Þýðendur á erlend mál
- Albanska
- Amharíska
- Arabíska
- Armenska
- Aserska
- Búlgarska
- Danska
- Eistneska
- Enska
- Esperanto
- Finnska
- Franska
- Færeyska
- Galisíska
- Georgíska
- Gríska
- Grænlenska
- Hebreska
- Hollenska
- Hvítrússneska
- Ítalska
- Japanska
- Katalónska
- Kínverska
- Kóreska
- Króatíska
- Lettneska
- Litháíska
- Makedónska
- Norska
- Portúgalska
- Portúgalska (brasilísk)
- Pólska
- Rúmenska
- Rússneska
- Serbneska
- Slóvakíska
- Slóvenska
- Spænska
- Sænska
- Taílenska
- Tékkneska
- Tyrkneska
- Ungverska
- Úkraínska
- Þýska

Sólveig Pálsdóttir - Crime Fiction English Enska German Glæpasögur Þýska
Sólveig Pálsdóttir (b. 1959) graduated from The Icelandic Drama School, did her B.A. in literary theory at The University of Iceland and qualified as a certified teacher at the Teacher´s College of Iceland. Sólveig appeared in several plays at the National Theatre and various independent theatre productions, did radio and TV drama and voiceovers, to name a few. She also spent several years as a radio programmer and worked on cultural projects periodically.
Sólveig received the The Drop of Blood – Best Icelandic Crime Novel of the Year award 2019 for her book Fjötrar.
Works in translation
- Leikarinn, 2012
Germany (Aufbau Verlag) 2014
- Hinir réttlátu, 2013
Germany (Aufbau Verlag) 2015
- Refurinn (The Fox), 2017
UK (Corylus Books) 2020
- Fjötrar (Shackles) 2019
UK (Corylus Books) 2021

Lilja Sigurðardóttir - Arabic Arabíska Armenian Armenska Crime Fiction Czech Danish Danska English Enska Franska French German Glæpasögur Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Polish Pólska Romanian Rúmenska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Þýska
Lilja Sigurðardóttir is an award-winning playwright, and an author of six crime novels. She has won the Icelandic Crime Fiction Award for her last two novels, Cage and Betrayal, and both titles represented Iceland at the Nordic Crime Fiction Awards. Sigurðardóttir has also been longlisted for a CWA International Dagger Award, Prix du Meilleur Polar at Points and Edinburgh International Book Festival's First Book Award. The film rights to her Reykjavik Noir trilogy (Snare, Trap and Cage) have been bought by Palomar Pictures in California.
Works in translation
- Dauðadjúp sprunga (Deep as Death) 2023
Finland (Docendo), World English (Orenda Books)
- Drepsvart hraum (Dark as Night) 2022
- Náhvít jörð (White As Snow) 2021
- Blóðrauður sjór (Red as Blood) 2020
- Helköld sól (Cold as Hell) 2019
- Svik (Betrayal) 2018
World English (Orenda Books) transl. Quentin Bates; France (Éditions Métailié) transl. Jean-Christophe Salaün; Poland (Wydawnictwo Kobiece) transl. Jacek Godek
- Búrið (Cage) 2017
Denmark (ArtPeople) transl. Nanna Kalkar; France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié) transl. Jean Christophe Salaün; Poland (Wydawnictwo Kobiece) transl. Jasek Godek; World English (Orenda Books) transl. Quentin Bates; Sweden (Bigarråbok); Germany (DuMont)
- Netið (Trap) 2016
Denmark (ArtPeople) transl. Nanna Kalkar; France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Éditions Métailié) transl. Jean Cristophe Salaün; Poland (Wydawnictwo Kobiece) transl. Jacek Godek; World English (Orenda Books) transl. Quentin Bates; Sweden (Bigarråbok); Germany (DuMont)
- Gildran (Snare) 2015

Ragnar Jónasson - Amharic Amharíska Arabic Arabíska Armenian Armenska Bulgarian Búlgarska Crime Fiction Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Finnish Finnska Franska French German Glæpasögur Greek Gríska Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Japanese Japanska Korean Kóreska Króatíska Macedonian Makedónska Polish Portuguese Portúgalska Pólska Romanian Rúmenska Slovene Slóvenska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska
Ragnar Jónasson (b. 1976) is the award-winning author of the international bestselling Dark Iceland series and the Hidden Iceland series featuring Hulda. From the age of 17, Ragnar translated 14 Agatha Christie novels into Icelandic. Ragnar is a member of the UK Crime Writers' Association (CWA) and he is also the co- founder of the Reykjavik international crime writing festival Iceland Noir, and has appeared on festival panels worldwide.
Today, he lives in Reykjavik with his family, where he writes, works as a corporate lawyer, and teaches copyright law at Reykjavik University.
