/Prh); Sweden (Norstedts); Turkey (Domingo Publishing); Uk (Faber), Ukraine (Old Lion), Russia (Polyandria)

  • Kláði (Itch) Partus 2018

Ukraine (Vydavnytstvo); Denmark (Torgard) transl. Kim Lembek, Poland (Artur Burszta Biuro)

  • Leðurjakkaveður, Forlagið 2019

Germany (ELIF Verlag) Lederjackenwetter,
transl. Wolfgang Schiffer and Jón Thor Gíslason






Kristín Ómarsdóttir - Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Galician Galisíska German Ljóð Poetry Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Þýska

Kristín Ómarsdóttir was born in 1962 in Reykjavík. She has published eight collections of poetry, nine novels, six collections of short stories, and six staged plays. Ómarsdóttir has received almost every major Icelandic literary award, in almost every genre, including the DV Culture Prize for Literature, the Icelandic National Theatre Award for Playwright of the Year, the Maístjarnan Poetry Book of the Year Award, and the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize, to name just a few. She has also been shortlisted twice for the Nordic Council Literature Prize and four times for the Icelandic Literature Prize. Today she is one of Iceland's most celebrated living authors.

Further information

Works in translation

  • Svanafólkið (Swanfolk)  Partus Press 2019
    UK (Harvill Secker) USA (Harper) 
  • Waitress in Fall: Selected Poems 

UK (Carcanet, 2018) transl. Vala Thorodds

  •  Kóngulær í sýningargluggum Forlagið 2017
    Sweden (Bokförlaget Faethon), 


  • Hér (Children in Reindeer Woods

Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard, 2015) transl. Niels Rask Vendelbjerg; US (Open Letter, 2012) transl. Lytton Smith; Sweden (Kabusa Böcker, 2008) transl. Ann-Sofie Axelsson


  • Elskan mín ég dey 

France (Le Cavalier Bleu, 2003) transl. Eric Boury; Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora, 2015) transl. Elias Portela; Sweden (Anamma, 1999), transl. Ann-Sofie Axelsson


  • Flækingurinn

Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard, 2018) transl. Niels Rask Vendelbjerg


  • Eilífar speglanir, (Tunglið, 2015)

Denmark (Jensen & Dahlgaard), Switzerland (Tunglið)


  • Einu sinni sögur

Finland (Like, 1994) transl. Tuula Tuuva



Gunnar Gunnarsson - Arabic Arabíska Dutch Fiction Franska French German Hollenska Italian Ítalska Norska Norwegian Russian Rússneska Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Þýska

Gunnar Gunnarsson (1889–1975) grew up in considerable poverty at Valþjofsstadur farm in the Fljotsdalur district of East Iceland. Despite great difficulties, he became one of the most popular novelists in Denmark and Germany. His claim to fame began with his first novel, Af Borgslægtens Historie (translated into English as Guest the One-Eyed), which was published by Gyldendal in 1912-1914 and was filmatised by Nordisk Film in 1919 (the first Icelandic writing ever made into a movie). During the next two and a half decades, Gunnar wrote numerous novels, short stories, poems and plays, in addition to frequent articles as he participated actively in Nordic social discussions. A large number of his books were printed in many countries, though his popularity was concentrated in Denmark and Germany. One of his books, Ships in the Sky, made it to sixth place on the New York Times' bestseller list in 1938. The Good Shepherd (Advent) is the book that has appeared most frequently and is still widely read today.


Further information 

Works in translation

  • Aðventa (Advent) 1931

Arabic (Bokförlaget Dar Al-Muna AB), Bulgaria (ICU Publishing), France (Éditions Zulma), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd), Israel (Carmel Publishing House), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Netherlands (Lebowski Publishers), Portugal (Cavalo de Ferro), Sweden (Bokförlaget Thorén & Lindskog AB)


  • Svartfugl (Black Cliffs) 1929

Hungary (Ø Kiadó), Italy (Iperborea S.r.l.), Portugal (Cavalo de Ferro).



Sjón - Albanian Albanska Arabic Arabíska Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Faroese Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French Færeyska Galician Galisíska German Greek Gríska Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Kínverska Króatíska Latvian Lettneska Litháíska Lithuanian Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Poetry Polish Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Slovak Slovene Slóvakíska Slóvenska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ukrainian Ungverska Úkraínska Þýska

Sjón is an Icelandic writer whose novels The Blue Fox, The Whispering Muse and From the Mouth of the Whale have been translated into more than thirty languages. He has won several awards including the Nordic Council's Literature Prize for The Blue Fox and has been shortlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award and the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. Sjón has also published poetry collections, written four opera librettos and lyrics for various artists.


