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Benný Sif Ísleifsdóttir
Benny Sif Isleifsdottir (b. 1970) has written for children as well as adults, Hansdætur (Daughters) being her second novel. Benny Sif completed a Master's degree in Folkloristics from the University of Iceland in addition to a certificate program in Youth and Community Studies from Saint Martin's College. In 2018 she received an Emerging Writer grant from the Icelandic Literature Center for her first novel, Gríma. These grants are awarded yearly to assist in publishing novels by authors just taking their first steps into the world of writing, and to encourage them to continue down this path.
Works in translation
· Hansdætur (Daughters), Forlagid 2020
Serbia (Treći Trg), Hungary (Metropolis Media Group)