
Hér má finna þýðendur íslenskra bókmennta á fjölmörg erlend tungumál, upplýsingar um þá og þýðingar þeirra.

- Orðstír, heiðursviðurkenning þýðenda

- Þýðendaþing í Reykjavík

- Viðtöl við þýðendur á erlend mál


Wolfgang Schiffer - German Þýska

Wolfgang Schiffer, born in 1946, studied German literature, philosophy and dramatics at the university of the city Cologne where he is still living. He graduated in 1972 as M.A. and became a freelanced writer until 1976. Afterwards he started to work for radio WDR being in charge of radio-drama and literature. As writer he published radio- and theatreplays, novels and poetry and edited several books on Icelandic literature; as translater from Icelandic literature he focusses on poetry, preverably in collaboration with native-speaking friends. In 1991, for his merits in connection with the dissemination of Icelandic culture in Germany he was made a knight of the Falconorder of Iceland.

Selected Translations

  • „Geahnter Flügelschlag“, selected poems by Stefán Hörður Grímsson, (in collaboration (i.c.) with Franz Gíslason and Jón Thor Gíslason), Verlag Kleinheinrich, 2013
  • „Þorpið – Das Dorf“ by Jón úr Vör, (i.c. with Sigrún Valbergsdóttir and Jón Thor Gíslason), Queich Verlag, 2014
  • „Denen zum Trost, die sich in ihrer Gegenwart nicht finden können“ by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2017
  • „Freiheit“ by Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2018
  • „Gedichte erinnern eine Stimme“ by Sigurður Pálsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2019
  • „Handbuch des Erinnerns und Vergessens“ by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2020
  • „Lederjackenwetter“ by Fríða Ísberg,
    (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2021
  • „das kleingedruckte“ by Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2021

  • „Der sechste Wintermonat“ by Björg Björnsdóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), Corvinus Presse, 2021
  • „Schnee über den Buchstaben“ by Dagur Hjartarson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2022
  • „Það sem hverfur / Was verschwindet“ by Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson with pictures by Nökkvi Elíasson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), DIMMA, 2022
  • „Ewigzeit“ by Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2022
  • „Lose Blätter“ by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2023
  • „nachtarbeit“ by Sjón, (i.c. with Jón Thor Gíslason), ELIF Verlag, 2024 



Anika Wolff - German Þýska

Abitur 2004, afterwards au pair and farmwork in Hörgárdalur, Iceland.

2005-2007: Bachelor of Arts „Literary, Cultural and Media Studies“ in Siegen (Germany) and Reykjavík 2007-2009: Master of Arts „Angewandte Literaturwissenschaft“ (Applied Literary Studies) at Freie Universität Berlin 2009-2010: traineeship at children's book publishers Kindermann Verlag Berlin

since 2010: freelance translator of Icelandic literature initiation and organization of German–Icelandic translator's workshops with my colleague Tina Flecken.

Selected Translations

  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Gildran (German title: Das Netz), DuMont 2020.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: 
 Stúlkan hjá brúnni (German title: Das Mädchen an der Brücke), Lübbe 2020, Myrkrið veit (German title: Verborgen im Gletscher), Lübbe 2019, Petsamo (German title: Graue Nächte), Lübbe 2018, Þýska húsið (German title: Der Reisende), Lübbe 2018.

  • Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: R.I.P., btb 2019 & DNA, btb 2016.
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir: Englaryk (German title: Unter Engeln), btb 2020 & Allt með kossi vekur (German title: Alles beginnt mit einem Kuss), btb 2014 .
  • Kristín Steinsdóttir: Vonarlandið (German title: Hoffnungsland), C.H.Beck 2017 & Ljósa (German title: Im Schatten des Vogels), C.H.Beck 2011.
  • Birgitta Elín Hassell & Marta Hlín Magnadóttir: Rökkurhæðir I-IV(German title: Dämmerhöhe I-IV), Arena 2016.
  • Guðrún Helgadóttir: Bara gaman (German title: Blaubeeren und Vanilleeis), Dressler 2013.
  • Bjarni Haukur Thorsson: Pabbinn (German title: Hi Dad!), Heyne 2013.
  • Guðmundur Óskarsson: Bankster, Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt 2011. 



