
Mariano González Campo

Mariano González Campo, born in Murcia (Spain) in 1968, is a scholar in Nordic studies with a Ph.D. degree in Translation Studies at the University of Valladolid and B.Ph.Isl in Icelandic at the University of Iceland. He has also degrees from the University of the Faroe Islands and Bergen (Norway). He is specialized in Old Norse-Icelandic and modern Icelandic, Faroese and Norwegian literature.

Selected Translations

  • Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson: Puedes llamarme Bubu (Ég heiti Blíðfinnur en þú mátt kalla mig Bóbó). Madrid, Siruela, 2001
  • Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson: Traigo un mensaje para Bubu (Ert þú Blíðfinnur? Ég er með mikilvæg skilaboð). Madrid, Siruela, 2003
  • Jóhann Sigurjónsson: Loftur el Brujo (Galdra-Loftur). Madrid, Miraguano, 2005
  • Saga de Hervör (Hervarar saga). Madrid, Miraguano, 2003
  • Saga de los Feroeses (Færeyinga saga). Madrid, Miraguano, 2008
  • Historia de Campo Florido (Blómstrvalla saga). Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2010
  • Sagas artúricas. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2011
  • Saga de Bósi (Bósa saga). Madrid, Miraguano, 2013
