
Hér má finna þýðendur íslenskra bókmennta á fjölmörg erlend tungumál, upplýsingar um þá og þýðingar þeirra.

- Orðstír, heiðursviðurkenning þýðenda

- Þýðendaþing í Reykjavík

- Viðtöl við þýðendur á erlend mál


Victoria Cribb - English Enska

Victoria Cribb (MA, Scandinavian Studies, UCL; BPhil, Icelandic as a Foreign Language, University of Iceland) spent a number of years travelling and working in Iceland before becoming a full-time translator in 2002.

Selected Translations

She has translated more than 30 books by Icelandic authors including Sjón, Arnaldur Indriðason, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Ragnar Jónasson, Gyrðir Elíasson and Andri Snær Magnússon, and poetry by Gerður Kristný. A number of these works have been nominated for prizes. Recent nominations include CoDex 1962 by Sjón, long-listed for the 2019 Best Translated Book Award (Fiction), and the PEN America Translation Prize, and The Darkness by Ragnar Jónasson, short-listed for the UK's 2019 Petrona Award for the Best Scandinavian Crime Novel of the Year. Another of her Sjón translations, In the Mouth of the Whale, was short-listed for the UK's 2012 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the 2013 International Dublin Literary Award, and her translation of Yrsa Sigurðardóttir's The Silence of the Sea won the UK's 2015 Petrona Award for Best Scandinavian Crime Novel of the Year. In 2017 she received the Orðstír honorary translation award in recognition of her contribution to the translation of Icelandic literature. She now lives in Vienna, Austria.


Júlían Meldon D´Arcy - English Enska

Julian Meldon D'Arcy has postgraduate degrees from the universities of Lancaster and Aberdeen in the United Kingdom and has lived and worked as an academic in Iceland for more than forty years, eventually becoming Professor of English Literature at the University of Iceland. Apart from teaching modern British, American, and Scottish literature (on which he has published two books), he has also translated into English a variety of Icelandic publications, including novels, short stories, poetry, folklore, local histories and nature books, as well as children's fiction, song lyrics and television and feature film subtitles/screenplays. 

Selected Translations

  • 2024: Icelandic Nobility [Íslenskur aðall] by Thórbergur Thórdarson. Reykjavík: ForlagiðUniversity of Iceland Press.
  • 2022: Ólgublóð / Restless Blood (with Ástráður Eysteinsson). Dual- language edition of a selection of poems by Hannes Hafstein) Reykjavík: Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute &
  • 2018: Fairy Tales and Legends – A Journey: ICELAND, by Helmut Hinrichsen (collator) and Max Schmid (photographer). Salenstein (Switzerland): Benteli Publishing. [Folklore]

  • 2018: “A Day in the Life of a Child,” by Rúnar Helgi Vignisson, in The Radiance of the Short Story: Fiction from around the Globe, ed. Maurice A. Lee and Aaron Penn. Lee and Penn Publishing, pp. 482-87. [Fiction]
  • 2017: “Travelling Companion,” by Rúnar Helgi Vignisson, in Out of the Blue: New Short Fiction from Iceland, ed. Helen Mitsios. Minneapolis & London: University of Minneapolis Press, pp. 116-25. [Fiction]
  • 2017: Lífæðin / Lifeline, by Pepe Brix & Arnþór Gunnarsson. Reykjavík: Vaka       Helgafell. [History of fishing industry in S.E. Iceland]
  • 2016: The Glaciers of Iceland: A Historical, Cultural and Scientific Overview, by Helgi Björnsson. Amsterdam: Atlantis Press. [Geology]
  • 2014: Of Icelandic Nobles and Idiot Savants, by Þórbergur Þórðarson. With Introduction & Notes. (With Hallberg Hallmundsson). Reykjavík: Brú. [Autofiction]
  • 2014: Egil's Saga: An Icelandic Classic, by Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir & Halldór     Baldursson (with Philip Roughton). Illustrated. London: Real Reads. [Children's book].
  • 2012: The Story of the Blue Planet, by Andri Snær Magnason. Illustrated. New    York: Seven Stories Press; London: Pushkin Press.  [Winner of the UK      Literacy Association Prize for Best Children's Book of the Year, 7-11 Year-  olds, 2013]
  • 2012: The Stones Speak, by Þórbergur Þórðarson. With Introduction & Notes. Reykjavík: Mál og Menning. [Autofiction]
  • 2011: Hlíðargötur / Sideroads, by Jónas Þorbjarnason. Dual language edition      (with Ástráður Eysteinsson). Reykjavík: Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute for    Foreign Languages & University of Iceland Press. [Poetry]
  • 2000: The Lodger and Other Stories, by Svava Jakobsdóttir. Reykjavík:     University of Iceland Press. [Fiction]