Betty Wahl - German Þýska

 Selected Translations

  • Sjón: Schattenfuchs (Skugga-Baldur). S. Fischer, Frankfurt, 2007.
  • Sjón: Das Gleißen der Nacht (Rökkurbýsnir). S. Fischer, Frankfurt, 2011.
  • Indriði G. Þorsteinsson: Taxi 79 ab Station. Transit Verlag, Berlin 2011.
  • Die Isländersagas (Nýþýðing yfir á þýsku; í fimm bindum). Fischer, Frankfurt 2011.
  • Gyrðir Elíasson: Am Sandfluss (Sandárbókin); Walde und Graf, Zürich 2011.
  • Gyrðir Elíasson: Zwischen den Bäumen (Milli trjánna). Smásögur. In: Neue Rundschau 2/2012; S. Fischer, Frankfurt, 2012 (brot).
  • Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl: Böse (Illska). Tropen, Stuttgart 2014 (ásamt T. Flecken)
  • Jón Gnarr: Indianer und Pirat. Kindheit eines begabten Störenfrieds. (Indjáninn/Sjóræninginn) Tropen, Stuttgart 2015 (ásamt Tina Flecken).
  • Sjón: Der Junge, den es nicht gab (Mánasteinn. Drengurinn sem aldrei var til), Fischer, Frankfurt, 2015.
  • Einar Már Guðmundsson: Isländische Könige (Íslenskir kóngar). btb Verlag, München 2016.
  • Sjón: Bewegliche Berge. (Gráspörvar og ígulker) ljóðasafn; þýðing: Tina Flecken með nokkrum þýðingum eftir Betty Wahl. Edition Rugerup, Berlin, 2018.
  • Sjón: CoDex1962 (Þríleikur: Augu þín sáu mig; Með titrandi tár; Ég er sofandi hurð); Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt, 2020.
  • Jón R. Hjálmarsson: 25 Isländische Volkssagen (Þjóðsögur við þjóðveginn). Forlagið, Reykjavík, væntanleg sumar 2024.

  • Gesamtausgabe der Isländersagas auf deutsch (samvinna); Saga forlag, Reykjavík. væntanleg 2025.


Tina Flecken - German Þýska

Born 1968 in Cologne, 1987-88 exchange year in Iceland, 1991-93 Icelandic for foreign students at University of Iceland, 1997 Magistra Artium in Scandinavian studies, English and German at University of Cologne, 1997-2003 managing editor for Scandinavian languages at Könemann Publishers (non-fiction), project coordinator at House of Literature Cologne (Literaturhaus Köln), freelance editor and translator since 2004, member of VdÜ (German Literary Translators' Association), organisation of translation workshops, translation of over 40 novels, short stories, essays, poetry from Icelandic to German. Tina was awarded Orðstír in 2021, the honorary award for translations of Icelandic literature to a foreign language.


Selected Translations

By: Andri Snær Magnason, Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, Árni Þórarinsson, Bjarni Bjarnason, Björg Magnúsdóttir, Bragi Ólafsson, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Gerður Kristný, Guðmundur Andri Thorsson, Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Fríða Ísberg, Ingibjörg Hjartardóttir, Jón Gnarr, Jónína Leósdóttir, Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir, Kristín Steinsdóttir, Lilja Sigurðardóttir, Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, Mikael Torfason, Pedro Gunnlaugur García, Ragnar Jónasson, Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, Sjón, Stefán Máni, Steinar Bragi, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Unnur Jökulsdóttir, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Þráinn Bertelsson and more...

See here complete list of translations


Eleonore Gudmundsson - German Þýska

Studied Scandinavian literature and linguistics as well as Journalism and communication science in Vienna and Icelandic at the University of Iceland.

Tour Guide of Iceland from Leiðsöguskóli Íslands. International Sales Manager for Frey-Wille, International PR-Manager for Swarovski and the Austrian National Tourism Office.

Lecturer of Icelandic at the University of Vienna (since 2009) - language courses, culture & area studies, translation. Owner of agency for Corporate Language and excellence in copy writing (www.corpetry.at). 

Selected Translations


  • Landslag er aldrei asnalegt, Die Landschaft hat immer recht. (Bergsveinn Birgisson; Residenz Verlag Salzburg, 2018)
  • Lifandilífslækur (Bergsveinn Birgisson) - in progress (Residenz Verlag Salzburg, 2020)
  • www.islex.hi.is  (online dictionary) - in progress 
  • Various translations for Art Events, such as Morðsaga (Ragnar Kjartansson at BAWAG Foundation, Vienna (2011); schneeblind. Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck
  • Three folktales by Jón Árnason in Harald Krassnitzer (Herausgeber): Rauhnächte. Wunderbares für eine besondere Zeit. Residenz Verlag, 2019.