Works in translation
- Hvítalogn (White Calm) 2023
France (Éditions de La Martinière), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd)
- Reykjavík (Reykjavik) 2022 with Katrín Jakobsdóttir
- Úti (Outside) 2021
- Vetrarmein (Winterkill) 2020
Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd).
- Hvítidauði (White death) 2019
- Þorpið (The girl who died) 2018
Czechia (Czech Republic) (Albatros Media a.s.), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Mistur (The Mist) 2017
Brazil (Hiperborea), China (Yilin Press LTD), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Knihy Dobrovsky), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), Egypt (Sefsafa Culture & Publishing), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Norway (Bonnier Norsk Forlag), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), Taiwan (Faces Publication), Turkey (Doğan Kitap), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Drungi (The Island) 2016
Brazil (Hiperborea), China (Yilin Press LTD), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Knihy Dobrovsky), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), Egypt (Sefsafa Culture & Publishing), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Israel (Aryeh Nir Publishers), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Norway (Bonnier Norsk Forlag), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), Taiwan (Faces Publication), Turkey (Doğan Kitap), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Dimma (The Darkness) 2015
Brazil (Hiperborea), China (Yilin Press LTD), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Knihy Dobrovsky), Denmark (G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S), Egypt (Sefsafa Culture & Publishing), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Greece (Kastaniotis Editions), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Israel (Aryeh Nir Publishers), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Norway (Bonnier Norsk Forlag), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), Taiwan (Faces Publication), Turkey (Doğan Kitap), United Kingdom (Penguin Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Náttblinda (Nightblind) 2014
Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (S. Fischer Verlag), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd).
- Andköf (Whiteout) 2013
Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (S. Fischer Verlag), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd).
- Rof (Rupture) 2012
Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Croatia (Znanje d.o.o.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (S. Fischer Verlag), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Lithuania (Leidykla Baltos Lankos), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Myrknætti (Blackout) 2011
Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Croatia (Znanje d.o.o.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Lithuania (Leidykla Baltos Lankos), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), Poland (Wydawnictwo Amber Sp. z. o. o.), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).
- Snjóblinda (Snowblind) 2010
Armenia (Guitank Publishing), Bulgaria (ERA Media Ltd.), Czechia (Czech Republic) (Albatros Media a.s.), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Tammi Publishers), France (Éditions de La Martinière), Germany (btb), Hungary (Central Publishing Group Ltd), Italy (Marsilio Editore SPA), Japan (Shogakukan Inc.), Lithuania (Leidykla Baltos Lankos), Netherlands (A. W. Bruna Uitgevers), North Macedonia (ArtConnect Publishing), Portugal (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.), Romania (SC Crime Scene Press), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group), Serbia (Nordiq izdavastvo d.o.o.), Slovenia (Ucila International), Spain (Editorial Planeta), Sweden (Modernista Group AB), United Kingdom (Orenda Books Ltd), United States of America (St. Martin's Press, LLC).

Yrsa Sigurðardóttir - Albanian Albanska Amharic Amharíska Armenian Armenska Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Crime Fiction Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Faroese Finnish Finnska Franska French Færeyska German Glæpasögur Greek Gríska Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Japanese Japanska Kínverska Korean Kóreska Króatíska Latvian Lettneska Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Polish Portuguese Portúgalska Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Slovak Slóvakíska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Taílenska Tékkneska Thai Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska
Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (b. 1963) is an award-winning Icelandic crime fiction author. Sigurðardóttir made her crime fiction debut in 2005 with Last Rituals, the first installment in the Þóra Guðmundsdóttir series. She has since gone on to write a number of acclaimed stand-alone thriller novels, and is to date translated into more than 30 languages. With The Legacy, the first novel in the award-winning series about child psychologist Freyja and police detective Huldar, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir has consolidated her position as one of the finest crime writers of our time, and a master storyteller at the top of her game.
Works in translation
- Frýs í æðum blóð (The Surge) Veröld 2023
Czech Republic (Grada), Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof), Estonia (Varrak), Finland (Otava), France (Actes Sud), Germany (Btb), Hungary (Animus) Netherlands, (Bezige Bij), Norway (Bonnier), Poland (Sonia Draga) Slovakia (Grada), Sweden (HarperCollins), UK (Hodder & Stoughton)
- Gættu þinna handa (Forget me not) Veröld 2022
Czech Republic (Grada), Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof), Estonia (Varrak), Finland (Otava), France (Actes Sud), Germany (Btb), Hungary (Animus) Netherlands, (Bezige Bij), Norway (Bonnier), Poland (Sonia Draga) Slovakia (Grada), Sweden (HarperCollins), UK (Hodder & Stoughton)
- Lok lok og læs (I See You) Veröld 2021
- Bráðin (The Pray) Veröld 2020
- Herra Bóbó, Amelía og Ættbrókin (The Wonderful Adventures of Mr. Boo-Boo) Veröld 2020
- Þögn (The Fallout) Veröld 2019
Czech Republic (Metafora); Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof); Estonia (Varrak); Finland (Otava); France (Actes Sud); Germany (Btb); Macedonia (Antolog); Netherlands (Cargo); Norway (Kagge); Poland (Sonia Draga); Sweden (HarperCollins Nordic); UK (Hodder & Stoughton), Bulgaria (EMAS), Greek, (Metaixmio), Hungary (Animus), Portugal (Quetzal).
