
Á síðunni eru upplýsingar um íslenska höfunda bóka sem komið hafa út í þýðingum erlendis. Upplýsingarnar eru á ensku til kynningar utan landsteinanna. Athugið að það bætast reglulega við nýir höfundar.

- Myndbönd með íslenskum höfundum.


Snæbjörn Arngrímsson

Barna– og ungmennabækur Children – YA Danish Danska Swedish Sænska

After a long career in publishing, both in Denmark and Iceland, Snæbjörn Arngrímsson sat down to write a story for children and adolescents. It was his dream to create a mystery adventure for kids, a story that would keep its readers so totally spellbound, drawing them in with such irresistible force, that their minds would have space for nothing else in the whole universe apart from the world of the story.

Works in translation

  • Rannsóknin á leyndardómum Eyðihússins (The Secrets of the Abandoned House) 2019

Denmark (ABC forlag) transl. Susanne Torpe; Sweden (ABC forlag) transl. Jenny Nilsson
