
Kristinn R. Ólafsson

Born in Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands). Translator, writer, correspondent in Madrid for Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV) for more than 30 years.

Novels translated into Spanish:

Andri Snær Magnason: La historia del planeta azul - Sagan af bláa hnettinum.

Translation in collaboration with Sol Álvarez andAlda Ólafsson Álvarez.

Ediciones Omega 2001

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: Epitafio - Pósthólf dauðans


Edicions Brosquil 2003

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: La Saga de Fiólmod el intrépido - Fjölmóðs saga föðurbetrungs


RBA 2005

Stefán Sigurkarlsson: La sombra - Handan regnbogans

2006 Unpublished

Árni Þórarinsson: El domador de insectos - Dauði trúðsins

Ediciones Ámbar 2011

Óttar M. Norðfjörð: El cuchillo de Abraham - Hnífur Abrahams

For Duomo Ediciones 2012. Finally not published

Ragnar Jónasson: La sombra del miedo - Snjóblinda

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2019

Ragnar Jónasson: La muerte blanca - Myrknætti

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2020

Ragnar Jónsson: Niebla en el alma - Rof

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2021

Ragnar Jónasson: La noche eterna - Andköf

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2022


Ragnar Jónasson: La verdad silenciada - Náttblinda

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2023


Ragnar Jónasson: La dama - Dimma

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2023

"Best Novel VLCNegra 2023” Award


Ragnar Jónasson: La isla - Drungi

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 2024

Ragnar Jónasson: (No title yet) - Vetrarmein

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 202X – to be published shortly

Ragnar Jónasson: (No title yet) - Mistur

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

Seix Barral 202X – to be published shortly

Arnaldur Indriðason: La oscurdad sabe (preliminary title): Myrkið veit

Translation in collaboration with Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

RBA 202X – to be published shortly



Other literary translations into Spanish


Hijas del frío:

Anthology of short stories by Nordic women. Selection and translation of the four Icelandic stories included, as well as the foreword to the Icelandic part.

Arnrún frá Felli: Siempre pescado para comer - Fiskur í alla mata)

Ásta Sigurðardóttir: La noche del domingo hasta la mañana del lunes - Sunnudagskvöld til mánudagsmorguns

Fríða Sigurðardóttir: Por la calle - Á förnum vegi)

Ediciones de la Torre 1997.


El vikingo afeitado:

Anthology of short stories by Nordic men. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included, and authorship of one.

Böðvar Guðmundsson: Perdiendo el norte - Norður og niður

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: amor. digit@l - st@fræn.ást)

Rúnar Helgi Vignisson: Hermandad femenina - Systralag)

Ediciones de la Torre 1999


Cuentos populares islandeses - Íslenskar þjóðsögur):

Selection and translation of 49 Icelandic folktales, in collaboration with Marisol Álvarez.

Iceland Review 2000. plus many reprints


Historias desde el hielo:

Anthology of Nordic short stories for children. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included.

Kristín Steinsdóttir: Siete en tierra y siete en la mar - Sjö á landi og sjö í sjó)

Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson: Oro de serpientes - Ormagull)

Adda Steina Björnsdótt: La estación de autobuses - Hlemmur)

RBA 2003


Nieve negra:

Anthology of Nordic crime short stories. Selection and translation of the three Icelandic stories included.

Pjetur Hafstein Lárusson: La carta - Bréfið

Jón Hallur Stefánsson: Ningún ángel -Enginn engill

Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson: La fría muerte - Móðurmissir)

Leyendas islandesas - Nokkrar íslenskar þjóðsögur).

Almenna bókafélagið 2016

Steinar Berg and Brian Pilkington: La última troll - Tryggðatröll)

Fossatún 2016

Kristinn R. Ólafsson: Nunca apartan la mirada – Þær líta aldrei undan

Short stories – bilingual edition, self-translation by the other.

Sæmundur 2022

Los elfos y la gente oculta - Doce cuentos populares islandeses - Tólf íslenskar þjóðsögur

Almenna bókafélagið 2023


Jónas Sigurgeirsson: The adventures of Paula Puffin - Las aventuras de Fía la frailecilla

Almenna bókafélagið 2023

Þórarinn Leifsson: El bisabuelo y el glaciar que desapareció - Langafi og jökullinn sem hvarf)

Lubbi slf 2023



Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder: Viejas gruñonas (Grumpy old women/Fúlar á móti).

Translation and adaptation of "Fúlar á móti", the Icelandic version of the original English play by Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder.

IRIA Producciones 2010

Michele Riml: La erótica de la colada - Sexy Laundry

Óskar Eríksson Productions 2011

Magnús Scheving: Robóticus (Villapereza: Latibær



ón Atli Jónasson: Las profundidades - Djúpið


Kristín Bjarnadóttir: El mejor tanguero del mundo - Heimsins besti tangóari)

Poetic work in prose, bilingual Icelandic-Spanish edition.

Lyng 2005


Pjetur Jón Hafstein: La Condena - Refsingin

Short story, published on the author's website in 2000



Jón Atli Jónasson: 36 montajes en película fotográfica - 36 sviðsetningar á filmu

Short story. Unpublished

Guðbergur Bergsson: El hombre que sufrió una desgracia - Maður sem varð fyrir óláni.

Short story. Unpublished

Skúli Björn Gunnarsson: Rosas - Rósir

Short story. Unpublished

Films and documentaries, subtitled in Spanish


Óskar Jónasson: Sódóma Reykjavík

Feature film


Ragnar Bragason: Börn - Hijos

Feature film


Benedikt Erlingsson: Hross í oss - De caballos y hombres

Feature film

“Nuevos realizadores-award” at the San Sebastián Film Festival


Þorfinnur Guðnason: Vikingo

Documentary on cockfighting in the Dominican Republic


Translations into Icelandic

Camilo José Cela: Paskval Dvarte og hyski hans - La familia de Pascual Dvarte

Cela: Nobel Prize Laureate 1989

Vaka-Helgafell 1988.

Camilo José Cela: Býkúpan - La colmena

Vaka-Helgafell 1991.

Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Refskák eða Bríkin frá Flandri - La tabla de Flandes)

Ormstunga 1996

Mál og menning 1999 (paperback editon)

Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Dumasarfélagið - El Club Dumas

Mál og menning 2003

Ana María Matute: Skólaus á öðrum fæti - Solo un pie descalzo

Almenna bókafélagið 2013 – bilingual edition


Juan Pedro Gutiérrez: Soralegi Havanaþríleikurinn - La trilogía sucia de La Habana)

Sæmundur 2018.