Þýðendur á erlend mál
- Albanska
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- Enska
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- Kínverska
- Kóreska
- Króatíska
- Lettneska
- Litháíska
- Makedónska
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- Portúgalska (brasilísk)
- Pólska
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- Rússneska
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- Slóvenska
- Spænska
- Sænska
- Taílenska
- Tékkneska
- Tyrkneska
- Ungverska
- Úkraínska
- Þýska
Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson
Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson (b. 1971) is an acclaimed Icelandic writer and visual artist. He debuted in 2013 with the novella Letters from Bhutan and has since published poetry, fiction and non-fiction. He also runs his own publishing house, Tunglið forlag, and is one of the editors of Ljóðbréf – A Journal of Contemporary Icelandic Poetry. As an artist, he has exhibited across the world, including the USA, Austria and Finland.
As an artist, he has exhibited across the world, including the USA, Austria and Finland.
My Father’s Library was nominated for the Icelandic Literature
Prize for nonfiction in 2018. Ólafsson’s latest work Loose Sheets is
nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2023.
Works in translation
- Bókasafn föður míns (My Father's Library) 2018
Germany (Mikrotext), Hungary (Typotex Publishing Ltd).