Anika Wolff
Abitur 2004, afterwards au pair and farmwork in Hörgárdalur, Iceland.
2005-2007: Bachelor of Arts „Literary, Cultural and Media Studies“ in Siegen (Germany) and Reykjavík 2007-2009: Master of Arts „Angewandte Literaturwissenschaft“ (Applied Literary Studies) at Freie Universität Berlin 2009-2010: traineeship at children's book publishers Kindermann Verlag Berlin
since 2010: freelance translator of Icelandic literature initiation and organization of German–Icelandic translator's workshops with my colleague Tina Flecken.
Selected Translations
- Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Gildran (German title: Das Netz), DuMont 2020.
- Arnaldur Indriðason:
- Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: R.I.P., btb 2019 & DNA, btb 2016.
- Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir: Englaryk (German title: Unter Engeln), btb 2020 & Allt með kossi vekur (German title: Alles beginnt mit einem Kuss), btb 2014 .
- Kristín Steinsdóttir: Vonarlandið (German title: Hoffnungsland), C.H.Beck 2017 & Ljósa (German title: Im Schatten des Vogels), C.H.Beck 2011.
- Birgitta Elín Hassell & Marta Hlín Magnadóttir: Rökkurhæðir I-IV(German title: Dämmerhöhe I-IV), Arena 2016.
- Guðrún Helgadóttir: Bara gaman (German title: Blaubeeren und Vanilleeis), Dressler 2013.
- Bjarni Haukur Thorsson: Pabbinn (German title: Hi Dad!), Heyne 2013.
- Guðmundur Óskarsson: Bankster, Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt 2011.