Þýðendur á erlend mál
- Albanska
- Amharíska
- Arabíska
- Armenska
- Aserska
- Búlgarska
- Danska
- Eistneska
- Enska
- Esperanto
- Finnska
- Franska
- Færeyska
- Galisíska
- Georgíska
- Gríska
- Grænlenska
- Hebreska
- Hollenska
- Hvítrússneska
- Ítalska
- Japanska
- Katalónska
- Kínverska
- Kóreska
- Króatíska
- Lettneska
- Litháíska
- Makedónska
- Norska
- Portúgalska
- Portúgalska (brasilísk)
- Pólska
- Rúmenska
- Rússneska
- Serbneska
- Slóvakíska
- Slóvenska
- Spænska
- Sænska
- Taílenska
- Tékkneska
- Tyrkneska
- Ungverska
- Úkraínska
- Þýska

Shirley Levi
Shirley Levi was born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel. She majored at theatre at high school and learned Flamenco and Spanish. She later on worked in journalism and used to be a news anchor on TV. Shirley has been living in Iceland since 2001 where she raises her family. Since 2019, Shirley has been a translator and copy editor of literary fiction and children's books translations from Icelandic into Hebrew for Aryeh Nir publishers and Lesa.
- Smáglæpir, Björn Halldórsson, Lesa, 2021
- Í hjarta mínu, Ólíver Þorsteinsson, Lesa, 2021
- Fíasól í fínum málum, Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir, Lesa 2022

Moshe Erlendur Okon
Moshe Erlendur Okon was born in Jerusalem, lived in Iceland between 1995 and 1998 and still spends much time there regularly. He translates into Hebrew from Icelandic and English. Three children's books by him were published in Iceland so far.
He holds an MA degree from the Hebrew University and is a fellow of the Linnean Society of London, specializing in conchology, a subject on which he has written much.
Moshe Erlendur currently works with couples in the throes of marital breakdown (both as a family therapist and a divorce lawyer) and teaches family law and ethics.
- Skugga Baldur, Sjón, Locus Publishing 2019
- Stormfuglar, Einar Kárason, Lesa, 2021
- Aðventa, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Carmel, 2023

Shai Sendik
Shai Sendik has been a literary translator from English, French and Icelandic into Hebrew since 2007. He has translated more than 100 novels for major Israeli publishers including the works of Jane Austen, Victor Hugo, Philippe Claudel, Marcel Schwob, Jodi Picoult, Guilliaume Musso, Emma Healey, Joanna Cannon, Yaa Gyasi and more. Shai studied English and French literature at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has a B.Ed. in English from the Levinsky College of Education. He worked as an editor-in-chief at Tamir//Sendik and went on to found his own press, Lesa, which focuses on translations of Icelandic literary fiction into Hebrew.
Selected Translations
- Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, Valeyrarvalsinn, Lesa, 2020.
- Bergsveinn Birgisson, Svar við bréfi Helgu, Lesa, 2020
- Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir, Jarðnæði, Lesa, 2020
- Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Ástin Texas, Lesa, 2020
- Andri Snær Magnasson, Sagan af bláa hnettinum, Aryeh Nir, 2020
- Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Ungfrú Ísland, Lesa, 2020
- Bergsveinn Birgisson, Lifandilífslækur, Lesa, 2021
- Bergþóra Snæbjörnsdóttir, Svínshöfuð, Lesa, 2021
- Ragnar Jónasson, Dimma, Aryeh Nir, 2021
- Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Aðferðir til að lifa af, 2021
- Halldór Laxness, Sjálfstætt fólk, Lesa, 2021
- Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, Hið heilaga orð, Lesa, 2021