Þýðendur á erlend mál
- Albanska
- Amharíska
- Arabíska
- Armenska
- Aserska
- Búlgarska
- Danska
- Eistneska
- Enska
- Esperanto
- Finnska
- Franska
- Færeyska
- Galisíska
- Georgíska
- Gríska
- Grænlenska
- Hebreska
- Hollenska
- Hvítrússneska
- Ítalska
- Japanska
- Katalónska
- Kínverska
- Kóreska
- Króatíska
- Lettneska
- Litháíska
- Makedónska
- Norska
- Portúgalska
- Portúgalska (brasilísk)
- Pólska
- Rúmenska
- Rússneska
- Serbneska
- Slóvakíska
- Slóvenska
- Spænska
- Sænska
- Taílenska
- Tékkneska
- Tyrkneska
- Ungverska
- Úkraínska
- Þýska
Aurelijus Vijūnas
Studied Icelandic philology and Germanic comparative linguistics at the University of Iceland, and later Indo-European comparative linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Currently Aurelijus lives in Taiwan, and teaches English linguistics, history of the English language, Icelandic, as well as the ancient Germanic languages at National Kaohsiung Normal University. Aurelijus has also served as an interpreter for the Icelandic Parliament (Alþingi), the National TV channel "Sjónvarpið", the National Theatre (Þjóðleikhúsið), the newspaper "Morgunblaðið", the art museum Kjarvalsstaðir, The National Immigration Office (Útlendingaeftirlitið), translating between Icelandic, English, Lithuanian, and Russian.
Selected Translations
- Poetinė Eda ("The Poetic Edda", published 2009 by "Aidai", Vilnius)
- Islandų pasakos ir sakmės (a collection of of Icelandic folk-tales and legends, published 2015 by Tyto Alba, Vilnius)
- Hávamál: vikingų išmintis (translation of Hávamál, published 2013 by "Gudrun Publishing", Reykjavik)
- Gražiausios islandų pasakos ir sakmės (a collection of Icelandic folk-tales and legends, published 2007 by "Vaiga", Kaunas).