Þýðendur á erlend mál
- Albanska
- Amharíska
- Arabíska
- Armenska
- Aserska
- Búlgarska
- Danska
- Eistneska
- Enska
- Esperanto
- Finnska
- Franska
- Færeyska
- Galisíska
- Georgíska
- Gríska
- Grænlenska
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- Hvítrússneska
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- Katalónska
- Kínverska
- Kóreska
- Króatíska
- Lettneska
- Litháíska
- Makedónska
- Norska
- Portúgalska
- Portúgalska (brasilísk)
- Pólska
- Rúmenska
- Rússneska
- Serbneska
- Slóvakíska
- Slóvenska
- Spænska
- Sænska
- Taílenska
- Tékkneska
- Tyrkneska
- Ungverska
- Úkraínska
- Þýska
Rán Flygenring
Rán Flygenring (b. 1987) is an award-winning illustrator, writer and graphic designer. Her books have been published in several countries and she has won awards for her unconventional and lively style of illustration. She has received the Nordic Council Children and Young People's Literature Prize, the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis, the German-French Youth literature prize and the Jahres-Luchs prize, besides being nominated for the German Academy of Children's and Youth Literature Illustration prize Serafina and the ALMA prize (Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award), to name but a few.
Works in translation
- Álfar (Elves) Angústúra 2023
Italy (Iperborea)
- Eldgos (Volcano) Angústúra 2022
Estonia (Nordur Kirjastus), Sweden (Opal)
- Vigdís. Bókin um fyrsta konuforsetann, Angústúra, 2019
Faroe Islands (Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags) transl. Sanna Dahl; Korea (Yellow Brick Books) transl. Hye Joung Park; Israel (Lesa Press) transl. Shai Sendik, World English (Helvetiq), Japan (Heibon-sha)
- Sagan um Skarphéðin Dungal sem setti fram nýjar kenningar um eðli alheimsins (The Story of Benjamin Dunhill, who introduced a New Thesis on the Nature of the Universe) Angústúra, 2018
Korea (Yellow Brick Books)
- Fuglar (Birds) Angústúra, 2017
Italy (Quinto Quarto Edizioni ) transl. Silvia Cosimini