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Þórdís Gísladóttir
Þórdís Gísladóttir has written seventeen books and translated over twenty books from Swedish to Icelandic. She writes for all ages; Poetry, Novels and Children's Books, and she has also written a play for the National Radio. Þórdís studied Icelandic and literature and has a degree in Scandinavian linguistics from Uppsala University in Sweden. Her first book of Poetry, Leyndarmál annarra (Other People's Secrets), got the Tómas Guðmundsson Poetry Prize, and her first book for children, Randalín og Mundi (Randalín and Mundi), got the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize. Þórdís has been nominated three times to The Icelandic Literature Prize as well as the Maístjarnan Prize for the best book of poetry published 2016. The novel Horfið ekki í ljósið (Don't look into the flash, 2018) garnered critical acclaim and her poetry has been translated to Swedish, German, Russian, English and Finnish.
Works in translation
- Randalín og Mundi (Randalín és Mundi)
Hungary (Pongrác Kiadó) 2015
TV Rights for Randalín og Mundi (four books) sold to Glassriver Production Company.