- Brúðan (The Doll) Veröld 2018
Czech Republic (Metafora); Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof); Estonia, (Varrak); Finland (Otava); France (Actes Sud); Germany (BtB); Hungary (Animus);Latvia (Zvaigzne ABC); Macedonia (Antolog); Netherlands (Cargo); Norway (Kagge); Poland (Sonia Draga); Portugal (Quetzal); Sweden (HarperCollins Nordic); UK (Hodder & Stoughton), Bulgaria (Emas), Croatia (Znanje), Greek (Metaixmio).
- Gatið (Gallows Rock) Veröld 2017
Czech Republic (Metafora); Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof); Estonia (Varrak); Finland (Otava); France (Actes Sud); Germany (Btb); Greece (Metaixmio); Hungary (Animus); Latvia (Zvaigzne ABC); Macedonia (Antolog); Netherlands (Cargo); Norway (Kagge); Poland (Sonia Draga); Portugal (Quetzal); Sweden (HarperCollins Nordic); UK (Hodder & Stoughton), Bulgaria (Emas), Croatia (Znanje)
- Aflausn (The Absolution) Veröld 2016
Bulgaria (Emas); Croatia (Znanje); Czech Republic (Metafora); Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof); Finland (Otava); France (Actes Sud); Germany (Btb); Greece (Metaixmio); Hungary (Animus); Italy (Mondadori); Latvia (Zvaigzne ABC); Macedonia (Antolog); Netherlands (Cargo); Norway (Kagge); Poland (Sonia Draga); Portugal (Quetzal); Romania (Trei); Russia (Eksmo); Sweden (HarperCollins Nordic); Turkey (Koridor); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Sogið (The Reckoning) Veröld 2015
Bulgaria (Emas); Croatia (Znanje); Czech Republic (Metafora); Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof); Estonia (Varrak); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Finland (Otava); France (Actes Sud); Germany (Btb); Greece (Metaixmio); Hungary (Animus); Italy (Mondadori); Latvia (Zvaigzne ABC); Macedonia (Antolog); Netherlands (Cargo); Norway (Kagge); Poland (Sonia Draga); Portugal (Quetzal); Romania (Trei); Russia (Eksmo); Serbia (Dokaz); Sweden (HarperCollins Nordic); Turkey (Koridor); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- DNA (The Legacy) Veröld 2014
Bulgaria (Emas); Croatia (Znanje); Czech Republic (Metafora); Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Finland (Otava); France (Actes Sud); Germany (Btb); Greece (Metaixmio); Hungary (Animus); Italy (Mondadori); Latvia (Zvaigzne ABC); Macedonia (Antolog); Netherlands (Cargo); Norway (Kagge); Poland (Sonia Draga); Portugal (Quetzal); Russia (Eksmo); Serbia (Dokaz); Sweden (HarperCollins Nordic); Turkey (Koridor); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Lygi (Why Did You Lie) Veröld 2013
Norway (Kagge); UK (Hodder & Stoughton)
- Kuldi (The Undesired) Veröld 2012
Germany (Fischer);Norway (Kagge); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Brakið (The Silence of the Sea) Veröld 2011
Portugal (Bertrand); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Ég man þig (I Remember You) Veröld 2010
Germany (Fischer); Spain (Mondadori); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Horfðu á mig (Someone to Watch over Me) Veröld 2009
Germany (Random House DE); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Auðnin (The Day is Dark) Veröld 2008
Denmark (Saga Egmont); Germany (Random House DE); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Aska (Ashes to Dust) Veröld 2007
Denmark (Saga Egmont); France (Editions Anne Carriere); Germany (Random House DE); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (St. Martin's Press)
- Sér grefur gröf (My Soul to Take) Veröld 2006
Denmark (Saga Egmont); Finland (Otava); Germany (Random House DE); Sweden (Damm); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (William Morrow)
- Þriðja táknið (Last Rituals) Veröld 2005
Bulgaria (Prozoretz); Denmark (Saga Egmont); Germany (Btb); UK (Hodder & Stoughton); US (William Morrow)

Jónína Leósdóttir - Crime Fiction Danish Danska German Glæpasögur Hungarian Ungverska Þýska
Jónína Leósdóttir (b.1954) has an excellent reputation for her books, including the series featuring retired sleuth Edda. Jonina studied modern languages and Latin at college, attended Essex University and graduated from The University of Iceland with a BA-degree in English and Literature. Leosdottir has written crime novels, biographies, novels (for adults and young adults), short stories and plays, and received many awards.
