
Jean-Christophe Salaün

After having completed a B.A. in English studies in Caen, Normandy, Jean-Christophe Salaün moved to Iceland where he entered the program of Icelandic as a second language at the University of Iceland. He later joined the masters-level program in translation studies there and graduated in 2012. Having lived in Reykjavík for six years, he moved back to France and signed his first translation contract for the novel The Woman at 1000° by Hallgrímur Helgason, which earned him the Pierre-François Caillé Prize for Translation in 2014. He has since translated over fifteen books for a variety of publishing companies in France and other French-speaking countries. In addition to his translation works, Jean-Christophe Salaün has been participating in an online dictionary project lead by the University of Iceland, as well as teaching Icelandic and literature at the University of Caen in Normandy.

Selected Translations

  • Hallgrímur Helgason, La Femme à 1000° (ísl. Konan við 1000°), Presses de la Cité, 2013

  • Auður Jónsdóttir, Tourner la page (ísl. Ósjálfrátt), Presses de la Cité, 2015
  • Soffía Bjarnadóttir, J'ai toujours ton coeur avec moi (ísl. Segulskekkja), Zulma, 2016
  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir, Piégée (ísl. Gildran), Métailié, 2017
  • Dagur Hjartarson, La Dernière déclaration d'amour (ísl. Síðasta ástarjátningin), La Peuplade, 2019