Further information

Works in translation

  • Korngult hár, grá augu (Corn-Gold Hair, Grey Eyes) 2019

Denmark (Grif ); Sweden (Rámus)


  • Codex 1962 (Codex 1962) 2016 

Denmark (C&K Forlag); Finland (Like) Maarit Kalliokoski, Tuomas Kauko, Ja Kirsi Luoma; Germany (S. Fischer); UK (Sceptre); USA (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); Hungary (Gondolat Kiado); Czech Republic (Dybbuk); Sweden (Rámus)



  • Mánasteinn—Drengurinn sem aldrei var til (Moonstone—The Boy Who Never Was) 2013

The Netherlands (De Geus); Sweden (Alfabeta); Germany/Austria/Switzerland (S.Fischer); USA/ Philippines/Canada (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); Spain/ South America (Nórdica); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Payot & Rivages); Czech Republic (Dybbuk); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Sceptre) Victoria Cribb; Norway (Orkana); Slovakia (Slovart); Slovenia (Cankarjeva Zalozba); Finland (Like); Denmark (C&K forlag); Serbia (Geopoetika); Spain (Nórdica Libros); Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora); Turkey (Monkl); Italy (Federico Tuzzi Editore); Ukraine (VYDAVNYTSTVO)



  • Rökkurbýsnir (From the Mouth of the Whale) 2008 

Brazil (Planeta); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South Africa (Telegram/Saqi Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (S. Fischer); Spain/South America (Nórdica Libros), Sweden (Alfabeta); Denmark (C&K Forlag); The Netherlands (De Geus); Lithuania (Apostrofa); USA/ Philippines/Canada (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); Turkey (Monkl); Hungary (Magvetö); Finland (Like); Romania (Polirom); Albania (Aleph Klub); Macedonia (Antolog)


  • Argóarflísin (The Whispering Muse) 2005

Basque country (Pasazaite Liburuak); Czech Republic (Dybbuk); Denmark (Athene/audio Den Grimme Ælling); Faroe Islands (Nylendi); Finland (Like); Norway (Tiden); Spain (Nórdica Libros); Turkey (Monkl); UK (Canongate); USA (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)


  • Skugga-Baldur (The Blue Fox) 2003

UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa/ (Telegram/Saqi Books); Germany/Switzerland/ Austria (S. Fischer); Spain (Nórdica Libros); Sweden (Alfabeta); Denmark (C&K Forlag) Kim Lembek; The Netherlands (De Geus); Portugal (Cavalo de ferro); Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora); Poland (slowo/obraz terytoria); Lithuania (Apostrofa); The Czech Republic (Argo); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Payot & Rivage); Italy (Mondadori); Faroe Islands (Nylendi); Finland (Like); Norway (Tiden); Serbia and Montenegro (Balcancult Foundation); Turkey (Monkl); Hungary (Magvetö); Russia (Corpus); Bulgaria (Locus Publishing); Finnish puppet theatre rights (Piellos); Lebanon and Arab speaking world (Dar-al-Saqi); USA/Philippines/Canada (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); China (Yilin Press); Macedonia (Antolog); Greece (Nefeli); Romania (Editura Polirom); Slovenia (Cankarjeva Zalozba); Croatia (VBZ); Brazil (Hedra); Estonia (Pegasus); Latvia (Mansards); Albania (Aleph Klub); Ukraina (Liliia Serhiivna)



Hallgrímur Helgason - Albanian Albanska Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch English Enska Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French German Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Korean Kóreska Króatíska Latvian Lettneska Litháíska Lithuanian Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Polish Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Ungverska Þýska

Hallgrímur Helgason started out as an artist, showing his work in several galleries of both New York and Paris, where he lived in the late eighties and early nineties. He made his debut as a novelist in 1990 and gained international attention with his third novel, "101 Reykjavik", which was made into a film starring Victoria Abril. He has also written books of poetry, worked for film and theatre, and translated some of Shakespeare's plays into Icelandic. Four of his novels have been put on stage. In 2001 Helgason received the Icelandic Literary Prize for "The Author of Iceland." He has twice been nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize, with "101 Reykjavik" in 1999, and "Stormland" in 2007. A film based on the latter was released in early 2011.

Further information

Works in translation

  • Sextíu kíló af kjaftshöggum (Sixty Kilos of Knockouts) 2021
  • Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), France (Editions Gallimard), Germany (Tropen), Lithuania (Alma Littera), Norway (Kagge), Russia (Gorodets)

  • Sextíu kíló af sólskini (Sixty Kilos of Sunshine) 2018  

Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), France (Editions Gallimard), Germany (Klett-Cotta), Lithuania (Alma Littera), Norway (Kagge), Russia (Gorodets)


  • Sjóveikur í Munchen (Seasick in Munich) 2015

 Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), Germany (Tropen)


  • Konan við þúsund gráður (Woman at 1000 Degrees) 2011  

Albania (Ombra GVG), Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), France (Presses de la cite), Germany (Klett-Cotta), Hungary (Scolar), Italy (Mondadori), Lithuania (Alma littera), Norway (CappelenDamm), Poland (Znak), Russia (Corpus), Spain/Spanish (Penguin Random House/Lumen), Spain/Catalan (Edicions62), The Netherlands (De Arbeiderspers), UK (Oneworld Publications ), US (Algonquin Books)


  • Tíu ráð til að hætta að drepa fólk og byrja að vaska upp (The Hitman's Guide to Housecleaning) 2008  

