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Sjón is an Icelandic writer whose novels The Blue Fox, The Whispering Muse and From the Mouth of the Whale have been translated into more than thirty languages. He has won several awards including the Nordic Council's Literature Prize for The Blue Fox and has been shortlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award and the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. Sjón has also published poetry collections, written four opera librettos and lyrics for various artists.
Works in translation
- Korngult hár, grá augu (Corn-Gold Hair, Grey Eyes) 2019
Denmark (Grif ); Sweden (Rámus)
- Codex 1962 (Codex 1962) 2016
Denmark (C&K Forlag); Finland (Like) Maarit Kalliokoski, Tuomas Kauko, Ja Kirsi Luoma; Germany (S. Fischer); UK (Sceptre); USA (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); Hungary (Gondolat Kiado); Czech Republic (Dybbuk); Sweden (Rámus)
- Mánasteinn—Drengurinn sem aldrei var til (Moonstone—The Boy Who Never Was) 2013
The Netherlands (De Geus); Sweden (Alfabeta); Germany/Austria/Switzerland (S.Fischer); USA/ Philippines/Canada (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); Spain/ South America (Nórdica); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Payot & Rivages); Czech Republic (Dybbuk); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Sceptre) Victoria Cribb; Norway (Orkana); Slovakia (Slovart); Slovenia (Cankarjeva Zalozba); Finland (Like); Denmark (C&K forlag); Serbia (Geopoetika); Spain (Nórdica Libros); Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora); Turkey (Monkl); Italy (Federico Tuzzi Editore); Ukraine (VYDAVNYTSTVO)
- Rökkurbýsnir (From the Mouth of the Whale) 2008
Brazil (Planeta); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South Africa (Telegram/Saqi Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (S. Fischer); Spain/South America (Nórdica Libros), Sweden (Alfabeta); Denmark (C&K Forlag); The Netherlands (De Geus); Lithuania (Apostrofa); USA/ Philippines/Canada (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); Turkey (Monkl); Hungary (Magvetö); Finland (Like); Romania (Polirom); Albania (Aleph Klub); Macedonia (Antolog)
- Argóarflísin (The Whispering Muse) 2005
Basque country (Pasazaite Liburuak); Czech Republic (Dybbuk); Denmark (Athene/audio Den Grimme Ælling); Faroe Islands (Nylendi); Finland (Like); Norway (Tiden); Spain (Nórdica Libros); Turkey (Monkl); UK (Canongate); USA (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
- Skugga-Baldur (The Blue Fox) 2003
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa/ (Telegram/Saqi Books); Germany/Switzerland/ Austria (S. Fischer); Spain (Nórdica Libros); Sweden (Alfabeta); Denmark (C&K Forlag) Kim Lembek; The Netherlands (De Geus); Portugal (Cavalo de ferro); Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora); Poland (slowo/obraz terytoria); Lithuania (Apostrofa); The Czech Republic (Argo); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Payot & Rivage); Italy (Mondadori); Faroe Islands (Nylendi); Finland (Like); Norway (Tiden); Serbia and Montenegro (Balcancult Foundation); Turkey (Monkl); Hungary (Magvetö); Russia (Corpus); Bulgaria (Locus Publishing); Finnish puppet theatre rights (Piellos); Lebanon and Arab speaking world (Dar-al-Saqi); USA/Philippines/Canada (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); China (Yilin Press); Macedonia (Antolog); Greece (Nefeli); Romania (Editura Polirom); Slovenia (Cankarjeva Zalozba); Croatia (VBZ); Brazil (Hedra); Estonia (Pegasus); Latvia (Mansards); Albania (Aleph Klub); Ukraina (Liliia Serhiivna)