Inés García López
Specialist in critical studies on the reception of Scandinavian literature at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Catalonia/Spain). She has a PhD in Old Norse literature by the Universitat de Barcelona. She studied Scandinavian languages, culture and history in Mälardalen Högskola in Västerås (Sweden), and Old Norse and Modern Icelandic in Isafjörður, at the Háskólasetur Vestfjarða, and in Reykjavík, at the Háskóli Íslands. She did research stays at the Institut für Nordische Philologie, Münster University (Germany) and at the Árni Magnússon Institute (Iceland). She has also been promoter and director of all four editions of “The Icelandic Sagas” (2013-2017) at the Universitat de Barcelona, the first postgraduate course on the saga genre ever held in Spain, that had the support of the Icelandic Consulate in Barcelona. In 2020 she was the first Spanish scholar to be awarded the Snorri Sturluson Fellowship to translate an Icelandic saga for the first time into the Catalan language. She has also received grants for literary translation from the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (Catalonia/Spain), the Miðstöðvar íslenskra bókmennta (Icelandic Literature Center) and the Rithöfundasamband Íslands (Writers’ Union of Iceland). She is currently a translator of medieval and contemporary Icelandic literature.
Einar Már Guðmundsson, Àngels de l’univers (Englar alheimsins), Tarragona: Nits Blanques, 2021.
Saga de Kormákr (Kormáks saga), Martorell: Adesiara, 2023 (in print).