Works in translation
- Launsátur (Deceit) Forlagið 2021
UK (Corylus)
- Bara ef … (If Only ...) 2016
Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Kiepenheuer & Witsch) transl. Tina Flecken
- Upp á líf og dauða (A Matter of Life and Death) 2016
Hungary (Pozsonyi Pagony) transl. Dunajcsik Mátyás
- Við Jóhanna (Johanna and I) 2014
Denmark (Turbine) transl. Nanna Kalkar
- Allt fínt – en þú? (Just Fine – And You?) 2011
Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Kiepenheuer & Witsch) transl. Tina Flecken

Snæbjörn Arngrímsson - Arabic Arabíska Barna– og ungmennabækur Children – YA Crime Fiction Danish Danska English Enska Glæpasögur Italian Ítalska Norska Norwegian Swedish Sænska
Snæbjörn Arngrímsson was born in Reykjavik, 1961. He studied psychology
and literature in the University of Iceland. His first book The Secrets of the Aban-
doned House won the Icelandic Children's Literature Prize 2019 and was nomi-
nated for the Icelandic Bookseller's Prize.
With his first thriller, One True Word, Arngrímsson attracted a lot of attention and he is now being published abroad. His follow-up, The Chosen One, is both an exciting thriller and a well-crafted study of human nature.
Works in translation
- Eitt satt orð (One True Word) 2022
Egypt (Al-Arabi Publishing), Iran (Ana Pol Publishing House), Italy (Carbonio Editore Srl), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS), United Kingdom (Pushkin Press Limited).
- Rannsóknin á leyndardómum Eyðihússins (The Secrets of the Abandoned House) 2019
Denmark (ABC forlag) transl. Susanne Torpe; Sweden (ABC forlag) transl. Jenny Nilsson

Árni Þórarinsson - Crime Fiction Czech Danish Danska Dutch English Enska Finnish Finnska Franska French German Glæpasögur Greek Gríska Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Polish Pólska Slovene Slóvenska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Ungverska Þýska
Árni Þórarinsson is a nationally renowned award-winning journalist and a media personality. He has written several gripping crime novels and two TV scripts, one of which was nominated to The Edda Award (best television script of the year 2002). Þórarinsson was the editor of Mannlif magazine and has also been on the board of the Reykjavik Film Festival as well as a member of several panels of judges at international film festivals.
Works in translation
- Þrettán dagar (Thirteen Days) 2016
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié) transl. Éric Boury
- Glæpurinn (The Crime) 2013
France/ Switzerland/ Luxembourg (Métailié) transl. Éric Boury; Armenia (Guitank) Karine Aghabekyan
- Ár kattarins (The Year of the Cat) 2012
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié) transl. Éric Boury
- Morgunengill (Angel of the Morning) 2010
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié) transl. Éric Boury
- Sjöundi sonurinn (The Seventh Son) 2008
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié) transl. Éric Boury; Norway (Bazar) transl. Ine Camille Bjørnsten; Sweden (Bazar); Italy (Edizioni del Capricorno) transl. Silvia Cosimini
- Dauði trúðsins (Death of a Clown) 2007
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié) transl. Éric Boury; Germany/Switzerland/ Austria (Droemer-Knaur) transl. Tina Flecken; Spain/South America (Ediciones ámbar) transl. Kristinn R. Ólafsson
- Tími nornarinnar (Season of the Witch) 2006
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Droemer Knaur) transl. Tina Flecken; Denmark (Bazar) transl. Gísli Magnússon; Finland (Bazar) transl. Seija Holopainen; Norway (Bazar) transl. Tone Myklebost; France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié) transl. Éric Boury; The Netherlands (De Geus) transl. Kim Middel; Czech Republic (Argo); Poland (Cat Books); Greece (Polis); Spain/ South America (Ediciones ámbar) transl. Enrique Bernárdez Sanchís; Sweden (Bazar); USA/UK/Australia/New Zealand/ Canada/South Africa/Philippines (AmazonCrossing); Hungary (Scolar) transl. Egyed Veronika; Macedonia(Begemot); Slovenia (Habrosa); Italy (Edizioni del Capricorno) transl. Silvia Cosimini; Egypt (Al Arabi) transl. Mohammad Osman Khalifa. Film rights Fridrik Thor Fridriksson/Spellbound Productions
- Nóttin hefur þúsund augu (The Night has a Thousand Eyes) 1999
Denmark (Modtryk) transl. Kirsten K. Clausager og Bente Henriksen; Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Saga Verlag) transl. Betty Wahl

Arnaldur Indriðason - Arabic Arabíska Armenian Armenska Bulgarian Búlgarska Chinese Crime Fiction Croatian Czech Danish Danska Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Faroese Finnish Finnska Franska French Færeyska Georgian Georgíska German Glæpasögur Greek Gríska Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Hungarian Italian Ítalska Japanese Japanska Kínverska Korean Kóreska Króatíska Latvian Lettneska Litháíska Lithuanian Macedonian Makedónska Norska Norwegian Polish Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Romanian Russian Rúmenska Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Slovene Slóvenska Spanish Spænska Swedish Sænska Tékkneska Turkish Tyrkneska Ungverska Þýska
Arnaldur Indriðason has the rare distinction of having won the Nordic Crime Novel Prize two years running. He is also the winner of the highly respected and world-famous CWA Gold Dagger Award for the top crime novel of the year in the English language, Silence of the Grave. Indridason's novels have sold over 14 million copies worldwide, in 40 languages, and have won numerous well-respected prizes and received rave reviews all over the world.
