
Hér má finna þýðendur íslenskra bókmennta á fjölmörg erlend tungumál, upplýsingar um þá og þýðingar þeirra.

- Orðstír, heiðursviðurkenning þýðenda

- Þýðendaþing í Reykjavík

- Viðtöl við þýðendur á erlend mál


Moshe Erlendur Okon

Hebreska Hebrew

Moshe Erlendur Okon was born in Jerusalem, lived in Iceland between 1995 and 1998 and still spends much time there regularly. He translates into Hebrew from Icelandic and English. Three children's books by him were published in Iceland so far.

He holds an MA degree from the Hebrew University and is a fellow of the Linnean Society of London, specializing in conchology, a subject on which he has written much.

Moshe Erlendur currently works with couples in the throes of marital breakdown (both as a family therapist and a divorce lawyer) and teaches family law and ethics.


  • Skugga Baldur, Sjón, Locus Publishing 2019
  • Stormfuglar, Einar Kárason, Lesa, 2021
  • Aðventa, Gunnar Gunnarsson,  Carmel, 2023