Keneva Kunz - English Enska

University of Manitoba, Canada, BA (Hons) 1975, MA 1977, Icelandic and linguistics

Københavns universitet (University of Copenhagen), PhD 1991, English and Applied Linguistics

Managing director/translator, Scriptorium ehf. since 1996, with interruptions

Editor, translator and director of language services, Landsbanki Íslands hf., 2004-2008

Editor, Nordregio, Nordic centre for spatial planning and regional development, Stockholm, 1998-2000

Translator and editor, Leifur Eiríksson Publishers, Reykjavík, for Sagas of Icelanders

Director, Institute of Foreign Languages, University of Iceland, 1993-1995

Adjudicator for the Ministry of Justice in awarding certification to translators in 1996, 1997, 2002, 2006

Editor for the World Health Organisation WHO, European Office, in Copenhagen, 1992-1997

Special revisor of Icelandic translations of EU legislation in Brussels, for the Agreement on a European Economic Area

Selected Translations

  • Childhood, Youth and Upbringing in the Age of Absolutism: an exercise in socio-historic analysis by Loftur Guttormsson, University of Iceland 2017.
  • Where the Winds Dwell by Böðvar Guðmundsson (Turnstone Press: Winnipeg, October 2000), nominated for the Canadian John Glasscoe Translation Prize
  • Travelling Passions. The Hidden Life of Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, by Gísli Pálsson. (2005)
  • Laxdæla saga, Heiðarvíga saga, the Vinland Sagas in the Complete Sagas of Icelanders (Leifur Eiríksson: Reykjavík 1997)
  • Laxdæla Saga, Grænlendinga Saga, Eiríks saga Rauða, in Sagas of Icelanders (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 2000)
  • Essay on the Eruptions (book-length 18th-century work on catastrophic eruptions in Iceland), pub. by Assoc. of Icelandic Geologists (University of Iceland Press: Reykjavík 1998).


Philip Roughton - English Enska

Philip Roughton holds a PhD and MA in Comparative Literature and a BA in English and Chinese Language and Literature. He has taught literature at the university level in the US and Iceland, and has translated numerous Icelandic novels, biographies, short stories, film scripts, plays, poetry collections, song lyrics, articles and essays, and scholarly works. For his translation work, awards that he has won or for which he has been nominated include the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize, the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, the Man Booker International Prize, an NEA Translation Fellowship, the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, the American-Scandinavian Foundation Translation Prize, and others.


Selected Translations

Writers whom he has translated include Halldór Laxness, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Þórarinn Eldjárn, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Oddný Eir, Bergsveinn Birgisson, and others.




David McDuff - English Enska

M.A. (Hons.), Ph.D.

University of Edinburgh 1962-1971

Born 1945. Literary translator and critic.

Selected Translations

  • Bjarni Bjarnason: The Return of the Divine Mary (Red Hand Books, UK, 2017)
  • Bjarni Bjarnason: The Reputation (Red Hand Books, UK, 2017)
  • Brushstrokes of Blue [with Bernard Scudder]: The Young Poets of Iceland, anthology, ed. P. Valsson (Shad Thames Books/Greyhound Press, UK, 1994)
  • Einar Kárason: Devil's Island (Canongate, UK, 2000)
  • Hjálmar Jónsson (“Bólu-Hjálmar”): Selected Poems (John Brown Press, USA, 2017)
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson: Gaga (Penumbra Press, Toronto, Canada, 1988)
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson: Trolls' Cathedral (Shad Thames Books/Mare's Nest, UK, 1992)
  • Ólafur Gunnarsson: Million-Percent Men (FORLAGIÐ JPV útgáfa, Iceland, 2008)





Larissa Kyzer - English Enska

Larissa Kyzer is a writer and Icelandic to English literary translator. Her translation of Kristín Eiríksdóttir's A Fist or a Heart was awarded the American Scandinavian Foundation's 2019 translation prize. The same year, she was one of Princeton University's Translators in Residence. In 2021, she guest-edited “On the Edge,” a spotlight on new Icelandic writing for Words Without Borders. Her recent full-length translations include Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir's The Fires (2023) and Fríða Ísberg's The Mark (2024). Larissa has received grant funding and support from the Fulbright Commission, the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture, the Icelandic Literature Center, and Finland's Kone Foundation. She is an at-large board member of the American Literary Translators Association, a former co-chair of the PEN America Translation Committee, a member of the National Writers Union's Translators Organizing Committee, and founder of the virtual Women+ in Translation reading series Jill! 