Works in translation
- Sæluríkið (State of Misery) 2023
- Kyrrþey (Indifference) 2022
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); Sweden (Norstedts), Czech Republic (Bastei Moba)
- Sigurverkið (The King and the Clockmaker) 2021
Denmark (Gyldendal); France (Points); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt);
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Spain/South America (RBA Libros); Norway (Cappelen Damm); World Arabic (Arab Scientific Publishers); Sweden (Norstedts),
- Þagnarmúr (Wall of Silence) 2020
Czech Republic (Bastei Moba); France (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); Sweden (Norstedts); Norway (Cappelen Damm); Italy (Ugo Guanda)
- Tregasteinn (The Quiet Mother) 2019
Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); Italy (Ugo Guanda); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); Norway (Cappelen Damm); Sweden (Norstedts), Denmark (Gyldendal)
- Stúlkan hjá brúnni (The Girl By the Bridge) 2018
Denmark (Gyldendal); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany (Lübbe); Italy (TEA libri); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Volt); UK/ Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (PRH/ Harvill Secker); USA (St. Martin‘s Press)
- Myrkrið veit (The Darkness Knows) 2017
India/Malayalam language (DC Books);
Italy (Gialli TEA); Norway (CappelenDamm); Sweden (Norstedts); The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Q); UK/ Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (PRH/ Harvill Secker); USA (St. Martin‘s Press)
- Petsamo 2016
France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Sweden (Norstedts); The Netherlands (Querido); Italy (Guanda); Finland (Blue Moon); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA)
- Þýska húsið (The Shadow Killer) 2015
Czech Republic (MOBA); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); The Netherlands (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Finland (Blue Moon):; World Arabic (Arab Scientific Publishers)
- Kamp Knox (Oblivion) 2014
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/ Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Éditions Métailié); The Netherlands (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Norway (CappelenDamm); Finland (Blue Moon); Czech Republic (MOBA); Romania (Editura Trei); Lebanon (Thaqafa)
- Skuggasund (The Shadow District) 2013
Netherlands (Querido); Spain/Andorra/Southand Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Norway (CappelenDamm); Italy (Ugo Guanda) Alessandro Storti; Finland (Blue Moon); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Sweden (Norstedts); Czech Republic (MOBA)
- Reykjavíkurnætur (Reykjavik Nights) 2012
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin‘s Press/Thomas Dunne Books); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié); Sweden (Norstedts); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Finland (Blue Moon); Norway (CappelenDamm); Italy (Ugo Guanda) Alessandro Storti; Spain/Andorra/ South- and Central America (RBA Libros); Czech Republic (MOBA); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Korea (Open Books); Hungary (Central Kiadói Csoport); Lebanon (Arabic Scientific Publishing)
- Einvígið (The Great Match) 2011
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda) Silvia Cosimini; Finland (Blue Moon); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA); Spain/Andorra/ South- and Central America (RBA Libros); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers)
- Furðustrandir (Strange Shores) 2010
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Norway (CappelenDamm); Sweden (Norstedts); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Finland (Blue Moon); Czech Republic (MOBA); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Hungary (Animus); Denmark (Rosinante); Spain/Andorra / South- and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Abu Dhabi (Thaqafa)
- Svörtuloft (Black Skies) 2009
The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Finland (Blue Moon); Sweden (Norstedts); Norway (CappelenDamm); UK/Australia/ New Zealand/South Africa (Random House/ Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Czech Republic (MOBA); Denmark (Rosinante); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Spain/Andorra/Southand Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Poland (Foksal); Abu Dhabi (Thaqafa)
- Myrká (Outrage) 2008
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Norway (CappelenDamm); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Finland (Blue Moon); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Czech Republic (MOBA); Denmark (Rosinante); Spain/ Andorra South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishing); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Hungary (Animus); Poland (Foksal); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Harðskafi (Hypothermia) 2007
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Rosinante); Norway (CappelenDamm); The Czech Republic (MOBA); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Korea (Munhakdogne); Russia (Corpus); Spain/Andorra South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Hungary (Animus); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishing); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Poland (Foksal); Romania (Editura Trei) Monica Vlad 2019; Turkey (Dogan); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Konungsbók (The King's Book) 2006
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); The Czech Republic (MOBA); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié)
- Vetrarborgin (Arctic Chill) 2005
