Laura Molenaar
Laura Molenaar (1993) is a translator from Icelandic and German to Dutch. She holds an MSc in Logic and a BSc in Applied Mathematics. Since her studies, Laura has devoted herself to translation, having completed the International Summer Course in Reykjavík in 2018 and four courses at the MA Literary Translation at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands in 2023. She has received a Starting Grant from the Dutch Foundation for Literature and completed an apprenticeship (ontwikkelingstraject) at the Expertise Centre for Literary Translation (Expertisecentrum Literair Vertalen).
Selected Translations
- Auður Jónsdóttir, De schok, Uitgeverij Mozaïek, 2023
- Fríða Ísberg, Markering, De Geus, 2022, together with Kim Liebrand
- Gerður Kristný, Excerpt from Smarties, Tijdschrift PLUK, 2022
Eva Rún Snorradóttir, selected poems for Poetry International 2024.