Croatia (Meandar ), Czech Republic (Plus), Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), France (Presses de la cite), Germany (Tropen), Italy (Isbn Edizioni), Korea (Dulnyouk), Norway (CappelenDamm), Poland (Slowo/Obraz Terytoria), Russia (Corpus), Serbia (Dereta), The Netherlands (Meulenhoff), World English (Amazon Crossing)


  • Rokland (Stormland) 2005

Denmark (Aschehoug), Germany (Klett-Cotta), Norway (CappelenDamm), Sweden (Norstedts)


  • Herra Alheimur (Mr. Universe) 2003

France (Presses de la Cité)


  • Höfundur Íslands (The Author of Iceland) 2001

Denmark (Rosinante), Finland (Otava), Germany (Klett-Cotta), Norway (Damm), Italy (Guanda) transl. Silvia Cosimini, Russia (Gorodets)


  • 101 Reykjavík, 1996

Denmark (Rosinante), Finland (Otava), France (Actes Sud), Germany (Klett-Cotta), Hungary (Scolar), Italy (Guanda) transl. Silvia Cosimini, Korea (Dulnyouk Publishing Co), Latvia (Valters & Ropa), Macedonia, Norway (Damm) transl. Jón Sveinbjörn Jónsson, Poland (Swiat Literacki), Romania (Universla Dalsi Publishers), Russia (Azboka), Serbia, Spain (RBA), Sweden (Norstedts), The Netherlands (Meulenhoff), UK (Faber & Faber), US (Scribner)



Aðalsteinn Ásberg - Arabic Arabíska Barna– og ungmennabækur Belarusian Children – YA Danish Danska Eistneska English Enska Estonian Fiction Finnish Finnska Hvítrússneska Ljóð Poetry Skáldverk Swedish Sænska

Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson was born in Húsavík, Iceland, in 1955. After attending the Commercial College of Iceland in Reykjavík, he studied Icelandic language, music and acting. In 1977 he made his literary debut with a book of poetry, Ósánar lendur (Virgin Soil). Since then he has published over 20 books of poetry and translated poetry, one novel and 15 children´s books. He has won several Icelandic literary prizes for his works. His poems are translated to a dozen of languages and he has been participating in many literature festivals. He is also a leading translator into Icelandic of poetry and lyrics for music.

Apart from the literary scene Sigurðsson is also a prolific songwriter and has been working with various artists for a long time. From 1998-2006 he was the president of the Writer´s Union of Iceland. His prestigious independent publishing house DIMMA is well known for both original editions and important editions of world literature, poetry and music. 

Works in translation


  • Dvergasteinn, Almenna bókafélagið, 1991

Denmark (CDR forlag, 2000) Dværgstenen, transl. Mette Fanø; Finland (Bokförlaget Idun, 2010) Haltia joka kadotti hohtokivensä, transl. Päivi Kumpulainen; Estonia (Nynorden, 2010) Kääbusekivi, transl. Toomas Lapp; Swedish (Bokförlaget Idun, Finland, 2011) Dvärgstenen, transl. Inge Knutsson; Lebanon (Khayyatsaghir, 2015) The Dwarf Stone, transl. Mazen Maarouf

  • Brúin yfir Dimmu, Mál og menning, 2000

Finland (Bokförlaget Idun, 2006) Silta Tumman yli, transl. Marjakaisa Matthíasson

  • Ljósin í Dimmuborg, Mál og menning, 2002

Finland (Bokförlaget Idun, 2008) Tummalinnan valot, transl. Marjakaisa Matthíasson

  • Hús eru aldrei ein (Black Sky), Uppheimar, 2011

Bilingual edition, transl. Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson/Bernard Scudder

  • Selection of poems 1985-2015

Ukraine (Krok Publishing, 2015) Aposhni koler leta (The Last Colour of Summer), transl. Maria Pushkina


Þórarinn Eldjárn - Barna– og ungmennabækur Children – YA Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French German Ljóð Poetry Skáldverk Þýska

Þórarinn Eldjárn (b.1949) is one of Iceland's most admired authors and the recipient of many awards. A superb poet, he has tackled almost every genre since his debut in 1974. He has published numerous collections of poetry and children's verse, short-story collections and novels as well as translating fiction for adults and children from English and the Scandinavian languages. Among them are works by Strindberg, Ibsen, HC Andersen and Göran Tunström; Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland as well as Shakespeare's King Lear, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Hamlet for the National Theatre.

Þórarinn's novel Brotahofud (The Blue Tower) was shortlisted for the Aristeion 1998 – the European literature and translation prize, nominated to the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 1999 and to the IMPAC Dublin award in 2001. Brotahofud has been published in English, Finnish, French, Danish and German translations.


