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Margrét Tryggvadóttir
Margrét Tryggvadóttir (b.1972) is a literary scholar with a master's degree in cultural management and a former member of parliament, but her true passion is writing for young people. She has published a variety of books, most recently Strong, which was awarded The Gudrun Helgadottir Children and Young People‘s Literary Prize 2021. Her book Kjarval — The Painter Who Followed His Own Path was awarded the Reykjavik Children's Literature Prize, her books Here is Iceland! and Let's Look at Art were awarded the The Icelandic Women‘s Literature Prize, while The Story of the Pretty Princess and Her Brave Prince received the Icelandic Children's Literature Prize.
Works in translation
- Sterk (Strong) 2021
Hungary (Metropolis Media Group)
- Íslandsbók barnanna (Here is Iceland!) 2017 (With Linda Ólafsdóttir illustrator)