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Kristín Steinsdóttir
Kristín Steinsdóttir is the highly acclaimed and award-winning author of 40 books for both adults and children. Her novels have earned great praise both in Iceland and abroad, including The Icelandic Women's Literature Prize for high quality innovative works by women, which she received for the novel By Herself. The book was also nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. Her first book, published in 1987, received the Icelandic Children’s Literature Prize that year. Her book, An Angel in the Neighbourhood, won the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize in 2003. Steinsdóttir has received the highest order of the Republic of Iceland, the Order of the Falcon, for her contribution to Icelandic literature.
Works in translation
- Vonarlandið (Land of Hope) 2014
Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlag C.H. Beck) transl. Anika Wolff
- Ljósa (Brightness) 2010
Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlag C.H. Beck/pocket dtv) transl. Anika Lüders; Lithuania (Alma Littera) transl. Jurate Akuceviciute
- Á eigin vegum (By Herself) 2006
Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlag C.H Beck) transl. Tina Flecken; Sweden (Kabusa) transl. John Swedenmark; Finland (Lurra) transl. Marjakaisa Matthíasson
- Hver étur ísbirni? (Who Eats Polar Bears?) 2006
Denmark/Greenland (Milik)
- Engill í vesturbænum (An Angel in the Neighbourhood) 2001
Sweden (Kabusa) transl. John Swedenmark; Finland (Idun) transl. Päivi Kumpulaine; Faroe Islands (Bokadeildin) transl. Þóra Þóroddsdóttir; Greenland (Milik); Denmark (Milik) transl. Susanne Torpe; Lithuania (Zara); Estonia (Nynorden); Slovenia (Malinc) transl. Tadeja Habicht; Hungary (Pongrác Kiadó) transl. Bence Patat