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Arnaldur Indriðason
Arnaldur Indriðason has the rare distinction of having won the Nordic Crime Novel Prize two years running. He is also the winner of the highly respected and world-famous CWA Gold Dagger Award for the top crime novel of the year in the English language, Silence of the Grave. Indridason's novels have sold over 14 million copies worldwide, in 40 languages, and have won numerous well-respected prizes and received rave reviews all over the world.
Works in translation
- Sæluríkið (State of Misery) 2023
- Kyrrþey (Indifference) 2022
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); Sweden (Norstedts), Czech Republic (Bastei Moba)
- Sigurverkið (The King and the Clockmaker) 2021
Denmark (Gyldendal); France (Points); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt);
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Spain/South America (RBA Libros); Norway (Cappelen Damm); World Arabic (Arab Scientific Publishers); Sweden (Norstedts),
- Þagnarmúr (Wall of Silence) 2020
Czech Republic (Bastei Moba); France (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); Sweden (Norstedts); Norway (Cappelen Damm); Italy (Ugo Guanda)
- Tregasteinn (The Quiet Mother) 2019
Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); Italy (Ugo Guanda); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); Norway (Cappelen Damm); Sweden (Norstedts), Denmark (Gyldendal)
- Stúlkan hjá brúnni (The Girl By the Bridge) 2018
Denmark (Gyldendal); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); Italy (TEA libri); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); UK/ Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (PRH/ Harvill Secker); USA (St. Martin‘s Press)
- Myrkrið veit (The Darkness Knows) 2017
India/Malayalam language (DC Books);
Italy (Gialli TEA); Norway (CappelenDamm); Sweden (Norstedts); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Q); UK/ Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (PRH/ Harvill Secker); USA (St. Martin‘s Press)
- Petsamo 2016
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Sweden (Norstedts); The Netherlands (Querido); Italy (Guanda); Finland (Blue Moon); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA)
- Þýska húsið (The Shadow Killer) 2015
Czech Republic (MOBA); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); The Netherlands (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Finland (Blue Moon):; World Arabic (Arab Scientific Publishers)
- Kamp Knox (Oblivion) 2014
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); The Netherlands (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Norway (CappelenDamm); Finland (Blue Moon); Czech Republic (MOBA); Romania (Editura Trei); Lebanon (Thaqafa)
- Skuggasund (The Shadow District) 2013
Netherlands (Querido); Spain/Andorra/Southand Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Norway (CappelenDamm); Italy (Ugo Guanda) Alessandro Storti; Finland (Blue Moon); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Sweden (Norstedts); Czech Republic (MOBA)
- Reykjavíkurnætur (Reykjavik Nights) 2012
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié); Sweden (Norstedts); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Finland (Blue Moon); Norway (CappelenDamm); Italy (Ugo Guanda) Alessandro Storti; Spain/Andorra/ South- and Central America (RBA Libros); Czech Republic (MOBA); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Korea (Open Books); Hungary (Central Kiadói Csoport); Lebanon (Arabic Scientific Publishing)
- Einvígið (The Great Match) 2011
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda) Silvia Cosimini; Finland (Blue Moon); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA); Spain/Andorra/ South- and Central America (RBA Libros); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers)
- Furðustrandir (Strange Shores) 2010
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Norway (CappelenDamm); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Finland (Blue Moon); Czech Republic (MOBA); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Hungary (Animus); Denmark (Rosinante); Spain/Andorra / South- and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Abu Dhabi (Thaqafa)
- Svörtuloft (Black Skies) 2009
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Finland (Blue Moon); Sweden (Norstedts); Norway (CappelenDamm); UK/Australia/ New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/ Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Czech Republic (MOBA); Denmark (Rosinante); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Spain/Andorra/Southand Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Poland (Foksal); Abu Dhabi (Thaqafa)
- Myrká (Outrage) 2008
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Norway (CappelenDamm); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Finland (Blue Moon); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Czech Republic (MOBA); Denmark (Rosinante); Spain/ Andorra South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishing); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Hungary (Animus); Poland (Foksal); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Harðskafi (Hypothermia) 2007