For further information

Works in translation


  • Brotahöfuð (The Blue Tower), historical novel, Vaka-Helgafell, 1996

Denmark (Poul Kristensens Forlag, 2008), transl. Björn Sigurbjörnsson; Finland (Like, 1999), transl. Tapio Koivukari; France (Le Cavalier Bleu, 2003,) transl. Régis Boyer; Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Conte Verlag, 2011) transl. Coletta Bürling; UK (Mare's Nest, 1999), transl. Bernard Scudder



  • Die glücklichste Nation unter der Sonne. Geschichten von Island, short story collection, 13 stories: Der Klang der Wörter, Die Zauberformel, Die Taschenkrise, Der Besitzer, Eine kleine Flötenschule, Lachen erwünscht, Die Geisterstadt, Lulli und das Leitknäuel, Eines jeden Traum, Höhenflug, Urinium, Die Saga von den Siedlern in der Knüppelbucht, Die Hohnstange.Transl. Coletta Bürling

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Conte Verlag, 2011)


  • Des perles et du pain, short story collection, 10 stories: Le bruissement de l'aigle, Les perles de chez Hermann Kjögx sont les meilleures, Deux petites femmes de l'Est, T'es sûr que ça y est?, Tilbury, J'ai vécu, Simples malentendus, Le communiant qui n'en avait pas rien à faire, Quand les rêves se réalisent, Le bonhomme de pain, transl. Séverine Daucourt-Fridriksson
France (Presses Universitaires de Caen d'Etudes Nordiques, 2001)

  • Aðsókn (Incursion), from the short story collection Ó fyrir framan (1992)

UK (Comma Press) anthology, 2021, transl. Phil Roughton


  • Níðstöng (Scorn Pole), transl. Lytton Smith. In the book Out of the Blue: New Short Fiction from Iceland.

US (University of Minnesota Press, 2017) Editor: Helen Mitsios


  • Í svip (Anblick) and Flökkusaga (Eine Wandergeschichte), transl. Anna Papke. In the book Gaben des Himmels, Neue Erzählungen zeitgenössischer isländischer Autoren. Editors: Hubert Seelow and Kolbrún Haraldsdóttir

Germany (Steidl, 2011)


  • Ókvæða við (Rester interdit), from the short story collection Margsaga, 1985, transl. Régis Boyer

France (Les Belles Lettres, 2009), in the collection Trésor de la nouvelle de la littérature scandinave


  • Arnsúgur (A Rush of Wings), transl. Martin Regal

US (McSweeney's. 15, editor: Dave Eggers, 2004)


  • Í draumi sérhvers manns (Eines jeden Traum) and Die Taschenkrise, short stories, transl. Coletta Bürling

Germany, edition die horen (anthology: Wortlaut Island, 2000)



  • 7 poems: (Angelica Versallica, Excelsior, Great Beginning, Nails, Fairy Tale, Imagine, Sneaky), transl. Sola Bjarnadottir O'Connell, Anthology: Beneath the Ice: An Anthology of Contemporary Icelandic Poetry, editor: Helen Mitsios

US (Talismann House) 2014


  • Góður gestur á Bakka (Guter Gast auf Bakki), Jakkaföt frá Gefjun (Jedermanns Anzug), from Ydd (1984), transl. Richard Kölbl, anthology: Isländische Lyrik

Germany (Insel Verlag) 2011


  • Grannmeti og átvextir, a poem for children from Grannmeti og átvextir (Froots and Vegedibles) (2001): transl. Olga Holownia

UK (Walker) 2011, anthology (Pumpkin Grumpkin – Nonsense Poems From Around the World)  



Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson - Fiction Franska French Fræðibækur German Ljóð Non–fiction Poetry Skáldverk Þýska

Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson (b. 1971) is an acclaimed Icelandic writer and visual artist. He debuted in 2013 with the novella Letters from Bhutan and has since published poetry, fiction and non-fiction. He also runs his own publishing house, Tunglið forlag, and is one of the editors of Ljóðbréf – A Journal of Contemporary Icelandic Poetry. As an artist, he has exhibited across the world, including the USA, Austria and Finland.

As an artist, he has exhibited across the world, including the USA, Austria and Finland.
My Father’s Library was nominated for the Icelandic Literature
Prize for nonfiction in 2018. Ólafsson’s latest work Loose Sheets is
nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2023.

Works in translation

  • Bókasafn föður míns (My Father's Library) 2018

Germany (Mikrotext), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd). 

Haukur Ingvarsson - Danish Danska English Enska German Graphic novel Greek Gríska Litháíska Lithuanian Ljóð Norska Norwegian Poetry Skáldverk Swedish Sænska Þýska

Haukur Ingvarsson (b. 1979) is an Icelandic writer and literary scholar. He was a cultural journalist for the Icelandic Broadcasting Service for a decade. His first book of poetry, Niðurfall og þættir af hinum dularfulla Manga (Downfall and Episodes of the Mysterious Mangi), was published in 2005, followed by a book on the late novels of Icelandic Nobel laureate Halldor Laxness (2009) and the historical novel November 1976 (2011). For his latest book of poetry, Vistarverur (Ecostentialism) (2018), Ingvarsson won the prestigious Tomas Gudmundsson Literary Prize. Ingvarsson defended his PhD thesis on the reception of American novelist William Faulkner in Iceland in 2020. The thesis will be published by The Icelandic Historical Society in 2021. His forthcoming book of poetry is called Menn sem elska menn (Men Who Love Men ) - bio written by poet and friend Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl.