For more: https://www.larissakyzer.com/

Selected Translations:

  • The Mark (Merking) – Fríða Ísberg; Text (Australia), Faber&Faber (UK), 2024.
  • The Fires (Eldarnir) – Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir; AmazonCrossing (USA), 2023.
  • Reading the City: The Book of Reykjavík. Comma Press (UK), 2021. Translator of four stories in the anthology: “Home,” by Fríða Ísberg; “Island,” by Friðgeir Einarsson; “Without You, I'm Half,” by Kristín Eiríksdottir; “Two Foxes,” by Björn Halldórsson.
  • A Fist or a Heart (Elín, ýmislegt) - Kristín Eiríksdóttir; AmazonCrossing (USA), 2019.


Sarah Brownsberger - English Enska

Specialties: poetry, prose, artists' texts, art criticism.


I am a poet, essayist, and Icelandic-English translator. A citizen of Iceland and the United States, I am a member of the Writers' Union of Iceland (RSÍ).


I translate poetry, art texts, art criticism, and fiction from Icelandic to English for writers, artists, art institutions, and publishers. 

Selected Translations

  • Anna Jóhannsdóttir, Sheaths, lyrical art text (forthcoming).
  • Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir, Universal Sugar, art text, ASÍ Art Museum, 2019.
  • Kristín Ómarsdóttir, “It Took So Long to Invent the Woman,” essay and interview in Korabiewski and Loðmfjörð, NS-12, Berlin (Hatje Kantz), 2019.
  • Kristín Ómarsdóttir, “My Town,” essay in Icelandair Stopover, Summer 2018.
  • Einar Már Guðmundsson, Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Hallgrímur Helgason, and Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, poems, in West and Isaksen, EyeSound, National Museum of Iceland, 2018.
  • Ósk Vilhjámsdóttir, covering the distance (land undir fót), Reykjavik/Berlin, 2018.
  • Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, poems, in Massimo Lupidi, Iceland: Visions of Earth, Sassi Editori, 2017.
  • Oddný Eir, “On the Way Down,” essay, World Literature Today, Nov.-Dec. 2016 
  • Kees Visser, Ups and Downs, Reykjavik (Crymogea), 2013. Kees Visser, Ólafur Gíslason, Halldór Björn Rúnólfsson.
  • Kristín Ómarsdóttir, “Seven Letters,” in Katrín Sigurðardóttir, Foundation, The Pavilion of Iceland at the Venice Biennale, Vincenza (Marsilio), 2013.
  • Harpa Árnadóttir, June. Reykjavik (Crymogea), 2011.
  • Gabríela Friðriksdóttir, poems for Crepusculum, Frankfurt (Kehrer), 2011.
  • Ólafur Gíslason, Guðjón Ketilsson, Reykjavik (Crymogea), 2010.
  • Gyrðir Elíasson, “The Old Painter” in Elías B. Halldórsson, Uppheimar, 2008.
  • Sigfús Bjartmarsson, Raptorhood, a novel, Uppheimar, 2007.


Literary translations include work by or for Bragi Ólafsson, Einar Már Guðmundsson, Gyrðir Elíasson, Guðrún Hannesdóttir, Harpa Árnadóttir, Hallgrímur Helgason, Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir, Pétur Gunnarsson, Sigfús Bjartmarsson, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Sigurlín Bjarney Gísladóttir, Úlfhildur Magnúsdóttir, the Reykjavik Municipal Library (excerpts from works by Elías Mar, Guðbergur Bergsson, and Sjón), and the Reykjavik UNESCO Literary City (poems and prose by Benedikt Gröndal, Elías Mar, Gestur Pálsson, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Hannes Hafstein, Ingibjörg Benediktsdóttir, Jakobína Sigurðardóttir, Margrét Jónsdóttir, Steinn Steinarr, Tryggvi Emilsson, Vilborg Dagbjörtsdóttir, and Þorarinn Eldjárn).


Website: sarahbrownsberger.com


Anna Yates - English Enska

Anna Yates is of mixed Icelandic and English origin. She grew up mostly in the UK and a little in France, and has lived and worked in Iceland since the 1980s. She holds a history degree from the University of Bristol and a Bacc. phil. isl. (Icelandic for foreign students) degree from the University of Iceland. After some years as a journalist/translator at Iceland Review, Anna has worked as a translator since the 1990s. She is a generalist who translates on a wide range of subjects (anything but banking and finance). Her topics of particular interest include Icelandic history, arts and culture, and she translates regularly for academics, museums and art galleries. She is the author of The Viking Discovery of America (1993)revised edition 2018, Gudrun Publishing.

Selected Translations


  • Down to Earth – A Memoir by Gísli Pálsson (with Katrina Downs-Rose), forthcoming from Punctum Books
  • From Earth – Earth Architecture in Iceland by Hjörleifur Stefánsson (with Katrina Downs-Rose), Gullinsnið/National Museum of Iceland 2019
  • A Tale of a Fool? A Microhistory of an 18th-century Peasant Woman by Guðný Hallgrímsdóttir, Routledge 2019
  • The Corsairs' Longest Voyage – the Turkish Raid in Iceland 1627 by Þorsteinn Helgason, Brill 2018
  • Treasures of the National Museum of Iceland by Margrét Hallgrímsdóttir (with Katrina Downs-Rose), National Museum of Iceland 2017
  • On the Point of Erupting – a selections of poems by Einar Már Guðmundsson (with other translators), Mál og menning 2016
  • The Man Who Stole Himself – the Slave Odyssey of Hans Jonathan by Gísli Pálsson, University of Chicago Press 2016
  • Season of the Witch by Árni Þórarinsson, AmazonCrossing 2012
  • Outrage by Arnaldur Indriðason, Harvill Secker 2011
  • My Soul to Take by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (with Bernard Scudder), Hodder & Stoughton 2009
  • Galdrakver/Book of Magic, National and University Library of Iceland 2004
  • A Brief History of Iceland by Gunnar Karlsson, Mál og menning 2000
  • A Traveller's Guide to Icelandic Folktales by Jón R. Hjálmarsson, Iceland Review 2000
  • Reykjavík of the Painters by Hrafnhildur Schram, Mál og menning 2000
  • I Am the Maestro (play) by Hrafnhildur Hagalín Guðmundsdóttir 1995
  • High Days and Holidays in Iceland by Árni Björnsson, Mál og menning 1995



Meg Matich - English Enska

Meg Matich (www.meglenska.is) is a poet and translator of Icelandic, German, and Danish in Reykjavik, Iceland. She earned her Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University's prestigious Poetry and Literary Translation program before going on to receive a Fulbright fellowship to Iceland. Her translations have received praise from The New York Times, Oprah, Publisher’s Weekly, Vulture, Electric Lit, and others, and her work has been longlisted for the Dublin Literary Prize. She's received awards for her work from organizations like the DAAD, PEN America, the American-Scandinavian Foundation, UNESCO, and the Fulbright Commission and is a frequent collaborator with Reykjavik UNESCO and the Reykjavik International Literary Festival. She’s always interested in new and interesting projects and is happy to receive e-mails in Icelandic, German, Danish, or English. 



Selected Translations

Selected Translations

2023 Nothing to be Saved: Stories by Ásta Sigurðardóttir. Nordisk Books. London, U.K.

2022 Quake by Auður Jónsdóttir, Dottir Press. New York, NY.

2021 Magma by Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir, Picador, U.K.

2021 Magma by Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir, Grove Atlantic, U.S.

2019 Language Unlocks the World, University of Iceland Press. Reykjavik, Iceland.

2017 Cold Moons by Magnús Sigurðsson, Phoneme Media. Los Angeles, CA.


Meg is one of few immigrant members of the Icelandic Writers' Union. She is also a member of the Author's Guild.



Website: www.meglenska.is

Contact e-mail: meg@meglenska.is

Rory McTurk - English Enska

Rory McTurk graduated from Oxford in 1963 (with B.A. Hons in English) and from the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, in 1965 (with Baccalaureatus Philologiae Islandicae). From 1967-69 he taught at the Universities of Lund and Copenhagen, and from 1969-78 at University College Dublin. In 1978 he moved to the University of Leeds, where he was appointed Supervisor of Icelandic Studies in 1979, and promoted to Reader and Professor, also in Icelandic Studies, in 1994 and 2006. For his dissertation on Ragnars saga loðbrókar he was awarded his doctorate by the National University of Ireland in 1985.

