
Hér má finna þýðendur íslenskra bókmennta á fjölmörg erlend tungumál, upplýsingar um þá og þýðingar þeirra.

- Orðstír, heiðursviðurkenning þýðenda

- Þýðendaþing í Reykjavík

- Viðtöl við þýðendur á erlend mál


Agnes Ársól


Agnes Ársól Bikowska graduate of the University of Iceland with a bachelor's degree in Icelandic as a second language and the University of Wrocław in the field of ethnology. She is currently completing her master's degree in translation studies. She has been living in Iceland for the past 15 years. She is a candidate member of the Association of Literary Translators in Poland (Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Literatury), where she completed a literary translation course in 2021. She is one of the hosts of the podcast Elves and Trolls (Elfy i Trole Podcast o Północy), in which she explains and presents old Icelandic folktales and myths. She is passionate about translating 19th and 20th century Icelandic literature, poetry, plays and short stories.

In 2021, she cooperated with the largest Icelandic publishing house, Forlagið, where her first book about the history of Iceland, translated into Polish, was published. In 2022, she collaborated with the Warsaw Philharmonic, for which she translated poem in Requiem for mixed choir a cappella, Op. 33b by Jón Leifs. In 2024, a book Nordyckie Opowieści in where she among other translators from several Scandinavian countries collaborated and co-authored on translating Scandinavian folktales to Polish.

Selected Translations:

Jón Árnasson: Íslenzkar þjóðsögur og æfintýri (Nordyckie opowieści, Moc Media: 2024)

Gunnar Karlsson: Íslandssaga í stuttu máli (Historia Islandii w skrócie, Forlagið: 2021)