Works in translation



· Nóvember 1976 (November 1976), Forlagid 2011

Germany (Edition Rugerup), transl. Benedikt Grabinski, 2016



Norway: 2021. „Blindpassasjerar“. Translator: Oskar Vistdal. Vinduet 75: 1, bls. 46–51.

Germany 2021. „Einweihungsparty“, Translators: Jón Thor Gíslason and Wolfgang Schiffer. Signaturen,

USA: 2021. „The Sinking IV. –VI, from Ecostentialism“. (Vistarverur) Translator: Meg Matich. Words Without Borders April issue,

Sweden: 2020. „Ur Raserade städer“. Translator John Swedenmark. Divan nr. 3–4, bls. 45–57.

Greece: 2020. „Úr Vistarverum“. Translator Stergia Kavvalou. Ljóðasafn ungra skálda frá Íslandi/Ανθολογία Νέων Ισλανδών Ποιητών. Athens: Publications.

Lithuania. 2019. „V.“. Translator Jurgita Marija Abraityté, Krantai 171: 2, bls. 76–77.

Norway: 2018. „Alt synker“. Translator Kristian Breidfjord. Dikteren roper: Mikrofonen er for høyt oppe. Bergen: Audiatur, bls. 71–95.

Denmark: 2011. „Skygger fra fortiden I“, „Skygger fra fortiden II“, „A day in the life“, „Er Phil Spector til stede?“, „Ravnespark“, „Formeksperimenter“, „En verden der fandtes engang“, „Kærlighedsdigt til rockmusiken og en pige i kort kjole“. Translator Erik Skyum-Nielsen. Ny Islandsk Poesi. Ritstj. Nina Søs Vinther. Copenhagen: Arena, pp. 73–97.


Sölvi Björn Sigurðsson - Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Macedonian Makedónska Skáldverk

SÖLVI BJÖRN SIGURĐSSON (b. 1978) received the Icelandic Literary Prize for fiction for his latest novel, Saltwater: Apocrypha from the Life of the Physician General (Selta: apókrýfa úr ævi landlæknis, 2019). A translator of classical poetry, he has been distinguished for his translation of Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell. He has written three novels and a long-form poem. Saltwater: Apocrypha from the Life of the Physician General is his fourth novel.

Works in translation

  • Selta: apókrýfa úr ævi landlæknis 2019

Denmark (Forlaget Torgard); Macedonia (Ikona)


  • Síðustu dagar móður minnar 2009
    US/UK (Open Letter Books)



Jónas Reynir Gunnarsson - Danish Danska Fiction German Hungarian Ljóð Poetry Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Ungverska Þýska

Jónas Reynir Gunnarsson (b. 1987) studied Creative Writing MA at the University of Iceland. His previous novels, Connecting Flight and Starfish, garnered much attention, the former being nominated for the DV Culture Award. His poetry book Big Oil Tankers received the Tomas Gudmundsson Literature Award and the collection Laundry Day was recipient of the May Star Poetry Prize.

Works in translation


  • Millilending (Connecting Flight), Partus 2017

Denmark (Gyldendal), Transl. Erik-Skyum Nielsen

  • Dauði skógar (Death of a Forest), Forlagid 2020

Hungary (POLAR Egyesület); Serbia (Treći Trg)


  • Poems from Laundry Day

Germany: (die horen) 2021. Transl. Jón Thor Gíslason and Wolfgang Schiffer;

(Fixpoetry) 2020. Transl. Jón Thor Gíslason and Wolfgang Schiffer

  • Poems from Big Oil Tankers and A Village Manual.

Hungary: (észak) 2018. Transl. Kata Veress

  • Four poems from Laundry Day (Þvottadagur).

Germany, Signaturen-Magazin. Transl. Jon Thor Gislason and Wolfgang Schiffer:


Guðrún Brjánsdóttir - Danish Danska Fiction Skáldverk

Guðrún Brjánsdóttir (b. 1995) received her B.A. in Icelandic from the University of Iceland, with a minor in Creative Writing. Autopilot is her first novel, having previously published a book of poetry and a translation.

Works in translation

  • Óbragð (Caco Quest) Forlagið 2023 

Denmark (Lindbak + Lindbak) 

  • Sjálfstýring (Autopilot), Forlagið 2020

Denmark (Lindbak + Lindbak), Transl. Nanna Kalkar


Kristín Steinsdóttir - Barna– og ungmennabækur Children – YA Danish Danska Eistneska Estonian Faroese Fiction Finnish Finnska Færeyska German Greenlandic Grænlenska Hungarian Litháíska Lithuanian Skáldverk Slovene Slóvenska Swedish Sænska Ungverska Þýska

Kristín Steinsdóttir is the highly acclaimed and award-winning author of 40 books for both adults and children. Her novels have earned great praise both in Iceland and abroad, including The Icelandic Women's Literature Prize for high quality innovative works by women, which she received for the novel By Herself. The book was also nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. Her first book, published in 1987, received the Icelandic Children’s Literature Prize that year. Her book, An Angel in the Neighbourhood, won the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize in 2003. Steinsdóttir has received the highest order of the Republic of Iceland, the Order of the Falcon, for her contribution to Icelandic literature.

Works in translation


  • Vonarlandið (Land of Hope) 2014  

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlag C.H. Beck) transl. Anika Wolff


  • Ljósa (Brightness) 2010

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlag C.H. Beck/pocket dtv) transl. Anika Lüders; Lithuania (Alma Littera) transl. Jurate Akuceviciute


  • Á eigin vegum (By Herself) 2006

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlag C.H Beck) transl. Tina Flecken; Sweden (Kabusa) transl. John Swedenmark; Finland (Lurra) transl. Marjakaisa Matthíasson


  • Hver étur ísbirni? (Who Eats Polar Bears?) 2006 

Denmark/Greenland (Milik)


  • Engill í vesturbænum (An Angel in the Neighbourhood) 2001 

Sweden (Kabusa) transl. John Swedenmark; Finland (Idun) transl. Päivi Kumpulaine; Faroe Islands (Bokadeildin) transl. Þóra Þóroddsdóttir; Greenland (Milik); Denmark (Milik) transl. Susanne Torpe; Lithuania (Zara); Estonia (Nynorden); Slovenia (Malinc) transl. Tadeja Habicht; Hungary (Pongrác Kiadó) transl. Bence Patat


Björg Magnúsdóttir - Fiction German Skáldverk Þýska

BJÖRG MAGNÚSDÓTTIR (b. 1985) is a Political Science graduate with a Master‘s degree in Applied Cultural Studies from the University of Iceland. Magnusdottir has worked as a journalist, chairwoman of the Student Council of the University of Iceland, promoter, and project manager, among other things and has written for widely read online publications. She currently works for the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service.

Works in translation

· Ekki þessi týpa (Not This Type), 2013

· Þessi týpa (This Type), Forlagid 2014

Germany (Suhrkamp) Transl. Tina Flecken, 2016


Benný Sif Ísleifsdóttir - Fiction Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk

Benny Sif Isleifsdottir (b. 1970) has written for children as well as adults, Hansdætur (Daughters) being her second novel. Benny Sif completed a Master's degree in Folkloristics from the University of Iceland in addition to a certificate program in Youth and Community Studies from Saint Martin's College. In 2018 she received an Emerging Writer grant from the Icelandic Literature Center for her first novel, Gríma. These grants are awarded yearly to assist in publishing novels by authors just taking their first steps into the world of writing, and to encourage them to continue down this path.

Works in translation

· Hansdætur (Daughters), Forlagid 2020

Serbia (Treći Trg), Hungary (Metropolis Media Group)


Ólíver Þorsteinsson - Fiction Hebreska Hebrew Skáldverk

Ólíver Þorsteinsson has written three children's books, his first book Leitin að jólakettinum (Search for the yulecat) came out 2018 (Publisher: Tindur). He owns his own publishing company, LEÓ Bókaútgáfa. 

Works in translation

  • Í Hjarta Mínu (In My Heart), 2020
    Israel (Lesa Press) 
  • Þegar leikskólakennararnir hurfu (When the kindergarten teachers disappeared) 2021
    Norður-Makedónía (Publisher: Deixis)


Bragi Ólafsson - Arabic Arabíska Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Franska French German Italian Ítalska Litháíska Lithuanian Ljóð Macedonian Makedónska Poetry Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Turkish Tyrkneska Þýska

Bragi Ólafsson, born in Reykjavik is 1962, is an Icelandic writer of novels, short stories, plays and poetry. His novels are undoubtedly among the most original and remarkable Icelandic stories of recent years and he has also received critical acclaim for his plays, short stories and poetry. His subtle humor and ability to depict the extraordinary in ordinary life, often while painting a tragi-comic picture, make his work thrilling in a most unconventional way. Ólafsson's novel, The Ambassador (available in the US by Open Letter), received the 2006 Icelandic Bookseller's Award and was nominated for the Icelandic Literary Prize (as have other four of his eight novels to date), as well as the Nordic Council Literary Prize in 2008. Open Letter has also published Bragi's novels, The Pets and Narrator. His novel Party Games received the DV Cultural Prize in 2004, and the Icelandic Bookseller's Award. Two of Ólafsson´s plays were hugely successful, and his poetry and short stories have been translated into various languages.