His translations from Old Icelandic include ‘Kormak's saga' [Kormáks saga], in Sagas of Warrior-poets, ed. Diana Whaley (London: Penguin, 2002) and Ragnarr loðbrók's death-song Krákumál, in vol. VIII of Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, ed. Margaret Clunies Ross (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017). From Modern Icelandic he has translated three novels by Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, The Thief of Time [Tímaþjófurinn] (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2007), Yo-yo [jójó] (London: World Editions, 2015), and (not yet published) Women of Quality [Gæðakonur], as well as three narrative poems by Gerður Kristný, published at Todmorden by Arc Publications: Bloodhoof: Blóðhófnir (2012), Drápa: A Reykjavík Murder Mystery (2018), and Reykjavík Requiem: Sálumessa (2020). He has also completed a translation, not yet published, of Konungsbók (2006), by Arnaldur Indriðason.


Lorenza Garcia - English Enska

Lorenza Garcia (BA First Class Hons in Spanish and Latin American Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London; DipTrans with distinction, Institute of Linguists). Lorenza spent many years living and working in Iceland, Spain and France. She has been a full-time translator since 2008, and currently lives in London.


Selected Translations.

She has translated and co-translated thirty-five novels and works of non-fiction from the French, the Spanish and the Icelandic. these include The Ice Lands by Steinar Bragi, Macmillan 2016; Iceland Invaded by Páll Baldvin Baldvinsson, Forlagið 2018, and Helgi Tomasson, A Memoir by Thorvaldur Kristinsson, San Francisco Ballet, 2022. She has also collaborated on the English versions of several novels by Olaf J. Olafsson, including One Station Away, Sacrament and Touch. Her co-translation of Traveller of the Century by Andres Neuman was shortlisted for the International Foreign Fiction Prize 2013, the Dublin IMPAC 2014, the Valle-Inclan Translation Prize 2014. Talking To Ourselves by the same author was longlisted for the Best Translated Book Award 2015.



Kelsey Paige Hopkins - English Enska

Kelsey Paige Hopkins was born in San Francisco, USA in 1986. She became an Icelandic citizen in 2023, and will completing her master's in translation in 2024/2025. She holds a BA in Philosophy and German Language and Literature from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada (2010). In 2014, she received a grant from the Icelandic Ministry of Education and the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies to study Icelandic as a Second Language at University of Iceland, graduating with a BA in 2017. Kelsey then enrolled in a MA in Icelandic Linguistics at the same institution, and has been translating fiction, non-fiction, and scholarly texts alongside her graduate work since 2020. She looks forward to completing a Practical Diploma in Translation in 2022/2023, and currently resides in Reykjavík with her cat. 

Selected translations:

  • Legends (Goðsögn), a collection of microfiction by Ármann Jakobsson [Akureyri: Flóra menningarhús, 2022]
  • Uppsala Edda: The textbook DG 11 4to, scholarly non-fiction by Heimir Pálsson [Uppsala: Uppsala University Press, 2022]


Vala Thorodds - English Enska

Vala Thorodds (Valgerður Þóroddsdóttir) was born in Iceland and grew up in Reykjavík and upstate New York. She is a publisher and editor as well as a literary translator from Icelandic to English. Her poetry, translations, and non-fiction are published by The Guardian, Granta, BBC Radio 4, The White Review, PN Review, The Stinging Fly, and in the anthologies New Poetries VII (Carcanet Press) and The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem (Penguin Classics), among others.

She is the recipient of a PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant and an Iowa Arts Fellowship in Literary Translation from the University of Iowa.


Selected translations

  • Swanfolk by Kristín Ómarsdóttir (HarperVia/HarperCollins, USA, 2022) (Harvill Secker/Vintage, UK, 2022)
  • Forevernoon by Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (Partus Press, UK, 2022)
  • Waitress in Fall by Kristín Ómarsdóttir (Carcanet Press & Partus Press, UK, 2018)


Brian FitzGibbon - English Enska

Born in Dublin in 1960, Brian FitzGibbon graduated with a B.A. (hons) in Drama at the University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC) in 1985 and went on to study film at the Istituto di Scienze Cinematografiche in Florence. Prior to moving to Iceland in 1996, he worked in Italy as a translator and dialogue coach on a number of film productions. 