Kristof Magnusson - German Þýska

Writer and translator from Icelandic to German. His latest novels are "Arztroman" and "Das war ich nicht" (Verlag Antje Kunstmann), the latter was published in Iceland as well: "Það var ekki ég", translated by Bjarni Jónsson. His comedy "Männerhort" (Verlag der Autoren) has seen more than 100 productions all across Europe and was produced in Iceland by national public radio RÚV as a radioplay ("Karlagæslan") with Arnar Jónsson, Árni Pétur Guðjónsson, Benedikt Erlingsson og Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, directed by Lárus Ýmir Óskarsson. Translation and adaptation: Bjarni Jónsson.

Selected Translations

  • Arnaldur Indriðason: Tregasteinn (German title: Tiefe Schluchten), Lübbe 2023; Þagnarmúr (German title: Wand des Schweigens), Lübbe 2022
  • Einar Kárason: "Sturlungabækurnar": Skáld/Skálmöld/Óvinafagnaður/Ofsi. btb Verlag 2017
  • Auður Jónsdóttir: Ósjáfrátt. btb Verlag 2016
  • Auður Jónsdóttir: Vetrarsól. btb Verlag 2011
  • Hallgrímur Helgason, 10 ráð til að hætta að drepa fólk og byrja að vaska upp. Tropen Verlag 2011
  • Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir: blysfarir. Blumenbar Verlag 2011
  • Grettis Saga, S. Fischer Verlag 2011
  • Þórbergur Þórðarson: Íslenzkur Aðall. S. Fischer Verlag 2011
  • Hannes Sigfússon: dymbilvaka/imbrudagar. "die horen" 2011
  • Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson: Skilaboðaskjóðan. S. Fischer Verlag 2008



Gisa Marehn - German Þýska

Gisa Marehn studied at Humboldt University in Berlin and at the University of Iceland with focus on Iceland and Icelandic language, linguistics and ethnology. She holds a M.A. degree in Scandinavian studies, cultural sciences and geography.
Among other positions, she worked at the German embassy in Iceland, the Icelandic embassy in Berlin, at Humboldt University, at the University of Iceland and as the foreign language assistant at a research institute in Flensburg, Northern Germany.

Since 1996 Gisa Marehn has lived for several years in Iceland and since 2009 she is a freelance translator of Icelandic literature. She is in addition working as editor and corrector of German and of translated novels and is member of the VdÜ (association of German translators of literary and scientific publications).

Selected Translations

  • Góðir Íslendingar - "Liebe Isländer" by Huldar Breiðfjörð, Aufbau Verlag 2011
  • Færeyskur dansur - "Schafe im Schnee" by Huldar Breiðfjörð, Aufbau Verlag 2013
  • Hrafninn - "Die Winterfrau" by Vilborg Davíðsdóttir, btb Verlag 2011 (together with Anika Wolff)
  • Leikarinn - "Eiskaltes Gift" by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, Aufbau Verlag 2014
  • Hinir réttlátu - "Tote Wale" by Sólveig Pálsdóttir, Aufbau Verlag 2015
  • Jólasveinarnir - "Die Weihnachtsburschen" by Jóhannes úr Kötlum, Oetinger Verlag 2016
  • Andlit norðursins - "Gesichter des Nordens" by Ragnar Axelsson (RAX), Knesebeck Verlag 2016




Karl-Ludwig Wetzig - German Þýska

After completing his studies in the fields of German Language and Literature, History and Scandinavian studies at the universities of Bonn and Uppsala, Karl-Ludwig Wetzig became a research assistant at the Institute of Scandinavian Studies at the Göttingen University, as well as in German Research Foundation's Special Research Project on Literary translation. From 1992 to 1998 he lived in Iceland and taught German language and literature as DAAD-lecturer at the University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands). Since then he has been translating literature from Iceland and the other Nordic countries into German. For his translation of Hallgrímur Helgason's novel 101 Reykjavík he was honoured with a prize of the renowned Dialog-Werkstatt Zug, Switzerland, and has received several scholarships of the Icelandic Writers Association, Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Irish and German Translators Associations and Finnish Literary Society. 

Selected Translations

So far he has translated from Icelandic works of  Hallgrímur Helgason,  Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Guðbergur Bergsson, Gerður Kristný and others, as well as the Saga of Brennu-Njáll and Laxdæla saga from Old Icelandic.