Works in translation

  • Sögumaður (Narrator), Mál og menning 2014
USA (Open Letter), transl. Lytton Smith; France (Acted sud), transl. Robert Guillemette

  • Sendiherrann (The Ambassador), Mál og menning 2006
  • Denmark (Athene), transl. Kim Lembek; Germany (Fischer Verlag), transl. Tina Flecken; USA (Open Letter), transl. Lytton Smith; Macedonia (Ikona), transl. Hatka Haj∏ob; Lithuania (Kitos Knygos), transl. Jurgita Marija Abraityté

  • Gæludýrin (The Pets), Bjartur 2001

Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), transl. Susanne Torpe; Germany (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag), transl. Tina Flecken; USA (Open Letter), transl. Janice Balfour; France (Acted sud), transl. Robert Guillemette; Italy (La Linea), transl. Silvia Cosimini; Argentina (Bajo la luna), transl. Fabio Teixidó; Macedonia (Ikona), transl. Hatka Haj∏ob; Egypt (Animar); Turkey (Zeplin), transl. Özde Cakmak


Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl - Croatian Danish Danska Fiction Franska French German Greek Gríska Króatíska Macedonian Makedónska Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Þýska

Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl was awarded The Icelandic Literary Prize and The Book Merchant's Prize for his novel Evil, as well as being nominated for the Nordic Council's Literary Award. When Evil came out in France in 2015 it was shortlisted for the Prix Médicis Étranger, the Prix Meilleur Livre Étranger and received the Transfuge award for best Nordic fiction.

Further information

Works in translation

  • Brúin yfir Tangagötu 2020

France (Métailie); Sweden (Rámus) transl. John Swedenmark


  • Hans Blær 2018

France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié) transl. Jean-Christophe Salaun; Spain/South America (Hoja de lata) transl. Enrique Bernárdez Sanchis


  • Heimska (Stupidity) 2015 

France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié) transl. Éric Boury; Sweden (Rámus) transl. John Swedenmark


  • Illska (Evil) 2012

Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Klett-Cotta) transl. Betty Wahl/Tina Flecken; France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg (Métailié) transl. Eric Boury; Sweden (Rámus förlag) transl. Anna Gunnarsdotter Grönberg; Denmark (Ordenes By) transl. Nanna Kalkar; Greece (Polis) transl. Stavroula Georgakopoulou; Croatia (Naklada OceanMore) transl. Daria Lazic; Macedonia (Art Connect) transl. Katerina Josifoska; Spain (Hoja de Lata) transl. Enrique Bernárdez Sanchis


  • Gæska (Kindness) 2009 

France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg (Métailié) transl. Eric Boury


  • Eitur fyrir byrjendur (Poison for Beginners) 2006 

Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Kozempel & Timm) transl. Anna von Heynitz and Anita Rübberdt; Sweden (Rámus Förlag) transl. Anna Gunnarsdotter Grönberg; France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg (Métailié) transl. Eric Boury



Soffía Bjarnadóttir - Fiction Franska French Skáldverk

Soffía Bjarnadóttir, novelist, playwright and poet born in Reykjavík 1975. Her prose and poetry induce mystical dark and haunting tone, playing with myths, death and rebirth. Soffía holds Cand. mag. In Comparative Literature and Creative Writing and has also studied Theatre Studies and participated in different collaborative works in theatre, writing and teaching.

Works in translation

  • Segulskekkja Forlagið, 2014

France (Éditions Zulma, 2016) transl. Jean-Christophe Salaün


María Elísabet Bragadóttir - Danish Danska Dutch Fiction Hollenska Hungarian Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Ungverska

María Elísabet Bragadóttir (b. 1993) holds a BA degree in philosophy from the University of Iceland. She was a columnist for Fréttablaðið and has written stories and opinion pieces for radio. The short story collection Room in Another World is her debut as an author.

  • Sápufuglinn (The Soap Bird) 2022 

Hungary (Polar Egyesület), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Oevers), Serbia (Heliks d.o.o.)

  • Herbergi í öðrum heimi (Room in Another World) 2020

Denmark (Turbine Forlaget)

Örvar Smárason - Fiction Franska French Italian Ítalska Japanese Japanska Ljóð Poetry Skáldverk

Örvar Smárason is a poet, writer, composer and a musician. Svefngríman is his first short story collection, but before he had published the novella Úfin, strokin and a poetry collection, Gamall þrjótur, nýir tímar

Örvar received The Grassroot Grant from The Icelandic Literature Center for Svefngríman and he has also been awarded the Juliana festival award for one of the short story in the collection. 

Works in translation

  • Svefngríman 2022

  France (Editions Passage(s))

  • Úfin, strokin 2008

Italy (Scritturapura Casa Editrice)

  • Gamall þrjótur, nýir tímar 2005

Japan (Afterhours) 

Pedro Gunnlaugur García - Fiction Franska French German Polish Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Skáldverk Spanish Spænska Þýska

Pedro Gunnlaugur García was born in Lisbon in 1983 – to an Icelandic mother and Portuguese father. Raised mostly in Reykjavík, he graduated from the University of Iceland with a Bachelor´s degree in Sociology and a Master's in Culture and Communication. He is known for his poignant and introspective works, use of magical realism and exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the challenges of intimacy and communication.

