Quentin Bates
Quentin Bates lived in Iceland throughout the 1980s, working both ashore and at sea, including studying to qualify as a ship's officer. Since returning to Britain he has been (mostly) a maritime journalist, before branching out into fiction with a series of novels set in Iceland, as well as translations of novels from Icelandic to English.
Selected Translations
- Bowline (Pelastikk) by Guðlaugur Arason, 2013, self-published
- Snowblind (Snjóblinda) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2015, Orenda Books
- Nightblind (Náttblinda) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2015, Orenda Books
- Blackout (Myrknætti) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2016, Orenda Books
- Rupture (Rof) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2016, Orenda Books
- Whiteout (Andköf) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2017, Orenda Books
- Snare (Gildran) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2017, Orenda Books
- The Edge of the World (Endimörk Heimsins) by Sigurjón Magnússon, 2018, Ugla
- Trap (Netið) Trap by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2018, Orenda Books
- Cab 79 (79 af Stöðinni) by Indriði G Þorsteinsson, 2018, Williams & Whiting
- Siglufjörður Ljósmyndir 1872-2018, edited by Anita Elefsen, 2018, Síldarminjasafnið
- Cage (Búrið) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2019, Orenda Books
- Storm Birds (Stormfuglar) by Einar Kárason, 2020, Maclehose Press
- Betrayal (Svik) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2020 , Orenda Books
- The Fox (Refurinn) by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, 2020, Corylus Books
- Cold as Hell (Helköld Sól) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2021, Orenda Books
- Silenced (Fjötrar) by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, 2021, Corylus Books