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Sweden (Norstedts/ Prisma); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Finland (Blue Moon); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland /Luxembourg/ Canada (Métailié); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Norway (CappelenDamm); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Russia (Corpus); Hungary (Animus); Poland (WAB); Brazil (Companyia das letras); Abu Dhabi (Thaqfa); Turkey (Dogan); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Turkey (Dogan); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Kleifarvatn (The Draining Lake) 2004
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/ Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Rosinante); Norway (CappelenDamm); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Catalonia (La Magrana); Brazil (Companhia das Letras); Portugal (Porto Editores); Hungary (Animus); Turkey (Dogan); Russia (Corpus); Poland (WAB); Greece (Metachmio); Abu Dhabi (Thaqfa); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Korea (Open Books); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha)
- Bettý (Betty) 2003
Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Spain/Andorra//Central and South America/USA
(RBA Libros)
- Röddin (Voices) 2002
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Rosinante); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/ USA (RBA Libros); Russia (Corpus); Catalonia (La Magrana); Brazil (Companhia das Letras); Portugal (Porto Editores); Turkey (Dogan); Romania (Trei); Italy (TEA); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha Co) Yumiko Yanagisawa þýtt úr sænsku; Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers); Poland (WAB); Korea (Younglim Cardinal); Greece (Metachmio); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Bulgaria (Colibri); Serbia (Booka)
- Grafarþögn (Silence of the Grave) 2001
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Forum / Rosinante); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Norway (CappelenDamm); Czech Republic (MOBA); Hungary (Animus); Italy (Ugo Guanda); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Turkey (Sinemis Yayanlari); Korea (Elixir); Taiwan (Crown); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Poland (WAB); Russia (Corpus); Catalonia (La Magrana); Brazil (Companhia das Letras); Portugal (Porto Editores); Basque Country (Alberdania); Romania (Trei); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha Co); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers); Vietnam (AlphaBooks); Greece (Metachmio); Serbia (Booka); Bulgaria (Colibri); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Macedonia (TRI Publishing Centre); Macedonia/Albanian (Shkupi); Latvia (Apgads Mansards), Italy (TEA)
- Mýrin (Jar City) 2000
UK/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/Harvill Secker); USA /Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); The Netherlands/ Belgium/Luxembourg (Signature / Querido); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Italy (Ugo Guanda); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros); Brazil (Editora Record); Portugal (Livraria Civilizaçao Editora); Finland (Blue Moon); Denmark (Forum / Rosinante); Sweden (Norstedts/Prisma); Norway (CappelenDamm); Faroe Islands (Sprotin); Bulgaria (Infodar); Czech Republic (MOBA); Hungary (Animus); Poland (Foksal); Rumenia (Trei); Slovenia (Didakta); Israel (Keter); Greece/Cyprus (Metaixmio); Turkey (Sinemis Yayınları); Estonia (Nynorden); Japan (Tokyo Sogensha Co); Taiwan (Crown); Korea (Younglim Cardinal Inc.); Russia (Corpus); Lebanon (Arab Scientific Publishers); Latvia (Apgards Mansards); Lithuania (Media Incognito); Serbia (Booka); Macedonia (TRI Publishing Centre); Armenia (Guitank Publishing); Simplified Chinese (Xinhua); Macedonia/Albanian (Shkupi); Croatia (Knjige i sve); Georgia (Palitra)
- Napóleonsskjölin (Operation Napoleon) 1999
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Czech Republic (MOBA); UK/Australia/ New Zealand/South-Africa (Random House/ Harvill Secker); USA/Philippines (St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books); France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); The Netherlands (Querido)
- Dauðarósir (Silent Kill) 1998
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe Lübbe); Czech Republic (MOBA); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Sweden (Norstedts); France/ Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Spain/ Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros)
- Synir duftsins (Sons of Earth) 1997
Germany/Switzerland/Austria (Verlagsgruppe/Lübbe); The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg (Querido); Czech Republic (MOBA); France/ Switzerland/ Luxembourg/Canada (Métailié); Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (RBA Libros)

Eva Björg Ægisdóttir - Crime Fiction Czech Dutch Eistneska English Enska Estonian Franska French German Glæpasögur Greek Gríska Hebreska Hebrew Hollenska Hungarian Japanese Japanska Macedonian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portúgalska Portúgalska (brasilísk) Pólska Russian Rússneska Serbian Serbneska Spanish Spænska Tékkneska Ungverska Þýska
Eva Björg lives with her husband and their three children in Reykjavík. She was born and raised in Akranes, a small town about half an hour drive from Reykjavík which is the scene of her first novel. After finishing a Bachelor's degree in Sociology she moved from Akranes to Trondheim, Norway, where she got her Master's degree in Globalisation. In 2018, Eva was the recipient of the Blackbird Award, a crime-writing prize hosted by prolific Iceland authors Yrsa Sigurðardóttir and Ragnar Jónasson.