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Rosinante); Norway (CappelenDamm); The Czech Republic (MOBA); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Korea (Munhakdogne); Russia (Corpus); Spain/Andorra South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Hungary (Animus); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishing); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Poland (Foksal); Romania (Editura Trei) Monica Vlad 2019; Turkey (Dogan); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Konungsbók (The King's Book) 2006
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); The Czech Republic (MOBA); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié)
- Vetrarborgin (Arctic Chill) 2005
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Sweden (Norstedts/ Prisma); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Finland (Blue Moon); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland /Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Norway (CappelenDamm); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Russia (Corpus); Hungary (Animus); Poland (WAB); Brazil (Companyia das letras); Abu Dhabi (Thaqfa); Turkey (Dogan); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Turkey (Dogan); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Kleifarvatn (The Draining Lake) 2004
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Rosinante); Norway (CappelenDamm); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Brazil (Companhia das Letras); Portugal (Porto Editores); Hungary (Animus); Turkey (Dogan); Russia (Corpus); Poland (WAB); Greece (Metachmio); Abu Dhabi (Thaqfa); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Korea (Open Books); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Bettý (Betty) 2003
Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Spain/Andorra//Central and South America/USA
(RBA Libros)
- Röddin (Voices) 2002
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Rosinante); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/ USA (RBA Libros); Russia (Corpus); Catalonia (La Magrana); Brazil (Companhia das Letras); Portugal (Porto Editores); Turkey (Dogan); Romania (Trei); Italy (TEA); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha Co) Yumiko Yanagisawa þýtt úr sænsku; Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers); Poland (WAB); Korea (Younglim Cardinal); Greece (Metachmio); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Bulgaria (Colibri); Serbia (Booka)
- Grafarþögn (Silence of the Grave) 2001
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Forum / Rosinante); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA); Hungary (Animus); Italy (Ugo Guanda); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Turkey (Sinemis Yayanlari); Korea (Elixir); Taiwan (Crown); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Poland (WAB); Russia (Corpus); Catalonia (La Magrana); Brazil (Companhia das Letras); Portugal (Porto Editores); Basque Country (Alberdania); Romania (Trei); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha Co); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers); Vietnam (AlphaBooks); Greece (Metachmio); Serbia (Booka); Bulgaria (Colibri); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Macedonia (TRI Publishing Centre); Macedonia/Albanian (Shkupi); Latvia (Apgads Mansards), Italy (TEA)
- Mýrin (Jar City) 2000
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA /Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/ Belgium/Luxembourg (Signature / Querido); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Brazil (Editora Record); Portugal (Livraria Civilizaçao Editora); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Forum / Rosinante); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Norway (CappelenDamm); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Bulgaria (Infodar); Czech Republic (MOBA); Hungary (Animus); Poland (Foksal); Rumenia (Trei); Slovenia (Didakta); Israel (Keter); Greece/Cyprus (Metaixmio); Turkey (Sinemis Yayınları); Estonia (Nynorden); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha Co); Taiwan (Crown); Korea (Younglim Cardinal Inc.); Russia (Corpus); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers); Latvia (Apgards Mansards); Lithuania (Media Incognito); Serbia (Booka); Macedonia (TRI Publishing Centre); Armenia (Guitank Publishing); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Macedonia/Albanian (Shkupi); Croatia (Knjige i sve); Georgia (Palitra)
- Napóleonsskjölin (Operation Napoleon) 1999
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Czech Republic (MOBA); UK/Australia/ New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/ Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); The Netherlands (Querido)
- Dauðarósir (Silent Kill) 1998
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Czech Republic (MOBA); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Spain/ Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros)
- Synir duftsins (Sons of Earth) 1997
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe/Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/ Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros)