
Ylva Hellerud

Ylva Hellerud, born 1955 in Oslo, Norway. M. A. in English Literature and Nordic Languages. Am also a certified secondary level teacher. Have worked as a free-lance translator since 1986 for various customers, such as SVT (National Swedish Television), Norstedts Publishers, and the Icelandic government. I translate prose (both fiction and non-fiction), poetry, drama, and do subtitling for film and tv-productions.

I translate from English, Norwegian, Danish and Icelandic to Swedish and English.

Selected Translations

Fiction and poetry, among others: Arnaldur  Indriðason, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Sjón, Auður Ava Jónsdóttir, Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, Anton Helgi Jónsson, Elísabet Jökulsdóttir, Gerður Kristný. Ylva also participated in the translation of the Icelandic sagas in five volumes 2014.


Drama, among others: Árni Ibsen, Benedikt Erlingsson,  Brynja Benediktsdóttir, Hlín Agnarsdóttir, Bjarni Thorsson.


Series for tv, among others: Prisoners, Trapped, The Lava Field

