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Steinunn Sigurðardóttir
Steinunn Sigurðardóttir is one of Iceland´s most highly acclaimed novelists and poets and has sustained a writing career since 1969, as well as a distinguished career in journalism. She has contributed greatly to the international recognition of contemporary Icelandic literature, being one of the most frequently translated living Icelandic writers. Her first novel, The Thief of Time was made into a French feature film and later adapted to the stage by The National Theatre of Iceland. Sigurðardóttir's book about President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir was an all-time bestseller in Iceland. Her latest book of non-fiction is Heiða, The Mountain Farmer, a true story that is being published by leading European publishing houses.
Works in translation
- Heiða, fjalldalabóndinn (Heida: A Shepherd at the Edge of the World) 2016
Denmark (Klim), Finland (Like), France (Seuil), Germany (Hanser), Norway (Gloria), Italy (Mondadori), Poland (Kobiece) transl. Jasek Godek, World English (Quercus/John Murray) transl. Philip Roughton, Serbia (Clio), Spain (Capitan Swing), The Netherlands (HarperCollins)
- Gæðakonur (Women of Quality) 2014
Poland (Kobiece), France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Norway (Gloria)
- Jójó (Yoyo) 2011
France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, The Netherlands (Singel Uitgeverijen), UK (World Editions)
- Góði elskhuginn (The Good Lover) 2009
Denmark (Gyldendal), Germany (Rowohlt), Macedonia (Antolog), The Netherlands (World Editions), World English (World Editions)
- Sólskinshestur (The Sunshine Horse) 2005
Denmark (Gyldendal) transl. Mette Fanø, France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) transl. Catherine Eyjólfsson, Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand)
- Hundrað dyr í golunni (A Hundred Doors Clanging in the Winds) 2002
Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand) John Swedenmark, France (Editions Heloise d'Ormesson) Catherine Eyjólfsson
- Jöklaleikhúsið (Theater at the Glacier) 2001
Denmark (Gyldendal) Mette Fanø; Finland (Otava), Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand) John Swedenmark, Germany (Rowohlt) Coletta Bürling
- Hanami 1997
Sweden (Forum) 1999
- Hjartastaður (Place of the Heart) 1995
World English (Amazon Crossing) Philip Roughton, Denmark (Rosinante), Finland (Otava), France (Denoël), Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, Norway (Cappelen), Sweden (Trevi)
- Ástin fiskanna (The Love of Fish) 1993
China (International Radio Press) Xinyu Zhang, Germany (Rowohlt) transl. Coletta Bürling, Denmark (Rosinante), Korea (IRE), Sweden (Trevi)
- Síðasta orðið (The Last Word) 1990
Sweden (Trevi)
- Tímaþjófurinn (The Thief of Time) 1986
Denmark (Rosinante), France (Flammarion), Germany (Rowohlt), Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand), The Netherlands (Manteau)