His first novel, Languageless (Málleysingjarnir, 2019), won himThe Grassroots grant from the Icelandic Literature Center and was well received by readers and reviewers alike for being powerful and written with uncommon assuredness for a debut. It‘s a surreal examination of the limits of humanity and language.
His second novel, Lungs (Lungu, 2022) was an immediate success and received the prestigious Icelandic Literary Prize 2022. Featuring life-saving olives, flying women, gigantic roosters, psychic sex and forbidden love, the story is propelled imaginatively from one generation to the next – encompassing many of life's tragedies and fleeting moments of happiness.

Works in Translation


  • Lungu (Lungs) Bjartur 2022 
France (Éditions Métailié), Germany (Hoffmann und Campe), Poland (Poznańskie), Portugal (Guerra e Paz Editores), Brazil (Editora Nós), World Spanish (Anaya)



Auður Jónsdóttir - Dutch English Enska Fiction German Hollenska Hungarian Litháíska Lithuanian Skáldverk Ungverska Þýska

Auður Jónsdóttir (b. 1973) is one of the most accomplished authors writing in Icelandic today. Her novels have aroused interest in Iceland, as well as abroad, for their rare blend of incisive candor and humor.

She won the Icelandic Literary Prize for The People in the Basement and the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize for Secretaries to the Spirits. Both of these novels were nominated for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. Audur's novel, Quake, is probably her most successful publication to date and gathered a huge following among Icelandic readers of all ages, strengthening her position as an important writer of her generation. Quake was among World Literature Today‘s 75 most notable translations of 2022.

Several films have been made based on her novels.

Further information

Work in translation

  • Stóri skjálfti (Quake) 2015

World English (Dottir Press), Germany (RandomHouse, btb), Hungary (Gondolat Kiado),Lithuania (Obuolys), The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Mozaïek), Film Rights (Ursus Parvus)


Ófeigur Sigurðsson - Bulgarian Búlgarska Croatian Czech Danish Danska English Enska Fiction Georgian Georgíska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Króatíska Macedonian Makedónska Portuguese Portúgalska Serbian Serbneska Skáldverk Slovak Slóvakíska Tékkneska Ungverska

Author and poet Ófeigur Sigurðsson was born in Reykjavik 1975. He received his BA degree in 2007, with a thesis on the taboo and transgression in the works of Georges Bataille. A prolific poet, Ófeigur has published several collections including Toast to the Midwinter (2001) and Redness (2006). In 2005 his first novel was published but his second novel, A Novel of Jon (2010), became the first Icelandic novel to receive the European Union Prize for Literature, in 2011. The best-seller Oraefi: The Wasteland (2014) was the runaway literary sensation of the year, becoming a massive bestseller, snatched up the Icelandic Literary Prize in 2014, and won The Icelandic Booksellers‘ Prize the same year. It was a Best Translated Book Awards Finalist 2019 in the US and nominated for the National Translation Award, ALTA, in 2019.
Besides publishing several award-winning novels, Ófeigur has translated literature and written for radio.

Works in translation:

Skáldsaga um Jón & hans rituðu bréf til barnshafandi konu sinnar þá hann dvaldi í helli yfir vetur & undirbjó komu hennar & nýrra tíma (A Novel of Jon & his written letters to his expectant wife when he dwelt in a cave over a winter & prepared for her arrival & new times) 2010

Bulgaria (Balcani Publishing) transl. Айгир Сверисон, Croatia (Naklada Ljevak) transl. Suncana Slamnig, Czech Republic/Slovakia (Dauphin) transl. Lenka Zimmermannová, Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Rolf Stavnem, Georgia (Klio) transl. Tamar Ninikashvili, Hungary (Libri) transl. Egyed Veronika, Italy (Safara Editore) transl. Silvia Cosimini, Portugal (Cavalo de ferro) transl. João Reis, Macedonia (Antolog), Serbia (Heliks) transl. Tatjana Latinović

Öræfi (Öræfi the Wasteland) 2014

Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Rolf Stavnem, US/UK/ANZ (Deep Vellum) transl. Lytton Smith

Halldóra K. Thoroddsen - Albanian Albanska Bulgarian Búlgarska Croatian Danish Danska Fiction Franska French Italian Ítalska Króatíska Macedonian Makedónska Skáldverk

Halldóra K. Thoroddsen (1950-2020) was born in Reykjavík. She studied psychology in the University of Copenhagen and graduated as a teacher from Kennaraskólinn í Reykjavík. Later she studied arts and craft in Iceland and worked as a graphic designer and exhibited her paintings two times. She wrote numerous texts and articles for newspapers, radio and art brochures.


Halldóra published poetry, flashfiction, short stories, and two novels. Her novel Tvöfalt gler (Double Glass, 2016) won Fjöruverðlaunin (The Icelandic Women's Literature Prize) in 2016 and The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) in 2017. Tvöfalt gler has been translated to many languages.

Works in translation

  • Tvöfalt gler (Double Glass 2016) Sæmundur


Albania (Botime Pegi); Bulgaria (Colibri Publishers); Croatia (Hena com); Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard); France (Les Éditions Bleu et Jaune); Italy (Iperborea); Macedonia (Izdavac Antolog); Romania (Editura Darclée)
