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Kristín Ómarsdóttir
Kristín Ómarsdóttir was born in 1962 in Reykjavík. She has published eight collections of poetry, nine novels, six collections of short stories, and six staged plays. Ómarsdóttir has received almost every major Icelandic literary award, in almost every genre, including the DV Culture Prize for Literature, the Icelandic National Theatre Award for Playwright of the Year, the Maístjarnan Poetry Book of the Year Award, and the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize, to name just a few. She has also been shortlisted twice for the Nordic Council Literature Prize and four times for the Icelandic Literature Prize. Today she is one of Iceland's most celebrated living authors.
Works in translation
- Svanafólkið (Swanfolk) Partus Press 2019
UK (Harvill Secker) USA (Harper) - Waitress in Fall: Selected Poems
UK (Carcanet, 2018) transl. Vala Thorodds
- Kóngulær í sýningargluggum Forlagið 2017
Sweden (Bokförlaget Faethon),
- Hér (Children in Reindeer Woods)
Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard, 2015) transl. Niels Rask Vendelbjerg; US (Open Letter, 2012) transl. Lytton Smith; Sweden (Kabusa Böcker, 2008) transl. Ann-Sofie Axelsson
- Elskan mín ég dey
France (Le Cavalier Bleu, 2003) transl. Eric Boury; Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora, 2015) transl. Elias Portela; Sweden (Anamma, 1999), transl. Ann-Sofie Axelsson
- Flækingurinn
Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard, 2018) transl. Niels Rask Vendelbjerg
- Eilífar speglanir, (Tunglið, 2015)
Denmark (Jensen & Dahlgaard), Switzerland (Tunglið)
- Einu sinni sögur
Finland (Like, 1994) transl. Tuula Tuuva