Gisa Marehn
Gisa Marehn studied at Humboldt University in Berlin and at the University of Iceland with focus on Iceland and Icelandic language, linguistics and ethnology. She holds a M.A. degree in Scandinavian studies, cultural sciences and geography.
Among other positions, she worked at the German embassy in Iceland, the Icelandic embassy in Berlin, at Humboldt University, at the University of Iceland and as the foreign language assistant at a research institute in Flensburg, Northern Germany.
Since 1996 Gisa Marehn has lived for several years in Iceland and since 2009 she is a freelance translator of Icelandic literature. She is in addition working as editor and corrector of German and of translated novels and is member of the VdÜ (association of German translators of literary and scientific publications).
Selected Translations
- Góðir Íslendingar - "Liebe Isländer" by Huldar Breiðfjörð, Aufbau Verlag 2011
- Færeyskur dansur - "Schafe im Schnee" by Huldar Breiðfjörð, Aufbau Verlag 2013
- Hrafninn - "Die Winterfrau" by Vilborg Davíðsdóttir, btb Verlag 2011 (together with Anika Wolff)
- Leikarinn - "Eiskaltes Gift" by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, Aufbau Verlag 2014
- Hinir réttlátu - "Tote Wale" by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, Aufbau Verlag 2015
- Jólasveinarnir - "Die Weihnachtsburschen" by Jóhannes úr Kötlum, Oetinger Verlag 2016
- Andlit norðursins - "Gesichter des Nordens" by Ragnar Axelsson (RAX), Knesebeck Verlag 2016