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Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir
Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir has a master's degree in creative writing. Magma is her first novel. When Magma was first published in Iceland it shot straight to the top of the bestseller's list and received great reviews. The novel has sparked discussion and debate among people of all genders in society and has been described as a must-read. Þóra is also a member of the poetry collective Imposter Poets and has published books of poetry with the collective.
- Kvika (Magma), Forlagið, 2019
World English US (Grove Atlantic), UK (Picador) transl. Meg Matich, Denmark (Silkefyret) transl. Nanna Kalkar, Italy (Mondadori), Russia (Yauza), Sweden (Modernista), Ukraine (Laboratory LLC), Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora), Spain (Galaxia Gutenberg), Poland (Glowbook), France (Agullo), Mongolian (Ulbar)