Works in translation
- Strákar sem meiða (Boys Who Hurt) Veröld 2022
WEL (Orenda Books), France (Editions de la Martinière), Germany (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), The Netherlands (De Fontein)
- Þú sérð mig ekki (You Can't See Me) Veröld 2021
WEL (Orenda Books), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), France (Editions de la Martinière), Germany (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), Russia (AST), The Netherlands (De Fontein)
- Næturskuggar (Night Shadows) Veröld 2020
WEL (Orenda Books),Czech Republic (Dobrovsky), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), France (Editions de la Martinière), Germany (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), The Netherlands (De Fontein)
- Stelpur sem ljúga (Girls Who Lie) Veröld 2019
WEL (Orenda Books), Czech Republic (Dobrovsky), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), France (Editions de la Martinière), Germany (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), Hungary (IPC Könyvek), Israel (Mirabelle), Russia (AST), Serbia (Nordiq), Spain (Atico de los Libros), The Netherlands (De Fontein)
- Marrið í stiganum (The Creak On the Stairs) Veröld 2018
France (Le Martinière Littérature); Israel (Lesa Press); Netherlands (De Fontein); WEL (Orenda Books), Brazil (Trama), Czech Republic (Dobrovsky), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Ethiopia (Hohe), France (Editions de la Martinière), Germany (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), Greece (Diaplasi Editions), Hungary (IPC Könyvek), Israel (Mirabelle), Japan (Shogankukan), Macedonia (Antalog Books), Poland (JK), Portugal (Quetzal), Russia (AST), Serbia (Nordiq), Spain (Atico de los Libros), The Netherlands (De Fontein)

Joachim B. Schmidt - Arabic Arabíska Crime Fiction Czech English Enska Franska French German Glæpasögur Greek Gríska Hebreska Hebrew Italian Ítalska Slovak Slóvakíska Spanish Spænska Tékkneska
Joachim B. Schmidt (b. 1981), grew up in the Swiss canton of Grisons before emigrating to Iceland in 2007. His novels Tell and Kalmann were bestsellers, with Kalmann receiving the Crime Cologne Award 2021 and placing third for the Swiss Crime Fiction Prize. Kalmann was also shortlisted for the 2023 Specsavers Debut Crime Novel Award and is currently shortlisted for the Petrona Award in the UK, for Best Scandinavian Crime Novel 2023.
Schmidt, who has dual citizenship, lives with his wife and their two children in Reykjavík, Iceland.
Works in Translation
- Kalmann and the Sleeping Mountain (2023)
English/world (Bitter Lemon), Czech Republic (Prostor), France (Gallimard), Film Rights (Kontent)
- Kalmann (2020)
World Arabic (Al Arabi), Czech Republic (Prostor), English/world (Bitter Lemon), France (Gallimard), Greece (Metachmio), Israel (Keter), Italy (SEM Libri), Persian (Nam Books), Slovakia (Literárna bašta), World Spanish (Gatopardo), Film Rights (Kontent)

Stefán Máni - Crime Fiction Finnish Finnska Franska French German Glæpasögur Swedish Sænska Þýska
- Stefán Máni (b. 1970) was born and raised in a fishing village in western Iceland. At twenty-six, he relocated to Reykjavík to pursue a writing career, transporting all his belongings in an old car.
During the first decade of his career, Stefán balanced his writing with various jobs, including construction work, dishwashing, printing, and working in a home for the mentally ill. These diverse experiences enriched his storytelling.
His major breakthrough came with the thriller The Cursed Ship (previously published as The Ship), which garnered attention both in Iceland and internationally. This success paved the way for the popular Grimsson detective series, featuring detective Grimsson and other thriller and fiction works.