Selected Translations

Brian FitzGibbon has translated a vast array of film scripts, treatments, stage plays and novels from Italian, French and Icelandic. His most recent translations include Dýralíf (The Human Animal) by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir and Truflunin (Disturbance) by Steinar Bragi. His translation of Butterflies in November by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir was listed for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize in 2014 in the UK and his translation of the Icelandic cult novel 101 Reykjavik by Hallgrímur Helgason, published by Faber & Faber in the UK and Scribner in the US in 2002, was hailed by the Guardian as "dazzling" (read Guardian review) and the New York Times as "lucid" (NYT review). More recent translations include Woman at 1000 degrees by Hallgrímur Helgason (published by Algonquin in the US), as well as Hotel Silence and Miss Iceland by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, published by Grove in the US.

Brian's one-act play The Papar, was staged by the Abbey Theatre at the Peacock in Dublin in 1997, and subsequently adapted into a short film called Stranded, premiered at the Tribeca Film Center in New York one year later. An Icelandic translation of the play was broadcast on Icelandic radio in 2005 and nominated for a Gríman Award the same year.

His full-length play, Another Man, was a finalist at the Playwrights Slam at the 2005 Chichester Theatre Festival in the UK. A radio adaptation of the play was broadcast on Icelandic State radio in the spring of 2008 and nominated for an Icelandic Gríman Award.



Quentin Bates - English Enska

Quentin Bates lived in Iceland throughout the 1980s, working both ashore and at sea, including studying to qualify as a ship's officer. Since returning to Britain he has been (mostly) a maritime journalist, before branching out into fiction with a series of novels set in Iceland, as well as translations of novels from Icelandic to English.

Selected Translations

  • Bowline (Pelastikk) by Guðlaugur Arason, 2013, self-published
  • Snowblind (Snjóblinda) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2015, Orenda Books
  • Nightblind (Náttblinda) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2015, Orenda Books
  • Blackout (Myrknætti) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2016, Orenda Books
  • Rupture (Rof) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2016, Orenda Books
  • Whiteout (Andköf) by Ragnar Jónasson, 2017, Orenda Books
  • Snare (Gildran) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2017, Orenda Books
  • The Edge of the World (Endimörk Heimsins) by Sigurjón Magnússon, 2018, Ugla
  • Trap (Netið) Trap by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2018, Orenda Books
  • Cab 79 (79 af Stöðinni) by Indriði G Þorsteinsson, 2018, Williams & Whiting
  • Siglufjörður Ljósmyndir 1872-2018, edited by Anita Elefsen, 2018, Síldarminjasafnið
  • Cage (Búrið) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2019, Orenda Books
  • Storm Birds (Stormfuglar) by Einar Kárason, 2020, Maclehose Press
  • Betrayal (Svik) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2020 , Orenda Books
  • The Fox (Refurinn) by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, 2020, Corylus Books
  • Cold as Hell (Helköld Sól) by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, 2021, Orenda Books
  • Silenced (Fjötrar) by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, 2021, Corylus Books




Björg Árnadóttir / Andrew Cauthery - English Enska

Born and educated in Reykjavík, Björg Árnadóttir graduated from the Icelandic National Theatre School; she has lived in England since 1971, working as actor, writer, director, broadcaster and specialist teacher of dyslexic children. Her British husband Andrew Cauthery, an Oxford law graduate and musician, is fluent in Icelandic, which he learnt while working with the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra; he later became principal oboe at English National Opera. Björg and Andrew have worked together for many years, translating both English into Icelandic and Icelandic into English, working on a wide variety of manuscripts including books on Icelandic nature and technical topics, film and TV subtitling, as well as literature. An advantage of their working as a couple is that, whichever the direction of translation, the final product is always read over by the relevant 'mother tongue' speaker.

Selected Translations

  • Three novels by Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson published by Amazon Crossing: House of Evidence (2012), Daybreak (2013), and Sun on Fire (2014)
  • Reykjavík Walks by Guðjón Friðriksson, published by Hildur (2014)
  • Lake Mývatn – People and Places by Björg Árnadóttir (a different one!), published by Stílvopnið (2015)
  • Villi's Book of Science by Vilhelm Anton Jónsson, published by Edda (2016)
  • What? Where? How? In Iceland by Árni Tryggvason, published by Nýhöfn (2017)
  • And the Wind Sees All by Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, published by Peirene Press (2018)
  • Booklet and wall captions for the exhibition Lífsblómið at National Gallery of Iceland (2018)
  • The Casket of Time by Andri Snær Magnason, published by Restless Books (2019)