In 2012, his bestseller Black's Game was adapted into a film, becoming one of Iceland's highest-grossing movies, with director Nicolas Winding Refn involved in the production.
Works in translation
- Horfnar (Dust in the Wind) Sögur útgáfa 2021
Sweden (StorySide), Denmark (StorySide), Finland (StorySide), US (Tantor Media, Audio)
- Dauðabókin (Deathbook) Sögur útgáfa 2020
Sweden (StorySide), Denmark (StorySide), Finland (StorySide), US (Tantor Media, Audio)
- Svartigaldur (The Ritual) Sögur útgáfa 2016
Sweden (StorySide), Denmark (StorySide), Finland (StorySide), US (Tantor Media, Audio)
- Húsið (The House Where Evil Sleeps) Sögur útgáfa 2012
Germany (Polar Verlag), Film Rights (Floodlights)
- Feigð (Premonitions of Death) Sögur útgáfa 2011
France (Gallimard)
- Hyldýpi (Abyss) Sögur útgáfa 2009
Germany (Polar Verlag)
- Svartur á leik (Black's Game) JPV 2004
France (Gallimard), Film Rights (ZikZak kvikmyndir, Filmus Productions)

Skúli Sigurðsson - Crime Fiction Finnish Finnska Glæpasögur Swedish Sænska
Skúli Sigurðsson (b. 1985) was awarded the Icelandic Crime Novel Award for his first novel Big Brother, which is also nominated for the 2023 Glass Key Award and is sold to Finland and Sweden.
A lawyer by education, Skuli worked as a journalist alongside his studies. He later studied international law and human rights in Costa Rica and worked for the United Nations in Jordan. Taking inspiration from the likes of Raymond Chandler, Ian Fleming and Alistair MacLean, he hopes to inject some intensity, stakes and panache into the Icelandic branch of Nordic Noir, in his interconnected stories.
Works in Translation
- Stóri bróðir (Big Brother) Drápa 2022
Finland (Minerva), Sweden (Modernista). TV Rights (Act 4)
- Maðurinn frá Sao Paulo (THe Man from Sao Paulo) Drápa 2023
Finland (Docendo), Sweden (Modernista)

Jón Atli Jónasson - Crime Fiction German Glæpasögur Þýska
Jón Atli Jónasson is considered one of the foremost Icelandic playwrights. His plays have been performed in London, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Athens. He has written several scripts for film, most notably The Deep, produced by 101 Studios Iceland, based on his own play. It was shortlisted for The 85th Academy Awards for best foreign feature 2015.
Jón Atli has been nominated for The Nordic film price on three occasions. He was chosen the Nordic Radio Dramatist in 2011. Jón Atli has also written three novels, a short story compilation and a novella. His serialized radio drama based on the Guðmundur and Geirfinnur case (Iceland's most notorious criminal case) won third price at Prix Europa in 2017.
His latest work is the crime novel, Breathless, published by Storyte Iceland. Jón Atli co-wrote the first season of the crime TV. series Arctic Circle (Ivalo) in 2017 which was produced by Yellow film in Finland, Bavaria Films in Germany.
Jón Atli has various projects in different stages of development for example with Warner Brothers TV in Germany and Turbine Studios in the U.K.
Works in translation
Brotin (Broken) Forlagið 2022
Germany (Fischer Verlag)
Eitur (Toxic) Forlagið 2023
Germany (Fischer Verlag)

Katrín Júlíusdóttir - Crime Fiction English Enska Glæpasögur
Katrín received the Blackbird Award, an Icelandic crime-writing prize, for her first novel, Sykur (en: Sugar) in 2020. Her debut novel was reviewed well by critics and hit the best-selling lists in the first weeks after publication.
Katrín is the Managing Director of Finance Iceland. She has a political background and was a member of Parliament from 2003 until 2016. The Minister of industry, energy and tourism from 2009-2012 and Minister of finance and economy from 2012-2013. She served as the Social Democratic Alliance's vice-chair from 2013-2016.
Before she was elected to Parliament, Katrín was an advisor and project manager at a tech company and a senior buyer and CEO in the retail sector, as well as the Managing Director of a student union during her uni years. She worked from a young age in the fishing industry, as a store clerk and took nighttime shifts at a pizza place. She studied Anthropology and has an MBA from Reykjavík University.
She was raised in Kópavogur, about 15 minutes' drive from downtown Reykjavík. She now lives in the neighbouring town of Garðabær with her family. She is married to author Bjarni M. Bjarnason, who encouraged her to start writing. They have four boys.
Works in translation
Sykur (Dead Sweet) Bjartur/Veröld 2020
WEL Orenda Books (UK)